Chapter IV

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Chapter Four

Self Control


I'm pretty sure both Jase and Johnny could hear my heart pounding inside my chest. I don't remember the last time I was this nervous. If Johnny found out, then we would have to move all over again. New start. And I would be stuck with him forever. Jase set down both cases of beer on the table when he walked past me and dragged me by my wrist into his office. He noticed my car keys in hand. "Leaving so soon?" He turned around and locked the door to his office. "I had such big plans for you and I tonight." His fingers linger against the skin on my cheek. "Jase, I need to go study, i'll be back tonight." I tried to walk past him but instead his hands found themselves pressing against my chest. His eyes were entranced in my body when his hands made way down my shirt as he began to lift up. I pushed him off and closed the door behind me. I grabbed Johnny and headed to his car. 

A nauseating feeling lingered in my stomach as I could still feel the pressure of his fingertips on my bare skin.

"Everything alright?" Was it possible that Johnny could see a mental breakdown happening in my eyes before it even happened? "Yeah, i'm great, sorry about that." He looked over at me and stared down at my shaking hands until he averted his eyes back to the road. "Don't worry about it, I really should be apologizing, you're the one who has to meet my younger brother."  I don't know why but that made me feel better, maybe i'll get to see what my family was supposed to be. The rest of the ride was pretty silent, until we arrived at his house. A pretty nice cute house. 

"Hey Lora, I'm back you can head home for tonight." She nodded and grabbed her purse, I assume she was his brother's babysitter. "Damon, I'm home!" Must have been shouting at his brother, you hear loud footsteps running down the hall as a kid approaches us.

"It's about damn time, and you brought pizza," his eyes meet mine and his jaw drops, I let out a little giggle when looking down. "Well hello, gorgeous." He raises his eyebrows and shoves Johnny out of the way. It was hilarious, Damon must have been about 12 years old. I see where he gets his woman charming from. 

"Really, Damon?" He rolls his eyes and sets the pizza on the dining room table. "You didn't tell me you were bringing over this babe, I would have cleaned up." I think I stopped breathing from laughing so hard. "Hey, I'm Kenzie." I gave him my hand to shake and he grabbed it and pulled me closer to him. "I'm Damon, Johnny's hotter, cooler, younger brother."

"Nice to meet you." I replied attempting to hold in my burst of laughter.

"Okay Damon, get out go upstairs, we have to study." Damon let go of my hand and rolled his eyes. "You're no fun." Damon headed upstairs and gave me a wink on the way. "I'm sor-" I couldn't help it I just started laughing and Johnny rolled his eyes and laughed with me. "I may have only known you for a day, but I'm starting to see how you two are related."

"Am I seriously that cocky?" He asked me with a massive grin on his face. "Only a bit." He grabbed his stuff and showed me the way to his living room where we set down out stuff and looked through our textbook. "I'm sure your parent's get a big laugh out of him." Suddenly Johnny's expression goes blank. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry or anything." He looks back up at me and tries to give a convincing smile. "It's fine, my dad was never around, mom passed away before damon turned one from a brain tumor." No parent's, I feel that on another level. He flipped through the pages in his book. "I'm finally eighteen so Damon can stay with me, we don't need to hop around through foster care anymore." I put my hand on his and he looked up at me. Moment's later we both realized I was still holding his hand and we both moved away. "What about your parent's, your dad seems- Interesting?" I could tell he felt uncomfortable by my Step dad, hell, so did I. 

"Step dad." I corrected him, but I kept staring at the book, knowing that had I looked up at him, I would have just told him everything in that moment. "My dad passed away in a car accident when I was a kid, he was picking me up from school. My mom started dating this guy and eventually they got married. She killed herself 3 years back. She left a note saying; 'Sorry. I love you. I couldn't deal with the guilt. Goodbye Kenzie.' I keep the note in my wallet, So I can see it everyday and be reminded of why, why she felt guilty." I still  kept my eye contact away from his eyes, I could sense the discomfort radiating off of him, It's hard to hear about dead parents, but sometimes it's more difficult to hear that they killed themself. 

"I'm so sorry," His voice was shaky, probably more than mine. "Do you know what she meant?" I look up at him. "Hm?" 

"The guilt?" He questioned. I quickly responded with "No." But I did know. I know why she felt guilt. Why she took her life. Because the man she fell in love with, was nothing but a monster. Her husband, hurt the only one she really cared about. He...


I arrived at her house with pizza ready to start on trig. Math has always been easy for me, I'm not entirely sure why, I just got the hang of it fast. I know I made a terrible impression on her when we first met, but it was just a bad start to that day, I found out Damon's been getting in trouble with his friends and I just don't want him to make the same mistakes I've made in my past. But I intend to make it right with her, with Kenzie. 

I approached her house with the utmost confidence, maybe I shouldn't considering how we met. But I knocked on her door. She opens the door in a cute oversized pink sweatshirt and shorts. Her hair is messy and curly and she has some black slides on. Effortless, yet adorable. "Got the pizza" I said with a big grin on my face, but she didn't smile, instead she looked nervous, concerned, maybe even scared? "Everything Alright-" I attempt to ask but am interrupted by a jerk force of her grabbing me and dragging me into her house. My mind had instantly gone to the gutter, that is until I saw her frantically look out the window where car headlights shone through. 

"We should go to your house, because my... Air conditioning is broke, and it's hot." She said as she scrambled through a drawer looking for what I'm assuming was her car keys. Her house was fine, from the looks of it, it seemed like nothing to be embarrassed of. In fact her house was beautiful, her family must have made a lot of money to sustain something this beautiful. Unless it wasn't her house that she was scared of, perhaps... "Seems fine to me." I replied hoping she would drop it, maybe that she would understand that i'd never judge her, who am i kidding we just met. She looks through the window and her face is drawn to fear. She frantically grabs her keys and my arm in an attempt to rush through the door. Maybe she didn't want me meeting him. "What's going on?" I try to ask her but she's so focused in making it to her car, she hardly notices I even spoke. Just as she drags me to the front door. It swings open. A man, probably only about 30 years older than Kenzie. He's got a stubble lining his chin, and his hair is practically black. In each hand, he held a six pack of blue moon beer. His eyes went directly her Kenzie, his vision never even had me in his line of sight. But what I hadn't expected, was the cold, lifeless expression he was wearing, was causing Kenzie to look nervous and scared.

I wonder why?

*Jenzie* Beautiful DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now