Chapter 30 (Part 1)

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Lauren's POV

"Last full day," Camila whispered upset, nuzzling her head into my neck.

I stroked her hair gently and held her close to my body as she pratically trembled. I never wanted to let her go and seeing her this scared made me want to break down completely although I knew that it would only make things worse. She started to sniffle and I knew I couldn't just sit back and not do anything.

"Babe. Please...don't cry," I begged. "I want to make the most out of today. Let's not think about tomorrow."

She nodded slowly and took a deep breath as we doze back to sleep. We knew that we were going to be late to breakfast, but at that point we didn't mind at all. 


"Ladies! Late for the last day?" Ann asked annoyed. "Really?!"

I shrugged my shoulders, not caring whatsoever, and put my arm protectively around Camila who seemed taken back by her tone. Ann rolled her eyes, but eventually smiled at the sight of us both so happy and in love. I could see Ally talking to a group of campers towards the back of the Mess Hall with the biggest smile on her face. It was heart warming to know that she actually enjoyed her job and cared about everyones well being. We approached her eagerly and politely introduced ourselves to the other campers.

"Hey girls! What's up?" Ally asked casually.

"Nothing," Camila answered plainly. "You ready for the bonfire tonight?"

Ally gave me a confused look, knowing that something was definitely wrong with Camila by the way she spoke. I just wanted to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be ok, but the truth is, I didn't know that for sure. Only time was going to be able to tell and I couldn't guarantee her anything honestly. All I knew was how I felt about her and how much I cared about our relationship. After awhile, Ally excused herself and I took Camila outside to talk alone.

"Camz. What's wrong?" I whispered, intertwining our fingers as we sat down.

"You know what it is. I'm sorry...I just don't know how to deal with it Lauren. I'm trying not to think about it but it's practically impossible. I'm going to be away from you for who knows how long and I can't deal with it. I just can't," she sobbed, covering her face with her hands.

I pulled her close to me and kissed the top of her head, not knowing what to say. As I rubbed her back, she whimpered and shook her head because we both had no idea what to expect.

"All I know is that I love you and that we're going to make this work the best we can. Do you hear me?" I whispered, trying to hold back the tears I could feel coming on.



Camila's POV

It was the last night of camp and all I wanted to do was enjoy the bonfire and spend as much time with Lauren as possible. Campers stood up one at a time and divulged their favorite camp memories as others laughed or listened depending on the story. Counselors gave out awards to their favorite campers and everyone sang along to popular songs together.

"This next award is a very special and cute one...if I may say so myself. We had such a difficult time picking this because there were a lot of good choices...but we made our decision. I think most of you will be quite pleased with the outcome. And the award for best couple goes to....drum roll please! Camila and Lauren!" a male counselor announced as he grabbed two crowns.

"Camren! Camren! Camren!" many campers chanted loudly, causing us both to blush.

"Love you babe," Lauren whispered in my ear.

"Love you too," I winked as I intertwined our fingers and walked towards Tom, the counselor crowning the winners. 

 "See I told you they would love our decision," he smiled. "Congratulations. I hope to see you both again soon...and I better get an invite to the wedding."

We both laughed and sat down to enjoy the rest of the night when Ally approached us. 

"Hey you two! Congrats on winning best couple...ya'll are totally my OTP," she giggled.

"Aw thanks Ally."

"I'm going to miss you both so much. It's a good thing my dad's job transferred to Georgia! I'll be closer to Miami and South Carolina too. We all need to hangout so I can meet you're other friends and have that giant jam session we talked about."

"Oh my god that's perfect. We can hangout so much more. Are you sad to be leaving your other friends though?" Lauren asked concerned. 

Ally shrugged her shoulders and bounced her leg up and down nervously. I could tell she was uneasy about it and didn't want to go into much detail.

"Let's just say I'm ok with it. I'd rather spend my senior year with people who actually care about me," she smiled, nudging both of us playfully.

"Aw! We love you Ally. Text me whenever you want! You still have our numbers right?" I asked.

"Yes of course! Thank you. I seriously wish you both the best," she admitted. "Ugh some kids are screaming over who gets the last marshmallow I'll see you tomorrow."

We laughed at her not so amused reaction at the kids fighting and goofed off a little until Ann made the announcement that everyone would need to return to their cabins.

"Ladies and gentleman! I know everyone is having a blast, but it is time for everyone to go back to their cabins and get ready for lights out. I'll make my famous speech tomorrow. Have a good night."

Lauren ran her hand through her hair and fixed her shorts before turning to me. I was watching as campers hugged their friends and gathered their things.

"You ready babe?" 

(Author's Note) Hi everyone. I am so sorry that I haven't updated in about a week. Here is part one to this chapter and I'll post part 2 very soon. I hope that you are all enjoying the story so far. Thank you so much for voting, commenting, and reading. 

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