Chapter XXV

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Chapter 25

Listen Before I Go


Did she know I was awake? 

I couldn't help but jolt my body awake when I no longer felt the warming presence of her small body tangled with mine. 

Instead, I attempted to flutter my eyes open and quickly adjust to the light so I could see her clearly. 

Holy Shit.

Kenzie was standing at my window, he hands leaned up against the windowsill and her body just pushed forward so she could peak past the curtains. 

She wasn't wearing enough to prevent my imagination from running wild, or my eyes from tracing the outside of her body.

I propped up my body leaning against my elbows and took in the sight of her petit waist wrapped in a small tank top and her ass barely covered.

"Man, I could get used to this." She jumped a little before turning around and folding her arms over her chest in an attempt to cover herself but it only pushed up her breasts and I could help but ogle her from across the room.

"How long have you been awake?" She said slightly tip toeing back over to the bed and dropping her body next to mine, she pulled up the blankets to cover herself and suddenly I could tell she was getting self conscious.

"Stop doing that." I ignored her question and pulled the blankets off her body exposing herself to me. 

"Doing what?" She said so delicately before smiling that smile and lifting her knees to her chest.

It's like she hides herself without even trying, without even knowing.

"Covering yourself. Hiding." 

"I'm not hiding." She said dropping her legs back to the bed to prove herself. 

I crawled over on top of her body dropping my weight on her, wrapping my arms around her tiny body and her legs laced in between mine. I looked up at her for a moment before she ran her her fingers through my hair, tilted her head and smiled at me. I dropped my head laying my cheek against her plush, pillowy chest.

"Stripper tits or not they're like marshmallows" I swear i've never heard a sexier laugh than the noise that broke through her mouth in that second. Her core shook and all I could do was hug her tighter.

"Stripper tits?" She said through each jolt of laughter.

"Don't tell me you forgot?" I lifted my head making eye contact again and she looked up as though trying to remember before giving me a blank expression. 

I rolled my eyes and laid back on her plush breasts.

"Remember that time we met the gang at Lake Vann?" I told her beginning the story. The memory.

"Yeah of course I do! That was the best." Her fingers still intertwined in my hair massaging my head. 

Fuck this was heaven.

"In that case we'll go back soon, all of us, and the two of us."

"I like the sound of that, now continue your story telling because I still don't remember these 'stripper tits' you mention." She giggled.

Man I love that giggle.

"Well, we got there before everyone else..."


Kenzie and I laid on a picnic blanket in the green, fresh grass in the shade of a weeping willow, Kenzie said it was her favorite type of tree and she hadn't seen one since she was a kid, but she said it held some of the best memories of her childhood before they were tainted.

I couldn't help but wonder what she meant by 'tainted'.

What happened to her?

Kenzie stood up and peeled the shirt off her body tossing it at my face. I pulled it off to see her leaning over to kick off her sneakers and she dropped her body next to mine putting her legs over mine like we usually did.

Part of me was glad she was still wearing shorts because the lack of clothing was definitely doing something to me but the other part of me was seconds away from ripping off her clothes

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Part of me was glad she was still wearing shorts because the lack of clothing was definitely doing something to me but the other part of me was seconds away from ripping off her clothes. Too bad we both heard wheels hit the gravel 40 feet away from us and we both knew the gang was here.

While they unloaded Isaak's truck Kenzie and I got the last couple minutes before being bombarded by the gang.

"So what are you gonna do when you get out of high school?"

"Really? That's what you wanna ask?"

"Hey! I'm interested."

"Well, truth is I have no idea." I don't think she noticed the color drain from her eyes like I did. "In my life I don't spend a lot of time thinking about my future," She continued, why was that? What was going on in her life that stopped her from seeing past today. "My dad used to own this club downtown, my name is still on legal documents, though it's been shut down since he passed, people in town have been waiting and requesting for it to open since he left so with my name on all those docs, I can open it whenever I want."

She looked back at me after gazing at the horizon. "And if that fails I can always take my chances with stripping." 

"Well you do have the tits for it." Sometimes I wondered if my mom dropped me as a child. That was the only explanation for why I said stuff without even thinking about it.

She laughed so hard, it was the first time I had ever seen her laugh so carelessly.

"I have no idea what to say." She was looking at me with the cutest grin i've ever fucking seen.

"Say you have stripper tits."


"Oh my god, how do you even remember that?" She asked me pulling me to face her. The reason I remember it so well was not only because the inner horndog teenage boy in me had never seen anyone so fucking sexy in my life before, especially at that moment with her in such little clothes, but I also remember because I worried about the words she said that day, about not looking to the future.

"I couldn't ever forget." I figured that would suffice, because I knew Kenzie still didn't tell me the whole story, but for now, I wasn't going to push it, I will wait.

I laid back on her and closed my eyes.

"When you wake up," she said while combing her fingers through my hair. "I'll have breakfast waiting."

*Jenzie* Beautiful DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now