Chapter 55

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There wasn't a sound at all as I entered the door, quietly as I could. Keeping one hand protectively in front of me, the other on my belt, I slowly tiptoed towards a wall. Raising my watch to my eye, I clicked the button and a holographic map of the building flashed in front of me. A tiny star in pink was blinking slowly at the right, marking my position. On the opposite side, a tiny lightning bolt was blinking, quickly zapping from here to there; Leo. A leaf at the top marked Nate. And right in the center, there was a small computer icon: Control room.

Memorizing the turns inside the dark building, I closed the map and went forward, back to my protective position. Nearing to where I thought the control room was, I walked forward. Ten minutes of snooping took me to a less darker part, and I realized that few guards were walking here and there. Forgetting to keep an eyes on the ground, I went further, when at one second, I realized that there wasn't any ground under me, and the next second, I was pulled into something warm, and it was breathing. On instinct, I sent a harmless fireball to disarm my captor, only to hear a familiar grunt. He pulled me to a corner, and fell over, which ended up in me being captive against the wall and his head to lean on my shoulder. "You've gotten a lot stronger you know." he said. 

"Leo!" I whisper-shouted. "What did you do that for??" I asked, and he slowly looked up at me with his beautiful ocean eyes through our eye masks we had put on before the mission. "What would you have done if you kept walking and didn't notice the ground slip away?" he asked softly. "Well, float of course!" I hissed. He raised his eyebrows. "Okay okay. Thanks. And I'm sorry about the sparkleball." I said and looked down. "Look at me." he said, causing me to look up. He was now staring into my soul, making me nervous. "We better g-" I began, when he cut me off with a peck. "Now let's go." he said, winked and then disappeared. It caused me to slightly smile, and then continue on my way.


Five guards were huddled in the center of the room I was currently in. "So boss said to keep an eye on the map to the Heart Stone?" one said loudly, which was followed by a slap and hushed angry voices. "Keep your voice down!" said one. "Why is that stone so precious anyway?" said another voice. "It is the only way to de-" the one in the white suit began, while me being too engrossed in the conversation had moved closer to where I could easily be seen by the same officer. "You!" he shouted, pointing his gun at me. I stood with my hands up, one in which a fireball was forming. "Me." I said, threw myself forward and it flew out of my hand, landing right in the middle of the circle. 

"Dont let her get away!!" said the first one who had spoken, shooting, but missing. "Well, looks like I've already gotten away..." I said, knocking out two of them to a corner.
Something came over me. I looked to the side. Only one guard was left. He looked around as if searching for some way out. Like a tiger catching its prey, I jumped at him. "Where is the Black Fox?" I asked, in a voice that wasn't quite mine. "I- I don't know!"

I felt heat swirling around me as I spoke and in no control over my senses. "Tell me. Where. He. IS!" I shouted, and threw him at the wall, almost cracking it. "P-please! I ju-just guard the d-door! I'm not t-told any thi-thing!!" he cried. In a flash, I floated forward when I was pulled backwards. "Sparky stop!" I heard Nate's familiar voice. 

I fell backwards, breathing hard, coming back to my senses, I sat up. Looking in front of me, the guard was cowering in terror. The heat around me died down. Shaking my head, "What happened? What did I do?" I asked. Leo crouched next to me. "You lost control." he said, and put out one arm around my shoulder, pulling me up and then putting both his arms around me, with my one hand on his shoulder, the other on his chest above his heart. I could feel it beating really fast, but Leo was breathing normally. It must be beating so because of him being half filled with electricity. He turned to the young guard, "Go. Leave and never come back." he said. The guard didn't move. Leo's eyes filled with electricity. "Leave!" he said, louder this time. The guard ran away, without a second glance.

Leo turned to me a second later, concerned. "Are you alright?" he asked me. "Yea, I'm fine. Let's just continue." I replied, half remembering why we were even here in the first place, half still confused about what made me act like that.

We split into different ways again. And there it was....

Guarded by a laser sensor, was the entry to the control panel.

And something I wasn't expecting or more like, someone.

Black Fox was standing there, grinning like a maniac he was.
Except, it wasn't Black Fox, it was someone who looked exactly like him, but this someone was my age. 

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