Field "Disaster" Trip (Erica's POV) Part 5 Forgiveness

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Erica's POV:

Hi! I'm Sanazaki Erica. I was 15 years old. I'm Akira's girlfriend and I knew from the started we will be married. When I was at the school I saw how Sakane hangeout with my Akira but I know he said to me that he hates to hangeout with somebody so why he let this girl to come with him I don't really understand his real tasted for a girl.

At the forest:

When Sakane left me alone at the forest I was crying for help. I wish someone will be here to save me. Then I saw Akira "Are you okay Sister Erica?" he asked "Yes but I can't feel my legs" I said "Hold on I'll get you out of there" he said "No Akira, because you may.......fell" I said and he fell down just like me "I told but you don't listen" I said then I looked at him "Akira please don't scared me" I begged then I turn him around and I saw a piece of branch struck to his heart "Oh no please somebody help us" I begged "Akira please hold on" I said. I wait until it getting dark but nobody came. I hope someone will came here to save us. Then at last someone came and took us to helicopter.

At the hospital:

At the emergency room I was worried on what will happened to Akira I also really hoped that his okay. Then I saw the room where Sakane was. I went to the room the I saw Sakane laying on the bed but unlike Akira she's already woke up "Erica thank goodness your okay" she said then I when up to her and slapped her "Why the f*** did you do that to her" Leo said "Because of you Akira was here in the hospital too" I said "Then what well we don't cared about it" Leo said "What!! Akira was on this hospital too" Sakane said "Yes, now are you happy" I said it then I went out to the room. Then I went to Akira's room then I saw Asano there "Asano why are you crying" I said "Will he woke up soon" he asked "Yes, he will so please don't worried?" I said "Asano I've looking for you" someone said "Oh sorry Anna" he said "No it was okay" she said when up to saw who was in the bed "Oh so this was the reason why you two where here" she said "Your right Akira doesn't woke up yet we start to get worried" Asano said "Who's fault was this?" Anna asked "All of this was Leo's fault" Asano said "No your wrong it was Sakane's fault" I demanded "What do you mean?" Asano asked "Because she left me on the deepest part of the forest" I said "No you don't understand Leo was the one who left Akira to save you" he said "Stop it both of you this was no one's fault okay" Anna said "Erica are you alright?" someone asked then me, Asano and Anna turn around and Akira woke up Akira I'm glad you okay I said "It good to have you back my twin" Asano "Akira I'm glad you okay" Anna said "Sorry for the things that just happened but I agree with Anna this was nobody's fault" Akira opinion. Then Leo went here to saw Akira he when up to him and said "Akira I'm so very sorry for all of this will you forgave me?" "Of course, why not all of this will be gone by tomorrow and Yes I will forgave you because you've been my friend after all and I love you Brother Leo" he said "Thank you I love you too Akira" he said. Then he went out of the room with a smile on his face and I don't know why.

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