Chapter XXXIII

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Chapter 33

Free Fall

Johnny had fallen asleep under me. I rested my head over his heart and relaxed to the consistent sound of his heartbeat. It was like a continuous drumming. Gentle and relaxing. Johnny of course had no troubles on his mind but me and i was "sleeping" like a baby on his chest. But me, all i could think about was Ashton. Of course he found me, I never left. But now, now he's watching me like a hawk. Like i'm his prey.

And he'll never let me go.

Johnny's hand dangled over my stomach, right past the scars that Ashton and Jase had left on my body. Scars i'm not sure Johnny ever even noticed but scars that I examined almost every day. Marks that proved no matter what they would always own me.

I didn't feel like getting up so I leaned past Johnny to reach for the TV remote and switching it on. The news channel came on first , but I never watched the news so my fingers naturally glided to the button to switch the channel. That was until I heard a familiar name.

Offender Jase Morgan found dead this morning.

My body immediately jerked up tossing Johnny's arms off me. I sat up staring at the TV while hearing Johnny scramble awake just below me. I felt him sit up and hold my body close and we both examined the rest of the news story.

Police's top suspect is Sex Offender Ashton Locking.

Johnny wrapped his arms around my torso tighter holding me to his body as we both heard the words.

Body was found mutilated and torched inside his burning home in the woods.

"Jesus christ," Johnny muttered leaving a kiss on my head in attempt to comfort me.

I didn't say it, but I couldn't help but feel it. This weight that had been lifted off my shoulders. Yes, Ashton was still a problem, a big one, but now the man walking with every broken childhood memory of mine was gone. A part of me couldn't help but be grateful.

I looked back at Johnny who stared into my eyes waiting for some sort of reaction.

"I'm okay." I said in attempt to comfort him more than myself.

"Are you?" He asked now looking more sad than before.

"I don't know. This isn't over yet." That was the truth. How could I really be okay when this mess still wasn't over. Not when Ashton was still out there now taking killing everything that stood in between him and me.

"You don't think-" Johnny began, I could instantly tell what direction he was going with the question but I knew he'd be too scared to ask, to scared to think about it with words.

"That Ashton did all of this?" Ashton was never like Jase, since as long as I can remember, Jase was the man with the plan, he was the one who always put Ashton in a position where vulnerable him would be shoved down, and he'd become dangerous. "Yes," I continued. But the problem was, Jase groomed him, Jase built the man that Ashton now is and yes, I do believe he's more than capable of doing this, his obsession has become hot rage and he will not stop til this is over. 

I pushed myself off the bed, muting the television, I didn't want to hear what else they had to say, I knew who it was and that was all I needed to know.

I headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth, Johnny followed in slowly behind, he leaned his side up against the bathroom doorway with his arms folded and just watched me from afar. 

"What?" I said spitting out the toothpaste in my mouth. I began pulling my hair out of the messy bun and attempting to make it slightly more presentable.

"You going somewhere?" He rumbled at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Johnny, I've already missed multiple days of school," I stated to him, he seemed unphased and fully intending on keeping me here as long as it took til Ashton wasn't a threat. "I have to go back." Little did Johnny know, Ashton would never be caught until I was out in the open, he knew how to keep himself hidden and plan his demise the entire time, and the more time I gave him, the more successful he would be. 

"Absolutely not, not until Ashton is locked up, the school will understand." He finally pushed off the doorway and stood behind me making eye contact with me through the mirror's reflection. 

"Johnny," I leaned back into his arms which he opened and welded around me, "They're never going to find him, only I can pull him out of his hiding place." Johnny furrowed his brows almost angry at my response. 

"And use you as bait?" His grip around me tightened like it would protect me forever. "Never."

"It's the only way-"

"I refuse to believe that," He turned me around to face him, "I am not, absolutely not, putting you in harms way to capture this maniac." 

"I know you care about me I can see it, but I can't just spend my whole life hiding from him, besides you'll be right by my side if anything happens."

"What if that's not enough?" His eyes dropped and he held onto my face.

"It's more than enough."


Sorry for the short chapter just trying to update, next one will be normal length.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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