Chapter 28

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Camila's POV

There were only two days left of camp and unfortunately, I knew that what I was dreading needed to be addressed. We were having our last date since the next day was our last camp bonfire and we wanted to attend to spend time with Ally and Brit. I had been debating the whole day about how to bring up us separating without upsetting her or mentally breaking down. She had to have known that it was coming sooner than later, but nothing would have made it any easier.

Lauren had planned this date and set it up in a scavenger hunt type of way. My first clue was on my bunk in our cabin on top of my pillow, folded perfectly. I picked it up and studied the outside and how pretty my name looked when Lauren wrote it in cursive. I unfolded it and revealed what was written inside, darting my eyes around the room to make sure no one saw me smiling like an idiot. 


You're beautiful and this whole night is about us. Let's take a trip down memory lane since we have been here so far. I want to make sure that you know how much I love you. Be careful since it's probably dark outside by now babe. Visit one of our favorite places where a strange pizza boy joined us for one of our previous dates. You'll find the second clue there. Good luck. xoxo Lolo

I pressed the note against my heart and took a deep breathe before exiting the cabin. I wanted to sprint knowing that Lauren was waiting for me...but my skater skirt kept me from doing it. I had spent an hour straigtening my hair and another hour on my makeup, although she said I could just wear pajamas because none of it mattered to her as long as I was with her. As I approached the dock, I shuffled my way past some of the other campers and found the note waiting for me.


Yay you found this before some creepy guy least I hope it's you reading this. Go to one of your favorite places although it doesn't have the best food...I'm sure you won't be hungry after our date though. By the way if you're blushing I know you too well. xoxo Lolo

The Mess Hall. I placed the note in my back pocket and sprinted through the doors. A few lunch ladies gave me some weird and confused looks, but I ignored them and continued towards our usual table. How could she be so clever and cute at the same time?

The note was on a plate with a brownie topped with nutella and strawberries cut into hearts surrounding it. I read the note as I finished what Lauren, or someone else very talented, had put together for me to eat.


This is the last note. I figured some of the other lunch ladies read this already, so I'm not going to go into too much detail for their sake. Visit the place where things got very heated and the only other ones that saw were plants. That's where I am :) I love you. xoxo Lolo

I finished eating as quickly as possible and left the Mess Hall to find the greenhouse Lauren had occasionally taken me to as a getaway. It was only a few minutes away as I ran at a decent pace and knew what was waiting, I would have taken a plane if it was possible. I could see the greenhouse in the distance and felt the butterflies in my stomach instantly get worse. The door was open and Lauren was waiting patiently with a seductive smirk, sitting on a chair.

"Aw you are so adorable!" I screamed, running towards her and straddling her body. I ran my hand through her hair and cupped her cheeks gently. Our tongues fought for dominance until she eventually won like usual and I did not mind at all. Her hands roamed my back and eventually landed on my butt, which was also normal for us. She pulled me closer to her body and started kissing my neck slowly. I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"We have plenty of time for this later baby," I started. "I want to enjoy what you put together."

"Mhm," she giggled. "I could do either all day."

I rolled my eyes sarcastically as we both chuckled and I took a seat down next to her. There were candles surrounding us that helped us escape from the dirt and other weird smells in the greenhouse.

"You look beautiful and really sexy by the way," she said as I blushed. She was biting down on her lip and studying my body in the most perfect way.

"You look amazing," I replied shyly, admiring her tight shorts and white bustier which was totally torturing me in the best way possible.

She had a box of pizza with my name written on the it and other snacks set up as well. I had noticed a journal next to where she was sitting and was curious what it was for.

"Lolo...what's the journal about?" 

"Oh," she responded quickly. "I want to give it you. I have written in it since day one of camp and I talk about everything that has gone on since then. I trust you and want you to read all about how I first thought of you. Don't worry there's nothing bad...I just want you to have another piece of my heart."

"Aw that's so sweet. I have something for you too...I'll give it to you tomorrow. I love you so much. Thank you for the journal," I smiled, pecking her lips.

"No problem Camz. I've had such a great time and I love you more than you'll probably ever realize. You mean so much to me and I just want to spend every minute with you from now on. You're everything to me...and I need you to know that," she admitted. She picked up my hand and kissed it softly before interlacing our fingers.

"You are literally the sweetest person in this world and I love you too. I could not agree more with everything you said. Plus you came up with this amazing and cute date. Tell me again why I deserve you?" I joked, placing my head in her lap as I looked up to meet her gaze.

"Only if you tell me how I deserve you," she replied.

"Hmm...that's not possible because I don't," I blushed. I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes briefly. "Lauren...we need to talk."

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