Chapter 22

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Lauren's POV

"Vero?!" I screamed as my friend I hadn't seen since arriving at camp pulled me into a friendly embrace. We hugged for what felt like ages until I pulled away to make sure it was actually her.

"Yeah girl," she chuckled, nudging me so that I would finally introduce her to Camila.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry...I'm just so shocked right now. Camila...this is Vero. She's my best friend and my partner in crime. Vero...this is Camila. I'm dating her and could honestly not be any happier...she's perfect in every way. Well you both know how much I talk about you both to each other and everyone," I bragged, pulling Camila into my side gently.

Suddenly, they both burst out in laughter and started pointing at me and then at each other. They could tell I was very confused and finally contained their laughter and controlled themselves enough to explain what was going on.

"Babe...I set this up. I met Vero earlier today. I knew that you were feeling a bit homesick and starting to send more letters back home, so I got in contact with Vero. I know how much I miss my best friend and I just wanted her to come visit to make you feel better. I told her about the date and it was actually part of the surprise," I admitted, feeling a little guilty that she thought it was a coincidence Vero showed up. 

"Awwww!!'re honestly too sweet to me. How am I going to make this up to you? Maybe I should just book Dinah's plane ticket to come visit you right now..." she smirked before giving me a quick kiss.

Vero looked at us like we were two puppies in love.

"Damn're right. Now that I can actually see a bit are stunning Camila. I'm starting to ship this Camren thing," she giggled.

"Who doesn't?" I replied, hugging Camila from behind as I placed my lips against her neck.

"Woah, woah, woah. I just got here...let's catch up before you two go at it," Vero snapped playfully.

Camila's POV

I stared at Lauren for a few seconds and could tell that she was blushing. The way her eyes lite up as soon as she saw Vero was absolutely priceless and I never wanted anything but to see her happy. It was inevitable that we were homesick, but I wanted to help her get through it in anyway possible. The smile on her face was definitely worth all of the trouble I had gone through to get the camp to allow Vero to stay the night.

Everything about Vero was perfect and it wasn't surprising to me that she and Lauren were best friends. She had the badass appeal and style as well as the edgy rocker vibe. Her straight brown hair was something most people would only dream of having and her makeup looked as if she touched it up every 30 seconds.

"Oh Vero...come sit down," Lauren gestured.

Vero took a seat hesitantly and began to dart her eyes around the sky awkwardly before refocusing back on us.

"Um...please tell me this blanket is clean?" she joked, eyeing us up and down.

We both stared at each other and Lauren hit her forehead in frustration.

"Oh come on! We're not that weird," I laughed as Lauren just shrugged her shoulders.

We started talking about how we first met and everything that gone on at camp so far. Vero was really interested in what had happened with Jess and decided that she seemed like a cool chick, even though we had told her that she was actually the complete opposite. We warned her that she would be sharing the room with Emily and Patricia while we stayed in the adjacent room alone. She panicked a bit about being surrounded by crazies, but eventually gave up and agreed to it.

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