Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

"Bye Vero. I'll see you in a little over a week. It was so nice to see you girl!" I said goodbye and tried to hide the fact that I hated being away from my best friend for such a long time. We did everything together and were pratically sisters. I wished that she had come to the camp with me, but then again, I wouldn't have enjoyed being here if it wasn't for Camila.

"Bye you two. I hope to see you again Camila...don't let her go Lauren. I'm serious..." she warned jockingly as she picked up her suitcase and tossed it into the trunk of her car. Her white mercedes was almost always the talk of the town; mostly because no one could believe her parents trusted her to drive it safely.

"Aw. Bye Vero. Hope to you soon!" Camila replied. 

Vero pulled us in for a group hug and waved before she put the key in the ignition and drove away, leaving Camila and I alone in the parking lot.

"Mmmmm. Alone time," I smirked, picking up Camila and carefully placing her over my shoulder. 

"Lolo! I'm going to fall!" she screamed, trying her best not to laugh.

I ignored her concerns, knowing that I wouldn't drop her, and continued walking back to the cabin while carrying her until we reached the steps.

"I'm going to put you down because I don't trust myself going up the steps with you," I admitted, placing her down on the dry dirt.

She bit her lip and blushed, realizing that I cared about her and her well being, even when I was trying to show off. I couldn't help but stare at how beautifully her hair flowed, almost like the waves of the ocean. Her lips were so full and it killed me to look at them without being able to kiss her, as much as I loved our conversations. 

"Come're so cute," she whispered, taking my hand in hers to lead me towards the door. 

"I am not," I countered.

She nodded sarcastically and brought me to her bunk, pratically tossing me onto the bed like a rag doll. I loved when she took control, especially when no one was around to hear what we were up to. We crashed our lips together and kissed without hesitation for awhile until she rolled over and felt something pressing into her back. She pulled back quickly and tried to find what it was without changing her position at first.

"Ow...babe something's hitting me. I think I need to get up," she said sadly as I released my grasp.

She hopped off the bed and searched through the sheets quickly. I moved a few things around to make it easier as I saw her expression completely change. She looked as though she was angry, but about to cry at the same time.


"What's t-this?" she asked reluctantly, shaking her head in disbelief.

Camila lifted up a lighter, a letter, and a small bag of weed. I knew that Vero had left it for me and I wanted to kill her for doing something so stupid. I had promised myself that I wasn't going to get involved with drugs, even back at home, because of Camila and how she taught me that people can have fun without being high. I never had the chance to explain to her how involved I was with drugs back home and didn't want her to find out the way she did.

"Vero must have-"

"No. I thought you were done with that stuff. It's not good for you and I don't want to date anyone who thinks they need to be around drugs in order to live. I want to read this note," she insisted, picking it up aggressively.

She took a deep breathe and started to read it out loud with terror in her eyes.

"Lauren, I know this whole camp thing can get pretty stressful, so I thought this would help. Our squad misses you and I'm pretty sure the kids in town miss their dealer. I'm not sure if Camila smokes, but this can come in handy if she does. I miss being able to just get high whenever with my best friend. Enjoy the rest of camp. Love, Vero"

Tears were forming in her eyes as she pressed her lips together to avoid crying. I had no idea what to say or do, but I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything was going to be alright. She was upset with what she had just read and I couldn't lie and say it wasn't true, because it was. I hadn't smoked since Camila and I started dating and I did miss it...but I was never going to go back to the life I used to live.

"S-So you didn't just do sold them?" she mumbled astonished.

"'s true, but-"

"I don't know what to believe anymore. I thought were going to tell each other everything..." she avoided my gaze and placed her hand on her forehead.

"We do. I'm sorry... I was going to tell you. I'm not selling drugs when I go back home...I decided that awhile ago. I haven't smoked since we talked about it and I won't smoke weed ever again. I can't make promises about cigerattes because I've been smoking regularing since the 8th grade, but I'm going to work on it though. I want to be a better person...for you. For us," I explaining, placing my hand on her knee.

She shook her head and gulped loudly, trying to decide what to say. I felt her leg shift under my touch and instantly knew something was still wrong.

"I-I just need to think," she replied emotionless.

"Ok...I'm sorry, Camz. I love you."

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