Chapter II

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Chapter Two



With my attempt to continue my day as though nothing happened, I headed to my class. I was pretty late but excused being the new student, I took a seat near the middle of the class next to an absolutely gorgeous redhead. But her hair was actually red. Loved the spunk.

"I love your outfit, girl." She said shoving her long locks past her shoulders and laying her chin in her hand. "And I love your attitude, I was there when you completely shut down, Johnny."

"Thanks, and that means a lot coming from someone who looks as incredible as you." She rolls her eyes playfully and smiles back at me. "All you, babe, I'm Emily."

"Hey, I'm Kenzie nice to meet you."

"You too. Now let me introduce you to how everything works here seeing as you're new. I'm sure you're thinking, Johnny and his friends are a bunch of asses, but are all super hot." I choke on my water. "Not entire the words I would say but continue."

"Anyway, the group of hotties you literally ran into today, are like the schools heartthrobs." I roll my eyes as I sense how cliche this is going to be. "Johnny Orlando, your classic, sexy bad boy. Terrible attitude but great guy once you get to know him, at least that's what i've heard, i've only met him a few times before, he doesn't date anyone, never gives any girl the time of day, he's just not interested. Next, Isaak Presley and Lucas Stadvec, They're both very sweet, almost every girl wants to date them but they never actually have a relationship with anyone, it's all hookups and fun for them. And lastly, Asher Angel, he used to be the kinda hookup guy until he started dating Annie Leblanc, now she's a total badass, I feel like the two of you would get along."

"Wow, that sounds utterly cliche, except for Asher and Annie, actually sounds cute."

"Well they are, they've been dating for like 5 months, which is a lot for his type." She pulls her stuff out of her bag for the class.

"So what's the deal with you, you've never pined over them?" Her hand gestures after me asking is like she's preparing a story.

"Don't get me wrong, they're all wildly attractive but I know how it goes, I'm smarter than that, I'm getting the vibe that you are too. But yeah it makes sense why girls love them, they're hot, it's plain and simple."

"Talking about me Emi?" A stranger approaches the desk in front of us, sits down and slides his chair over to our table.

"Don't call me Emi. Kenzie, this is Chase Keith. Chase this is Kenzie Ziegler. " Chase was pretty attractive, won't lie, tall, as most of the guys here, dirty blonde hair, straight, and blueish eyes.

"Damn, heard about the little ruckus with Johnny this morning, I didn't know you were so stunning." He shoots me a flirty smile and a wink as Isabella gives him a death stare. "Hey you know I love you more." He ruffled her hair and she looks annoyed but ignores it. "This is Jason by the way." His friend gives me a wave.

"We both were shocked after hearing that you stood up to Johnny, people don't usually." Jason adds.

"What is Johnny some sort of bully?" I question.

"No, Johnny and his friends aren't that bad, seriously good guys when you get to know them."

"You're friends with them?" He nods. I guess it makes sense, Chase does sort of have a hot player guy thing going on.

After what felt like one of the longest classes, we headed to lunch. I guess that's just what Physics class does to you. Emily introduced me to all her friends at the table. Jason and Chase joined us. We all talked about the gossip and rumors that people suppose took place over the summer. The fact that the chem teacher and bio teacher have been caught sneaking around together. All the people I've met so far, well at least most of them, seem like great people. As the conversations begin to die down I notice how both Emily's friends Isaiah and Gwen look over, i follow their gaze as I notice a familiar someone approaching the table.

"Yo what's up, Johnny?" Chase says. "Not much bro, how was your date last weekend?" He replies while they both do your classic bro handshake. "Eh it was okay, could have been worse."

"That doesn't sound promising," Johnny replies and looks over at me. "Can I borrow Kenzie for a bit?" Shockingly taken by that, I almost fall back off my chair. He's actually acting civilised for once. "Sure why not, we only have a few minutes left of lunch, i'll grab my books out of my locker. See you later, Emily, bye everyone." I exchange waves with everyone as I follow Dawson out into the halls.

"Let's make this quick, I need to get my stuff and go to class." I turned around and began to swivel the lock on my locker.

"I didn't know i'd hurt you. Isaak said he saw some bruises on your wrists, I'm sorry, and I didn't mean to-" I guess Isaak saying he wasn't going to tell Johnny didn't apply to well... Johnny.

"Seriously Johnny, that's what this is about?" I sighed and turned around at him after grabbing my books. "Yeah, i'm worried about you and wanted to apologise." He replied hastily, I'll have to admit, it was cute that he was worried, but the entire thing happened because he was a jackass. "Look Johnny, let me start by saying, if you weren't such an asshole we wouldn't be in this situations and you wouldn't have to apologize."

"I-" he begins but I cut him off. "I'm not finished. Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," I playfully cross my arms and he rolls his eyes. "I don't blame you and I'm not mad at you, I appreciate you apologizing but you didn't know I was going to go all panicky on you, and besides you didn't give me those bruise-" I stop myself knowing that a discussion about bruises will definitely cause him to ask more questions, I notice he begins to open his mouth so I attempt to change the subject. "Anyway, I'm fine, I have to go to class, see you later, Johnny." I close my locker, wave and head over to room 114.

AP trigonometry. Gross. Just, gross. Like I've always sucked at math but trig has just straight up terrified me. No thanks. But I walked in, attempting to radiate confidence as I made my way to the two open seats, about two minutes later you would not believe who was sitting next to me. Johnny Orlando. Isn't it like illegal to be hot, sexy, smart and a complete jackass. Yes, yes it is.

"And we meet again, Kenzie. Why'd you run away so fast? Afraid I was going to ask a question you wouldn't want to answer?" He shoots me a cocky smile like he has everything figured out about me. "You're awfully confident with yourself, and what's with the civilized conversation, you hated me this morning?" I asked confused as to why he hadn't said a mean comment or shoved me off my chair. "A wise soul once told me; if I wasn't such an asshole I wouldn't find myself in situations that would require me to apologize and make amends." He smiles and brushed his hair back with his fingers. "Ah she sounds amazingly wise."

"You going to the party this weekend?" I look at him with a questionable look. "This weekend? It's the first week of school."

"Exactly, back to school party."

"Why would anyone want to celebrate going back to school?" I question. "School sucks, so we start off the year with a bang, be there." He quickly replies.

"Who knows, maybe I will."

*Jenzie* Beautiful DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now