Chapter 12

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Camila's POV

It was nothing like I had expected my first time to be; it was amazing. Whenever I was at school, girls would always talk about how awful their first time was and how they had hoped the second time would be better. I used to pretend that I didn't hear them because I didn't want them to think that I was some creepy pervert that actually cared about their social lives. I always thought that my first time would be in college with someone who would have gotten me drunk or with some guy that didn't even care about me. Lauren made sure I was ok and comfortable and it could not have been anymore perfect. 

I woke up the next day feeling even more confident in my relationship with Lauren. Everyone in our cabin was very confused to see us walking out of the secluded room the next day, but I think they put two and two together eventually. At least most of them.

"Rise and shine!" the normal wake up crew screamed, claiming that they had lost their air horn. I was almost positive that someone stole it, but who knows.

Lauren and I had pretended that we were already up and getting ready to avoid any questions or suspicion from them. My messy hair and our outfits that were half on were probably a giveaway, but we didn't care. 

"Where were you guys? I woke up at 4 and you both weren't in your bed!!" Emily whined.


"We, well," I stuttered.

"I knew it! You were singing karaoke without me!" she screamed with tears in her eyes. Was she serious?!

"Oh my god! No we weren't! We were both in the bathroom at the same time! Just stop with the karaoke," Lauren practically begged as we were both caught off guard.

"Ok ok...maybe another time," she mumbled before picking out her clothes for the day and going into the bathroom to get changed.

Brittney and Patricia were getting ready while Jess just stared at us with the biggest smirk on her face. What now?

"I know what you were doing...and that's against camp rules. You should be more quiet next time Camila," Jess laughed hysterically before shaking her head and walking away from us.

"You know! She is such a bitch! What happened to her? You were fine don't worry..." Lauren said, hugging me from behind with her arms around my waist.

I turned towards her to nod my head, but tears were streaming down my face beyond my control.

Lauren's POV

That was the first time I saw her cry...and I hated it. I never wanted to see her upset or feeling bad about herself because there was no reason for her to feel that way. 

" don't cry. You were amazing and she probably didn't even hear shit! She's a whore and an ass....and she knows that," I whispered while rubbing her arms and having her go outside so that we were able to talk in private.

"I-I know...but the fact that she knows scares me. I don't w-want the whole camp to think I sleep around. I did that because I love you and trust you...I don't want it to spread to anyone," she struggled to say through her tears as I held her close to me and tried to calm her down.

"It won't. I would never let that happen Camz," I whispered in her ear before she nodded and kissed my cheek quickly.


After the everyday long activities, we all decided to head up to our cabin early instead of hanging out by the bonfire. Everyone was really tired and it was apparently going to rain, so it was the best decision to just stay in.

"Oh! Oh! Can we play Connect Four? I brought the travel size game!!" Emily screamed, hoping we would eventually agree to one of her immature ideas.

"NO!" we all yelled back in unison, besides Patricia, who started mumbling random math equations under her breath and then decided to hide under her bunk.

"I'm gonna be in my bunk! Don't get my attention unless someone's dying. Actually...don't get my attention at all," Brittney said while she was about to watch one of Lamp Level's videos she had recorded on her phone. 

"Ok! Yeah I'll be outside...don't bother me either," Jess replied while giving Camila and I a pointed look. She opened the back door and slammed it shut, making it clear that she did not want any company.

Camila and I decided to take a nap for a little while, not knowing if we were actually going to sleep or if we had other things in mind. We settled in my bunk and dozed off in each others arms.


knock. knock. knock.

"Shit!" Camila screamed, checking her watch to realize that only fifteen minutes had gone by. She stretched her arms and we both got up to see who it was.

"Whose knocking?" I asked while getting up to open the door in a hurry.

I swung it open to find someone I had least expected to behind it. Her hair was tied in a ponytail with a baseball hat and her khaki pants and golf type t-shirt were a frightening sight. 

"Hello ladies! If you actually read your camp handbook..which I hope you did, you would know that there are two cabin checks throughout the time you are staying here! So....CABIN CHECK NUMBER ONE! Stay where you are until we give you the ok that you can pick things up," Ann yelled while darting her eyes around the cabin, debating where to start.

She searched through our bags, bunks and shelves one by one. Everything was ok until she reached Jess's final bag and found a few beer cans. We all knew that she kept her weed and cigarettes hidden outside where Ann would probably never find them. 

"Well, well, well. Just when I thought that this was going to be the first year that I didn't find anything! Whose bag is this?!" She asked furiously. She demanded to know whose bag it was and if we knew anything about it, which we all had said we didn't. 

"Oh that's Jess's bag!" Emily yelled nonchalantly, not realizing how much trouble Jess was going to get into. Jess was going to kill her.

"Where is she?" Ann asked, still extremely mad.

We all pointed to the back door knowing that something bad was about to happen and just waited for them to return inside.

We heard a few loud screams and a lot of yelling before the door creaked open. Jess returned inside with a blunt in her hand and Ann holding her by her arm in rage. Her eyes were red and she looked as though her mind was in a different place. Ann picked up the bag with the beer and left the cabin with Jess, slamming the door so hard that we thought our cabin was going to collapse with us inside.

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