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Narrator's POV

A few days after camp ended, Camila and her family packed up most of their things and moved to Miami, Florida. The Hansen Family, including Dinah, moved to the house next door about two weeks later. Lauren and Camila lived only ten minutes away from each other and spent every last second of summer together. Their parents were both very accepting of their relationship and supported them more than anything in the world, despite what others said. Dinah, Camila, and their siblings easily adjusted to their new schools and actually ended up liking them more than their old ones.

Normani instantly hit it off with Dinah due to their obsession with Beyonce and love for the other music artists. They both dated boys on the football and almost always went out on double dates while Camila and Lauren had some alone time. All four girls got along great and all saw Ally as much as possible. She went to a college in Florida and visited them every other weekend so that they could have their jam sessions and crazy adventures.

Camila and Lauren did return back to camp for one more summer and kept in touch with Brittney throughout the year. Patricia did not return, but Emily did...and let's just say the karoake party happened after all. Dinah and Normani spent their summers working and Ally usually went on vacation with her family and boyfriend.

The five girls remained in contact their whole life and never grew apart, even when they went away for college. Camila and Lauren attended the University of Miami and did have some ups and downs throughout their relationship, but they did eventually overcome each and every one. Ally finished college before the rest of the girls and got married to her long term boyfriend, Troy. Lauren, Camila, Dinah, and Normani were the bridesmaids.

Lauren became a writer and Camila taught English at a nearby middle school. They fell more in love with each other every single day and never forgot the first summer that they spent together. After being together for seven years, they decided to get married in New York and have their honeymoon in Fiji after fantasizing about going there for months.

They bought a house near the ocean in Miami and always made sure to invite the girls to come over so that they could all catch up. Dinah became a successful solo artist and was usually touring, but always made sure to spend time with everyone and bring them on stage for the encores of her concerts.

Lauren's POV (present)

I walked into the living room to find Camila sleeping on the couch after she stayed up for hours watching reruns of Full House. It was adorable to see her still look so beautiful even with no makeup and her hair all messy. I quietly tiptoed over to the tv to shut it off and took a seat next to her. 

My phone started buzzing out of nowhere when I realized I had set an alarm by accident for 1:08 AM. I knew that it was really late and that I needed to wake her up...but she just looked so peaceful. 

"Mommy?" a quiet voice whispered from the staircase.

I instantly got up and walked over to see what was wrong.

"What's wrong Abby?" I whispered, picking my daughter up gently. 

"You said Mommy was going to come kiss me goodnight. She never c-came," Abby whimpered, rubbing her eyes upset.

"Aw. Don't cry baby...I have you. Mommy fell asleep and I was just about to wake her. Want to come with me?" I asked, trying my best to calm her down.

She nodded her head slowly as I walked over to the couch and placed her down next to Camila. Her shoulder length wavy brown hair always reminded me of Camila's and everything about her was so adorable...just like her mother.

"Mommy," she whispered, poking Camila gently. "Wake up. I'm tired."

She twitched a bit before shifting around and eventually waking up. Her eyes opened slowly and then adjusted, reminding me of when I used to wake her up at summer camp.

"Babe?" she asked in a deeper voice than usual, meeting my gaze with a smile.

I smiled back at her and pointed towards Abby as she nodded and sat up on the couch. 

"Abby. What's wrong hunny? It's really late.." she asked concerned, picking up Abby and placing her on her lap. 

"I was waiting for you to tuck me in..." Abby yawned.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry..." Camila replied with a guilty expression. 

She picked up Abby and whispered that she would be right back before carrying her up the stairs and then to her room. 

We had adopted Abby after both of us thought it would be a better decision than having our own child. We wanted to provide a home and love to a child that was not in the best situation. Abby was in a foster home and we adopted her when she was only one. As a four year old, she didn't remember anything about living there, but did know that she was adopted and didn't mind at all.

Camila returned downstairs and instantly koala hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder comfortably.

"Camz!!" I giggled, stumbling backwards onto the couch as we both laughed uncontrollably. 

"Lauren....I'm so tired, but I don't even want to sleep," she smiled.

"I have an idea," I winked.

"Oh shush. I'm too tired for that Lolo. Cuddle with me?" 

"Of course," I nodded before settling behind her and draping my arm over her. 

"I love you," she yawned, intertwining our fingers.

"More than pizza?"

"More than pizza," she answered with no hesitation.

"I love you more," I replied, only to hear her snoring.

I always knew that I was in love with Karla Camila Cabello.

The enddddd. Thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting for my story. I came up with this idea out of nowhere and tried my best to write it the way I wanted it to be. Please check out my other two books: The New Girl (Camren) and Waiting to be Saved (A Demi Fanfic). If you have any questions or want to talk, please inbox me. Ily all and I'll probably be starting a new story soon :)

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