Chapter XXI

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Chapter 21

You Took My Voice

Johnny's POV

I waited impatiently in the waiting room again, it seemed like my entire life was here and it had only been two days. Everyone had gone in and out of one of the two rooms after being questioned by the police, yet after all that time Annie never left her room and it had to have been another hour before we all saw her walk out with the police follow shortly behind her.

"You are all free to go, don't try to leave town, it will only make you a suspected accomplice until the case is closed." One of the FBI agents said to us before leaving with a team of officers behind him.

And we're back, all of us circled up in the waiting area. It was dark, uncrowded, hardly any people, nurses, or doctors around.

"Annie I think it's about time you told us what happened." Isaak said, I'm glad he finally broke the silence, I agreed but the last thing I wanted to do was push Annie to talk when she wasn't ready.

"I can't." Her croaky voice responded.

"Annie, we're all here, we're all worried about her, I think we deserve to know what's happening and how we can help." Emily said, sitting herself down next to Annie.

"There isn't a damn thing you can do."

A familiar voice stood behind us. It was Kenzie, somehow, someway, she stood tall behind us in her hospital gown, she clenched onto the side of her body, her eyes squinted in pain.

"Kenzie you shouldn't be up!" Maybe I overreacted, maybe I didn't, but in my defense the girl I was starting to like a lot was standing in front of me in more pain than i've ever seen in my life, and I didn't like it. I ran to her putting her arm over my shoulder and bringing her back to her hospital room where everyone else followed.

"Are you okay? You're not supposed to be up this early." Annie said pushing her way around everyone.

"I'm fine." She responded. "Where are they?"

Despite with such a small sentence we all knew what she was talking about.

"No one knows, the FBI is looking for them." Annie responded.

"Kenzie? Annie? Someone needs to tell us what's going on." Asher finally asked, we were all waiting for an answer.

"Sometimes things go wrong, but I'm fine and that's all that matters." Kenzie answered, you could tell she had her heart set on not telling anyone, whatever it was, it was bad.

"Kenzie..." i said trying to comfort her into believing she could tell us, or at least me.

"If i wanted to tell you, I would." she responded, her voice was stern and cold, emotionless. she didn't want to talk and i didn't  think pushing her this early was a good idea. I took a few steps back sitting on one of the chairs in her hospital room. I felt helpless. Like there was nothing i could do for her in anyway.

So I left. I wanted to give her some space and if she felt comfortable talking to someone other than me, then I should let her.

I had no clue what to do. I felt like spiraling, a good person in my life was hurt, and i felt like the last person she wanted to see.

Kenzie's POV

I wanted to tell him, to tell them all, but how do you let your guard down long enough to tell them what happened. How do i say what i went through? What words would i use? I did the same thing i always did, ignored the problems in my life.

Everyone fell asleep on the floor, the chairs or my bed of my room. My nurse came in to check for vitals and was careful not to wake them up.

"When do i get discharged?" I asked her. She looked at me like i was insane.

"You realize you have suffered multiple fatal injuries?" She replied with confusion and concern on her face.

Why would someone be so ready to leave after what happened?

"When?" I asked again.

"The doctor says you've made one of the fastest recoveries she's seen, if your vitals stay stable, you could be out by the end of this week." She responded before leaving.

Not soon enough.

I hated being here. Being tied down. I wanted to find them. because for once in my life, i didn't feel just terrified. I felt angry, blood boiling rage, i was terrified it would happen again, but i know that anger i had right now, would fuel me to take them both down.

The end of the week

The end of the week was here. I counted the hours I spent in the hospital just so i could get out. It was a Monday morning so everyone was at school bu Johnny offered to take me, and to be honest he was really the only person I wanted to see.

He drove me from the hospital to my house. I saw his hand move closer to the console in the front of the car. He turned up the music so loud i had to roll down my windows. We came to a stop light when we noticed someone pulled up next to us. The windows were still down and Johnny is screaming at the top of his lungs and putting all his energy into that imaginary guitar he was playing, he looked over various times but he didn't care that someone was looking. I don't remember seeing him this happy ever before.

I turned the music down and saw the look of disgust in his face. "What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked smiling through my teeth and running my hands through my hair pulling it out of the winds grasp.

"You interrupted Black Sabbath to ask me why i'm happy?" You could feel the disappointment in his voice, but i just laughed.

"You'll live, but seriously, i've never seen you this happy before." I meant that.

"Of course i'm happy, i'm here with you because my best friend finally got out of the hospital" he looked at me and smiled before facing his direction back towards the road. He turned the music back up.

"best friend."

I guess i could say a lot has happened in a week, at least for Johnny and I.

He came to visit me everyday before and after school. I was never awake when he came but he always dropped off a breakfast everyday. He'd come to see me after school sometimes with our friends and sometimes by ourselves. He'd bring me dinner, study with me and keep me caught up, and sometimes he'd just sit and read in my presence and just make me feel better.

We ended up talking all the time. I referred to him as one of the best friends i've had in life, it felt like a friend zone, and he was hurt, but he was also happy to just be apart of my life. I noticed that a lot over the week. He didn't want to push me as well, It bothered him just being friends, but he knew i wasn't going to be ready.

We pulled up in front of my house.

It didn't  feel the same to be here anymore.

*Jenzie* Beautiful DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now