Chapter 26

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Camila's POV

I knew what I wanted at that point, and that was that I never ever wanted to let Lauren go, no matter what came between us. She made me feel special and I didn't constantly feel the need to change who I was when we were together. She had told me that she felt the same way, and I couldn't have been any happier.

Emily had started hanging out with kids in the younger groups which helped because she stayed out of trouble and stopped causing us stress. Patricia was acting as Patricia usually did, but she didn't pose any problems that would affect anyone else. Brittney was always busy with Rob, but we loved whenever she joined us occasionally. Lauren and I had spent the first two days of the last week of camp getting to know even more about each other. I wanted to bring up how we were going to deal with being separated, but she looked so happy and I didn't want to kill the mood. There were five days left of camp and that was definitely not enough time to be with Lauren...I needed years and forever.

"Babe!" I heard Lauren scream from outside of the cabin. She had gone out to get some fresh air before we had to play flag football, which we were going to ditch after a few minutes anyway. Some of the girls got way too into the game and ended up tackling campers to the ground. Wanting no part in that, Lauren agreed that we shouldn't play and do something together instead.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking around the outside of the cabin. "Where are you?"

I could see her scrunching her nose with a confused expression, standing with her hands on her hips. She wore spandex that was as tight as spandex could ever be...and I'm pretty sure no one was complaining. Her old worn t-shirt from a previous camp she attended hung off of her shoulder, but comfortably. I never could understand how she almost never put her hair into a ponytail and how it never got frizzy either. It basically proved my point that she was perfect.

"Whose is that?" she questioned, pointing to a guitar case behind the bench on our porch. "Who plays guitar?"

I was going to surprise her and play her a song the night before we left, but she caught me. It wasn't like she ruined my plan, because I wanted to play it for her no matter what the day was. I instantly relaxed and my worried expression suddenly turned into a smile that I wasn't able to hide. I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards her, placing my hands around her neck.

"Do you think it's hot when people play the guitar?" I blushed. "Because it's mine."

"Camz!! You never told me you play the guitar...that is actually really hot by the way. How did I not see it there?"

"I have been moving it around to avoid it getting stolen. My mom didn't want me to bring's sort of my prize possession," I admitted. "Well...other than you of course."

"Aw that's so adorable. You have to play me something!" She insisted. "When were you going to tell me?"

"The day before we left I was going to play you a song as a surprise. You beat me too it Lolo," I giggled, pressing her playfully against the cabin. I kissed her and then backed up to see what she was thinking.

"Well...I'm sorry Camzi," she apologized in a baby like voice. "I kind of sing too, but only with Normani...not in public."

"Yeah I only really sing with Dinah...but I'm tsill going to sing and play the song for you," I reminded her, nudging her jokingly.

"I'll sing for you anytime baby," she bit down on her lip and led me over to the bench. "When do you want to play it for me?"

"How does now sound?"



I took a seat on the bench after tuning my guitar and ran my hand through my hair nervously. She could tell I was nervous and immediately put her hand on my knee. I smiled lightly and got ready to play the song after taking a deep breath. She nodded, encouraging me to continue, as I began strumming the intro to the song.

"This song always reminds me of you..." I blushed, never taking my focus off of her unless I had to change chords.

Baby, baby, are you listening?
Wondering where you've been all my life
I just started living
Oh, baby, are you listening?

I could see her tilt her head and smile uncontrollably as I tried my best to concentrate and get all of the lyrics right.

When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more
Girl, I adore you, I adore you

I continued the song with her gaze never escaping my mouth as she took everything in. Her eyes widened as I put in my own riffs and extras to make it more of my own.

I love lying next to you
I could do this for eternity
You and me-we're meant to be
In holy matrimony
God knew exactly what he was doing
When he led me to you

I finished the song, strumming the final chord, and bit down on my lip, slowly looking up to see Lauren's reaction. There were tears in her eyes, but she was smiling and full of joy.

"Baby...what's wrong?" I asked, catching one of her tears with my thumb and wiping it away.

"'s just that that was perfect. It's the nicest thing someone has ever done for me," she began, a few more tears rolling down her cheek. "I love Miley Cyrus. You know people used to tell me I looked like her all of the time? Anyway...your voice is freaking amazing. You should try out for like American Idol or something Camz...damn."

"Aw thanks babe. I'm way too scared to sing in front of people like that though. My mom hasn't even heard me sing," I added, sort of ashamed that I was so scared.

"Everyone with ears should hear you sing. I love you so much and thank you for the song," she smiled, cupping my cheeks to pull me in for a kiss. I placed my guitar back into the case and sat on Lauren's lap after I returned.

"So when do I hear you sing Lo?" I giggled as she placed her hands around my waist.

"I don't know...I'm not very good. Maybe soon though."

"Well I bet you sound like an angel. I'd love to hear you long as you want me to."

"Of course," she replied, sliding her hands up and down my arms gently.

Hi! I'm sick today so I figured I would write this while I'm home. The song was Adore You by Miley Cyrus. I hope everyone is enjoying this story so far and thank you for everything!

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