Chapter 33

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The coming Monday, I was sitting in free period, staring at the wall, when a felt a nudge on my shoulder. "Bad idea to keep staring at it longer." I heard Leo whisper. I turned my face to him. "Why?" I asked. "You're daydreaming and who knows what you'll set on fire." he said. "Right." I said and sat back in my chair. "Since that meeting, you've been really quiet. And I don't like it. What's wrong?" he asked me. "Nothing. I just keep wondering who Black Fox is." I said. "We'll find him. I promise." he said. He hooked an arm around my neck, easily pulling me into his chest. That afternoon, Nate n Greg had extra class, so the two of us reached home early. Suddenly, the skin near my stomach started sizzling again. "hrk!" I cried. "What happened?" Leo asked as he removed his shoes. "Nothing, I- I'll see you later." I said and painfully ran up to my room. But when I reached there, Leo was already standing in front of my door. "Why are you running away?" he asked. "Leo! Move!" I shouted, and grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away. I ran in, but a strong arm caught my wrist. "Talk to me!" he said and pulled me back. I winced. "You're hurt!!" he suddenly cried. "The blade. It left you a wound! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!?!?" he said. I looked down and saw that the originally white shirt, now well, getting drenched in blood. The pain was increasing, and I lost my balance. 

But Leo caught me, lifted me up and took me to his room, and set me gently down on his bed. "How have you been treating that?" he asked me. "Water." I said. "It helps a lot. But it still hurts. I'm not sure why." I went on. "Let me try. Sit up." he said, and helped me sit up straight. "Huh? What are you-?" but I stopped when I realized that the look he was giving me meant 'Stop talking'. He took both my hands in his and let out a breath. The air around me which was cool, felt like being next to an overheating furnace, as he put both arms around my waist, and pulled me towards him. "Stay still." he whispered. I nodded slowly. I looked up at him, and saw his hair changing from black to blue. I gasped as I felt water circling me. It slowly lifted me into the air, and I felt the pain leaving me. After half a minute, the water evaporated into thin air after putting me back on the ground. The pain had stopped completely. As I was set back on the floor, I stumbled a little, but got back my balance. "Feel better?" Leo asked me. "Yeah. Thanks." I said. I heard the sound of a lock click downstairs. We looked at each other. "WE'RE BACK!" I heard the twins shout. "Race you downstairs!" I said, and flew out like a bullet shot out of a gun. But i stopped when I realized that Leo didn't move. "Are you coming...?" I asked. "Are you supposed to be flying at this time?" he asked, raising one eyebrow. "Uh definitely?" I replied. "Fine. But I'm not letting you out of my sight today." he said, smirked, and zoomed off. "Oh no you wont beat me there!" I said and with a poof, i felt myself teleported downstairs. 

The twins, Leo and I spent some times with each other since we usually didn't have much time with each other anymore. That evening, after dinner, I was sitting at my desk, working on some math problems, when my door opened and in came Leo. I stared at him, confused, as he lifted my pillow and a blanket and carried them to his room. "Uh what do you think you're doing?" I asked him. "Well, don't you remember me telling you that I'm not letting you out of sight? You're sleeping in my room today."


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