Chapter 32

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Lauren's POV

"Hello everyone! As many of you already know, I make the same sort of speech every year. I hate doing this because I know that after you all leave I won't see many of you until next year," Ann began. "Although some of you can be a pain...I will miss you all more than you think. I love my job and the fact that I, along with the rest of the staff, can help you meet new friends and discover new passions. I do know that being a teenager is not very easy and it's always nice to have a friend or two by your side. I hope that you stay in contact with those you met and love...because you never know when they might need you. My email is on the website as always if you ever need anything. Please stay safe, don't listen to negative people, and be sure to sign up for camp next year. I'm looking forward to seeing you all next summer and I hope that you have an amazing year!"

She stepped down from the podium as all of us cheered and clapped. Many campers broke down in tears, but others sprinted towards the door. It was then that I realized that this camp was what we made out of the experience that mattered. Some kids spent their summer counting down the days until it ended and others had the time of their lives. When I first heard I was going here, I prepared for the worst and wanted no part of anyone. But when I first laid eyes on Camila and got to know her...I realized I was so wrong. I fell in love.

Camila's POV

My hand immediately held onto Lauren's as we walked towards the parking lot and tried to locate either of our parents. I kept my head up, not ashamed of who saw, and darted my eyes around to hopefully find my mom and sister. I knew that my dad wasn't going to be able to make it because he was going on a business trip. I wanted him to meet Lauren and see how perfect she really was...but I knew that my mom would be able to see for herself. 

"Camz! My parents are over there!" Lauren screamed, pulling me towards them instantly.

We ran over to them and I stopped as soon as we reached where they were standing, completely out of breath.

"Mom, Dad, Chris. This is my girlfriend Camila. Camila...this is my family," she smiled. Her long hair shimmered under the sunlight and her eyes were practically glowing. 

I was completely nervous and out of my element as usual. I shook all of their hands and tried my best to keep it together and not freak out. 

Her brother seemed around our age and had a bit of a Justin Bieber hairstyle going on. He looked sort of like Lauren...but I could tell immediately that they had completely different personalities.

"It's so nice to meet you. Lauren tells me great things about each of you," I said friendly.

"Nice to meet you too! Aw you're so cute...good choice Lauren," her mom winked before hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much hunny. Now it wasn't so bad after I can already see."

"I missed you all so much!" Lauren replied, pulling her brother and dad into a warm embrace. "'s the girlfriend?"

"We broke up...I have my eye on this girl I worked with though," he replied confidently, brushing his hair gently with his hand.

Lauren nodded and began talking to her dad when Lauren's mom tapped me.

"Camila. It's really amazing to see that Lauren has found such a nice girl. I can't wait to hear all about you. Where do you live?" she asked interested.

"Thank you and South Carolina," I smiled as someone poked my back. 

"Mommy!" I screamed, holding onto her for dear life. Although I hated to admit it, I missed seeing her everyday and going to her for advice. We were like best friends and even though we fought a lot...she meant the world to me.

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