Chapter XVI

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Chapter 16


*Disclaimer: this chapter is pretty dark, may be triggering and or difficult to read, when Kenzie talks to Annie about her story is when it gets difficult. You can skip or read at your own risk.*


I hated that. The mere thought of telling her, it meant I was comfortable, too comfortable, I can't let myself, who knows how long I'll be here.

"It's nothing really." I picked myself up, I had to show her I was fine, I had to be fine. She got up not too long after. "I said I wouldn't pressure you." She gently laid her hand on my shoulder, and made her way to the bathroom and closed the door.

I sat down on the bed and just breathed.

The door slammed in swinging back from the force.

Ashton stood at the entrance of the door.

I could tell by his expression he wasn't happy, with me, or with anything. He pushed me down onto the bed with the heavy force against my neck. Knuckled gripped. I couldn't breathe but I also knew trying to fight him off would only make him more mad.

"We've been looking for you." His hoarse voice whispers into my ear. His lips travel down to my neck where he releases pressure. "You know how daddy hates waiting, you know how I hate waiting." His hands slid further down my body. "We want round tw-" His voice was interrupted when Annie walked out of the bathroom door.

"Do believe how they can overcharge you for a bottle of water?" A plastic bottle in her hand with her eyes glued to it as she walks to the sink. Ashton jumps off knowing he can't expose himself. I sit up on the bed and pretend as though nothing just happened. She looks up and sees Ashton.

"Oh hey, I don't think we've met, I'm Annie." She waves in the reflection of the mirror while washing her hands. Ashton leaves without saying anything. She turns off the sink and looks at me. I know there's no way she didn't know what was happening now. I just couldn't manage to let the tears out. To let myself cry with someone I felt comfortable with. My gut was saying no. Don't be vulnerable.

People take advantage of you when you're vulnerable.

She sat next to me.

Thoughts were running around my head faster than I could comprehend. I needed to tell someone. She may understand, and maybe... she won't be disgusted.

"I used to have a perfect family at one point too," I started, air quoting the word 'perfect'. "It all began at a young age, Ashton. He was my best friend, his family was my family. And he took advantage of his closeness to me. He was also young though, so it never got too far. But it was the little things every day, to making me believe I was his property, that I belonged to those who owned me. Or to his hands traveling down the inside of my pants." I took a breath. "Years passed, things changed, he moved away for a couple years before eventually coming back."

"That's when I lost my dad, in a car accident, he was on his way to get me, maybe that's why I felt I deserved everything that happened after. 8 years ago, I was almost 10." My hands began shaking, I had never actually told anyone the full story from the beginning, honestly, i have no clue how this could go for me.

"My mom wasn't making enough money to provide for the both of us, maybe that's why she was so attracted to him. She started seeing him, I was happy with it because she deserved to be happy, to move forward. Things just moved all too fast. They got married after only a year. That's when he thought he was in control." I noticed her breathing was heavier than mine, maybe she expected one story, but maybe it was worse than she thought.

"7 years ago, the abuse started. Hardly noticeable, mental, verbal, and psychological. The things that still cut deep to this day. But then the older I got, the more interested he got, in me. He slowly started bringing people to our house. To his office, the room I was never allowed in til one day. He brought me in, there were a few others there, men over 50 at least, men I never knew." I could see in the corner of my eyes Annie closed hers, i'm not sure if she was ready to hear what was next, i'm not sure I was.

"He asked me to please these men. At first I was confused. I wasn't sure what he meant, I took too long to respond one of the men got impatient. He knocked me too the ground... and raped me. They each passed me around like a disease, my step-dad stood over me and watched while I screamed and struggled. Eventually, it became his business. Almost weekly for me. He wanted to join in."

"Just when I thought they couldn't get worse. Ashton came back, we grew close and I told him what happened, I thought he hated it, but the next night he was the man in my step-dads office. He was my client for that night. Slowly Jase and Ashton grew close, they loved what they were doing and they loved doing it to me. One day, a couple years after it all started, my mom found out. She tried to fight him off everyday but he eventually just beat her til she couldn't move, everyday. When she kept fighting, he made her watch. One day when she couldn't anymore, he beat her the worst it's ever been, he beat me. He raped both of us. And the next morning, I found her dead body laying at the end of her bed."

"She left me a note, a note from her suicide. Sorry. I love you. I couldn't deal with the guilt. Goodbye Kenzie. 5 years ago, she left me, no one fought for me since." I looked at Annie, tears filler her eyes, she seemed more upset than me. "I learned not to get attached, we've had to move because the risk of Jase getting caught. But this time, I want to stay. Eventually Ashton couldn't travel as much anymore. That's when, today, I saw him again, him and my dad together, the first time in 3 years, forced me at school in the principal's office."

Annie gasped heavily before sobbing hard and crashing her arms into me, it was comforting, not just her hug, but to finally get out everything that happened.

We stayed like this for maybe an hour, she cried and I did too, but she hugged me tighter and safer each time. Til both of our phones were blowing up with the gang asking where we were.

"You want to go back?" She asked while wiping away her tears and dusting herself off. "I can't, I have to go back home." Annie thrusted her body back down onto the bed almost with anger. "Kenz, you can't go back home."

"Annie," I grabbed onto her hands, "I have to, i'm glad you listened to me, I really am, but you not only can't tell anyone, but you can't do anything-" "But-" She interrupted. "I'm serious, not now at least, not until I figure out the safest way to fix things." She nodded, but I could tell she already despised the idea.

We mutually nodded and she began heading for the door before slowing down, and turning back to me. "You could tell Johnny," I let out a deep shaky breath. "I won't of course, but he helped me, and he kept my secret... Besides, he seems pretty fond of you." She left

I can't, I could never tell him, he wouldn't want to be with me, with someone who went through what I did.

He wouldn't want me.

-I want him.

No. No, no, no, no, shit.

I like Johnny...

*Jenzie* Beautiful DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now