Chapter 9

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Camila's POV

I still couldn't believe that I was the one who had come up with this crazy plan of pratically ditching a whole day of camp. We snuck around by the beach, ate some food in our cabin while no one was in there and mostly talked as well as kissing nonstop. Lauren promised me that she would never smoke weed while we were here again and I completely forgave her for what had happened. Of course Jess was not so happy about it, but none of that mattered to us as long as we had each other. As the night grew closer, we knew we would have to return for dinner because we were starving and needed to explain ourselves. We arrived at the Mess Hall, took a few deep breathes and walked toward Ann who did not look very happy to see us. 

"Hi Ann...we're really sorry," I began, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Sorry?! That's all you have to say? We were about to send out groups of campers to look for you two! The whole camp was in hysterics thinking that you both had gone missing or worse! I was about to call the police and your parents....where were you?!" she asked concerned, but also very mad. Her face was as red as a tomato and she looked as if she was about to explode with anger. I could understand why she could have been worried, but I had never seen her this mad.

"We were lost.." Lauren said without a care. She darted her eyes around the room and flipped her dark brown hair to the other side of her head without a worry in the world.

How could she be so calm? I really need to stop worrying all of the time.

"That's it? You got lost....for 8 hours?!" Ann yelled, causing almost everyone to turn around and look at us.

"Well...we missed breakfast because we were tired and then we went looking for you or anyone from the camp. We couldn't figure out where we were so we decided to keep walking until we realized that we had went too far in the wrong direction. Eventually, we found our way back and immediately came here," I explained as Lauren nodded.

Ann looked back and forth between us and I could sense that she was calming down.

"Ok ok....I'm s-sorry I yelled at you both. I was just really worried that something bad had happened. I want all of the campers to have a nice time and to be safe. Please don't let this happen again," she replied calmly with a smile. Thank God she let us off easy.

We both nodded and sat down alone at a secluded table to avoid all of the questions and take a break from the craziness.


Lauren's POV

"Tell us what's going on right now," Jess demanded as soon as we step foot in the cabin.

"Yeah!" Brittney added, actually taking off her headphones for once.

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked, trying to act clueless. Everyone was looking at us and I felt as if I was in some bad movie.

"You know! First you were both tired and then you disappear for the whole damn day?! What's going on?" she asked, still putting up a fight and not about to back down.

There was determination in her eyes as Brittney encouraged her and Emily and Patricia stayed out of it. Why did she even care? 

"We honestly got lost..." Camila replied shyly, not wanting to anger Jess anymore than we already had.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I could feel my pulse quickening at the thought of Jess actually figuring out what we were up to and announcing it to the whole cabin. I didn't want anyone else to start thinking about it, but it was a little too late for that. 

"Oh shut up Camila! As if I'm going to believe Miss. Innocence. Tell me right now or I'll..I'll say you confessed to ditching camp!" Jess yelled with an evil smile, thinking of using blackmail against us.

What happened to the cool Jess that I had met on our first day? The one who just wanted to have fun and hated Brittney. Why was she so annoyed out of nowhere?!

"Listen the hell up Jess. You're not the leader of this cabin and you have no right to yell at us or tell us that we're lying! So just back your ass away and stop trying to start shit," I responded while clenching my fists. No one was going to threaten or tell Camila to shut up. 

"Oh yes I am Lauren. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go talk to Ann.." she added with a swift turn towards the door.

"Good luck with that. And I'll tell her about a little stash you have...yeah! That's right!" I screamed as she violently opened the door and got in my face within seconds.

"You better not mention a goddamn thing about that!" Jess shouted about an inch or two away from my face.

I had been in fights before, but I knew that I would win them. This I wasn't too sure about. 

"Oh I won't. As long as you sit your ass back in your bunk and stop trying to play detective!" 

"Fine," she said with a huff as she walked into the bathroom.

You could hear a pin drop as we all just stared at each other in silence, until of couse Emily had to say something creepy. She hopped out of her bunk, pratically falling over and started to ask ridiculous questions.

"Ohhh. What type of stash? Candy??? How come I don't get any?! I want some airheads..maybe if I sniff this out I can find them!" Emily squealed as she threw herself onto the ground and began sniffing everyones bags.

"There's no candy! Now be quiet and go to bed you freak!" Brittney screamed as Emily approached her bunk, about to start sniffing Brittney's bags. 

Emily just shrugged her shoulders and returned to her bunk to go to sleep. Camila was standing next to me still in awe about what had happened with Jess. She was definitely shaken up and I couldn't comfort her in front of them because it would have been too obvious. That hurt me the most.

A few minutes passed until the counselors came in and called lights out, turning the whole room pitch black. I could hear Brittney's music from the other side of the room as well as Jess who was blaring screamo through her low quality headphones. I didn't even want to know what Emily and Patricia were up to when I heard Camila sniffling in her bunk. I waited a few minutes and decided to do what I wanted to do no matter what anyone else would think if they saw. I knew that most of them were asleep and no one was able to see anything unless they turned on a flashlight. That was my chance. 

I crawled down the ladder of my bunk as silently as possible and got into Camila's. I layed down behind her and she almost jumped in shock.

"Lauren?" she asked confused with a sleepy voice. Adorable.

"Shhh. It's just me baby. I'm here don't be scared," I whispered in her ear so that only she was able to hear as I pulled her closer to my body and held her hand to calm her down. 

"Aww. I love you Lolo," she mumbled while turning around and kissing me quickly.

"I love you too. I'm going to stay here for about an hour and then go back to my bunk so that I'm there in the morning. Go to sleep and don't worry Camz."

I could feel her nodding her head and everything felt so picture perfect with her laying in my arms. I wish that I could have stayed next to her for the whole night, but I knew that that moment would come some day.

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