Chapter 25

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Saturday morning 7:30 am, I was waiting for the boys to come down. We were supposed to be at school by 8 am for the student 'orientation' thing, which all old and new students for the year had to attend. "You ready?" I heard a voice from the stairs. I turned to see Greg. "Yeah, I mean like, this is the beginning of our mission." I said. "You got your hair back to black, but still have the streak." he said. "Yeah, as long as I don't lose control, it'll remain black." I said. Last night, I tried so hard to do it, but as I said, when I lose control, it'll turn back pink. "Let's go!" said two more voices together. The twins and Leo too had got their hair back to normal: Leo black, and the twins, brown. "Got everything?" I asked them. They all nodded. "I'm driving!" said Leo. I smiled, shook my head and took my skateboard from the corner of the room. "You guys can drive. I have another way to school!" I said and gave them a smirk. 

Checking that my watch and bag was fit properly to me, and then put on my digital glasses and helmet. I waited for the car to come out of the basement, then got onto my skateboard. "Race you there!" I said and pushed with all my force backward so that I zoomed forward on wheels. I already knew the way to school, so I was able to go without the directions. My glasses had a rear view holographic mirror, and I saw the black car a few meters behind me. "See you later slow poke!" I heard Greg shout on the speaker. "Hey, I would have used fire now, but I won't!" I said and turned to my left. "See you later!" I said and went right, which was a shortcut I had discovered when I got the location for the first time. "Lexi, how far am I from school?" I said and the female robotic voice spoke. "Only quarter of a mile KC!" she said. "And what about them?" I asked. "Almost half a mile! But depending on your current speed and that you don't stop in the middle, you will reach before them!" she said. "Thanks Lexi!" I said and concentrated on the path I was on again. 

After about a minute I saw a gate which said 'SUNBROOKE HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE' in huge letters on the wall. The surroundings looked familiar, but I couldn't grasp from where I remembered it. I lifted my board and put it under my arm and looked around. Many students were already getting in along with their groups. I stood waiting for the boys. We had decided that we would split up at the gate while going to our different classes. After two minutes I saw the familiar black car pull up on one side of the walking area. "How did you get here so fast!" said Nate as he ran to me. "Tell your brother to stop calling me a slow poke and maybe I'll tell you!" I said and made an innocent face. "But I may or may not tell Leo since we have to go to school together!" I said and started walking inside. "This place is really familiar!" I said when Leo and I were walking in through the hall. "Not to me, but I like the interior color and stuff!" he said looking at the walls. A voice then rang through the speakers. "Students, please assemble in the gymnasium!" it said. It kept repeating it until many students started going in a particular direction. They were pretty loud and it was really crowded. We had already lost the twins. "I guess the only thing we can do is stick together and go to the gym." said Leo, eye brows knit together in worry, looking over the crowd. "But I'm afraid it's going to be a squash to get there." he said. "Hey!" I said to catch his attention. "You can literally turn into a lion made of water and you're afraid of a small crowd? Didn't take you as a coward Reynard!" I said and tried keeping a straight face. "Oh really?" he asked and started smirking. "I know that look! What are you planning to do!" I said. "If we weren't in front of so many people, I would have probably poured water on your head!" he said. "You wouldn't!" I said. By that time, we had reached the gym. Many students were running here and there, greeting their friends, or shouting. "It's been a while!" I said, but I didn't mean to loudly. "Since what?" he asked. "Since I've seen so many people my age." I said. "Hey chill. You'll be fine!" he said and put his arm around my shoulder, looked down at me with his beautiful water blue eyes. "I never noticed, but your eyes are blue like water." I said softly. At that moment, everything and everyone seemed to disappear. We never broke eye contact. "I mean, I can control water can't I?" he said and smiled at me. God, what is he doing to me? I smiled back at him and leaned towards him, so that his arm was now completely around my shoulder. 

I went back into reality as we searched for seats. "Hey! I know you!" said a voice behind us. We looked at each other and then turned back. "You're the girl who defeated the Dance God at the mall the other day!" said the girl. "Amazing moves by the way!" she said and walked off. "Uh... Thanks!" I said after her. "Well, that was awkward!" said Leo. "You can say that again!" I said. "I found seats! This way." I said and walked towards two empty seats. He sat next to me. "So right now, do we have to act like we don't know the twins or something?" I asked him. "The people at the mall that day would have seen the four of us together. So I don't think we can do that." he said and put on his thinking face. "We can act like we had a misunderstanding about something that we both and the same idea and the twins had another." he said. I thought about it. "It's a good idea!" I said. "I'll just let them know." he said and pulled out his phone to text one of them. 

"Welcome to a new year at Sunbrooke!" said a voice from the center of the large gym. "Here we go!" I whispered to Leo while all the students had become extremely silent. 

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