Chapter XVIII

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Chapter 18

From the Grave


She walked me through everything, to leave the windows open, when the neighbors pull up next door. Have them report the issue. The cops come, he's arrested, It's over, but it's all too simple. She wanted me to try, I figured why not.

It's not like it can get any worse. Right? wrong. It can, but what else should I do? Wait?

So that's what I did, She dropped me off before they were home and I began the plan.

The only issue was, we hadn't accounted for every scenario... it was too rushed and we were both too emotional. It should have never happened.

They got home, shouting began as usual, Annie texted me that our neighbors had pulled in. I tried to anger him, anger both of them, it worked all too well. I was being thrown against the window and they noticed it was open. It was an issue, it only made Jase angrier and causing Ashton to slam it.

It all worked, she said they were worried, but we didn't account for them to come over. Instead of calling the authorities they came over to check up. 

The door opened and he saw them, but he connected the dots too easily, Jase looked at me and he knew, How? I don't know but he knew, He threw them both inside and slammed the door. Jase Gestured to Ashton.

No, please, no. Don't hurt them.

Annie spammed my phone telling me to update her and get them to leave. Ashton was no where to be found, suddenly flashes, two.

Ashton shot them both, He pulled them out by the collars of their shirt, and dragged them to the garage. Dried blood stains seeped onto the floor, and his car pulled out and he left.

This is all my fault.

Jase was furious, more angry than i've ever seen him, i've seen him at what i thought was his worst. He threw me down to the ground, grabbed his baseball bat and beat me with it for what felt like hours to me. I couldn't move. He trashed the house before almost killing me. I couldn't breathe, he crushed my lungs and what felt like my entire body collapsed and shut down, one organ at a time. And he left. "If you survive this, then you're goddamn lucky." I laid half dead on the ground for too long. The door crashed open, I was terrified. My eyes were blurred, blood stains spat across my face and into my eye. My vision was collided by a red kaleidoscope.

"Kenzie!" It was just Annie. She slid across the floor next to me and dialed 911. I couldn't stop her, I couldn't do anything, I just closed my eyes.


I could feel the flashes through my closed eyes. I could feel the breeze that made my hair stick up. I could feel the sunlight through the window on focused parts of my skin. I could feel the wheels of the bed at the bottom collide against the smooth, newly waxed tile floors.

I could smell the chemicals, the hand sanitizers, fresh clean scents, and the latex gloves that were covering the hands prodding me every moment. I could smell the body odors over the gentle fragrances, the warmth of people crowded around that small, metal, hospital bed.

I could hear the beeping from the heart pulse monitors, so in tune, on beat. I could hear the subtle voices that sounded like they were on a static tv. As though the quality was bad and the wifi wasn't connected.

I could taste the dryness in my mouth. I could taste the plastic tubes lodged into my throat and down to my stomach. I could taste the mint chapstick on my lips. Emily's chapstick. She always had a delicate scent of mint from her.

I knew almost everything going on around me.

But all I could see. Beyond the blackness that covers my eyes, was him, and she shimmering light reflecting on his bat just before it ended for me.

Annie's POV

I immediately called the police. I crouched bear her body, holding my jacket against her open wounds while applying pressure. This was all my fault. I had no time to ask questions of feel bad about this. I just needed to keep her alive til i could hear the sirens.

I could see the red and blue lights flashing through the window in the corner of my eye. But my mind was blocking out the sirens. All i could hear, all i could focus on what her gentle breaths escaping her lips as i hoped to hear another.

The door slammed open and sent vibrations all down my body. But i still watched her breathing. This time nothing came out. She stopped breathing. No!

"No, Kenzie, goddamnit wake up?!!"


Johnny's POV

I felt horrible for what happened at the ice cream parlor today with Kenzie. She didn't deserve that and even I knew that. He did that because of me and she didn't deserve to me hurt. All i can think about was the look on her face when i stood in front of her, yes i was mad, mad at her not saying anything but i would never hurt her despite how cold she's been to me. Her face, oh my god... she was terrified to her bones. I never want to see that look on her face again. In that moment I reminded her of someone, something? Whatever it was, she was terrified of it, and that was the anger I would unleash on Cole as soon as I see him.

He was standing with his bag near the bus stop. I couldn't focus on anything but him. I walked closer and closer but he was so far away. All i could think about was how i was going to hurt him. How i was going to-

Incoming phone call - Annie Leblanc

"Annie, now is not a good time." despite my heavy breathing from walking and the static on the phone, i could still hear her muffled cries. "Annie, what's going on?" This time i stop, stop walking and focus on the words she's about to say. "Annie, what's, going, on,?"  By the time i finished my sentence i could hear her sobs breaking through the phone. I'd never seen or heard her cry before.

"Johnny?" She responded in between sniffles and sobs. "Johnny, i need you, and everyone now." she said trying to keep her composure.

"Annie, what's going on, where are you?"

"Jesus Christ, Johnny, get everyone and bring them to Oakland Hospital," what was going on? I feared most the words that would follow that sentence. who's name she'd say she was with or who was hurt. My heart pounded hoping it would be anyone but her. Please tell me she's okay, tell me kenz is fine.

"It's Kenzie, i-i don't know- i don't know if she's going to make it. hurry..."

*Jenzie* Beautiful DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now