Chapter 13

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Camila's POV

A few days after Jess had left the cabin, it was safe to say that no one missed her smoking and her attitude. Ann had come in to tell us that Jess had to leave and would not be returning to camp. They had to call her parents and apparently she was in hysterics about how she "regretted" everything and wanted a second chance. They didn't buy anything she was saying. I didn't feel sorry for her because she knew the rules and chose not to follow them. Ann warned us that we all better not have smoked or drank, and if we ever did, we would also be sent home right away.

"Well at least we don't have to deal with her drama," Lauren admitted while pulling me to sit into her lap. She nuzzled her head into my shoulder and kissed my neck as I nodded. She rubbed her fingertips up and down my arms lightly causing my whole body to shiver. Lauren was enjoying every second of it.

"Lauren...the girls are getting ready in the next room," I reminded her with a smile as she held me even closer to her body.

"Oh I know...who said we were doing anything?" she whispered softly, teasing me even more. I could feel her playing with my air gently and her warm breathe on my back. I let out a deep breathe and tried my best to control myself.

" are such a tease!" I giggled, pushing her back so that she fell into her bunk. She tried to pull me down next to her, but I couldn't let her win that easily.

"Teases don't get cuddle or kisses!" I pouted.

"Awww. You sound like a little kid. Come here, Camz," she joked as I gave up and settled in next to her, placing my head comfortably on her chest.

We layed down for a few minutes, holding each others hand and kissing, until we realized it was time to get ready.

"Grrrr. We only have ten minutes until breakfast!" I groaned, getting up to get changed. 


Lauren's POV

It was our last cycle of activities that day and we were forced to play soccer against the boys our age. Most of them were out of shape or were just not athletic at all, except for Austin and his two friends. They kept complaining that they wanted to play basketball, but no one was budging in letting them change the schedule. We had to wear these stinky yellow jerseys while the boys just all had to wear white t-shirts. Everyone stretched as a counselor explained the rules and emphasized no physical contact for our sake. 

"You ready girls?" Austin asked, jumping up and down. His snapback was a little too big for his head and so were his shorts. 

"Yep!" Camila responded with a smile. 

Something was weird about him. 

"Let's start this game!" his friend Rob yelled, playfully shoving some of his teammates. 

The game started and the boys immediately stole the ball, dribbling down the field and passing back and forth to each other. Another one of Austin's friends, Alex, took a step back and kicked the ball into the goal like it was nothing. Their whole team high fived him and jumped around with excitement. We were only playing until one of the teams scored two points because the game wasn't expected to end very quickly, although it did.

This time we got the ball. I didn't trust Patricia, Emily or Brittney, so I decided to dribble it past the defenders myself instead. I saw Camz standing close to the goal with Austin trying to block her and still really wanted her to score. I kicked it in between Rob's legs, which was my famous trick, and passed it to Camila's side. Austin tried to steal it away, but she kicked it faster and ended up scoring us a goal. She was actually really good at soccer and offense especially. I hugged her as the rest of our team didn't seem to care or understand what was going on. I wanted to make sure that Austin knew that we were dated, so I quickly pecked her lips and continued the game without any hesitation. Patricia tried to hide under a bench, but all of the counselors made her play anyway.

The boys ended up scoring another goal off a cheap shot and won. We all had to shake hands which was very weird considering some of them got really excited over barely touching us. Most of them were really sweaty and some of them were nervous, which creeped me out even more. It was just a handshake. 

"Nice game you two!" Austin smirked, while pulling us in for a group hug. Ummmm

"Thanks! You too," Camila responded, returning the smile again. I just nodded my head slowly and watched him. He was definitely checking Camila out, which I of course could not tolerate. 

"We should all hangout later. I can bring my friends too.." he added, pointing to where they were all standing.

"Maybe! We might go on a date tonight," I beat Camila to answering and he still looked a little shocked.

"Ohhh. I wasn't sure you were dating. Well maybe another time. I'll see you both later for dinner," he suggested, running back over to his friends.

I ran my hand through my hair nervously, knowing that there was a good chance that he had a crush on Camila. It was really hot and I could see that Camila was really tired from playing soccer in the heat. Her face was flushed and she was a little sweaty; I was too.

"We're going on date? Yay!!" Camila cheered before jumping into my arms.

"Of course! Wanna go to the beach later until curfew? Then we can do something else," I winked, knowing that she knew what I had in mind.

"Sounds amazing," she agreed, her eyes widening at the thought of what I was planning. 

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