The Secret (Asano's POV)

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Inside the house (while reading his dairy):

I went to Erica's house because she told me that my twin (Akira) was forgot to visited her this saturday. I was on the door the only thing I had to do was knock and I don't know why I'm felt nervious may be because Erica was my twin's girlfriend then I was suppose to knock when she open the door "Asano I'm glad you came" she said and hugged me and stopped "Come on in" she said then I go inside her house. When I was inside her house it was like a celabration in there they were roses, gifts, and a cake so I asked to her "Was someone will celabrate a birthday on your house?" then she smiled and said "I forgot to told you it was my birthday today" I was shocked because her own boyfriend forgot that it was her birthday today then I felt sad on her because she didn't invited anyone or told everyone that it was has her birthday this saturday only she and Akira know each other. "Well happy birthday Erica" I said then she hugged me and cried on my shoulder "Why did Akira forgot this sweet moment?" she asked then she stop crying and said "A suprise" then someone open the door "Akira" Erica said and stop hugging me "Akira" I said when I saw him at the door "Brother Asano you" he said and started mad with me "Akira you don't understand" I said "What do I don't understand?!!" he shouted "Your my Brother" he said "And your trying to stole my girl from me!!" he shouted "No your wrong" I said "His right Akira whatever you saw was wrong you know I really love so please listen to Asano" Erica said "So Sister Erica were you saying that I'm wrong" Akira asked "No but" she demanded "Well I saw you hugged my Brother!!" he shouted "No but" she demanded "Akira please listen" I begged "No I already understand at all" he said "Thank you" I said "But Erica I know it was your birthday today right" he said "Yes Akira" she said "Well, I had a very special gift to you my girl" he said "Really, well what was it" she said "I'm breaking up with you" he said I shocked on those word he just said then Erica down on her knees, begged and cried "Please anything but that Akira you know I really you so please get rid of anything you just said" then Akira smiled and said Do you love me Yes so please Akira I'm begging she said then Akira laughed, smiled so scary and said Well I didn't love you anymore so that why I'm setting you free and he walked away I know deep down inside him, he didn't really mean said those word. Erica shocked and let her tears fell on her cheeks Erica stood up right now I said then she stood up and said Go away from me But I'm just trying to help you I said then she cried and said Your trying me well please get out But I said then she pulled me out of her house.

Sorry may be I'm the real reason why you and my twin broke up.

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