Kissed (Sakane's POV)

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In the morning:

I saw Asano at the canteen I came to him a little bit closer and said "Asano where do I found Akira's locker" I said "Oh, Akira's locker come on followed me" he said. He pointed where Akira's locker was and when I found out where then I put the letter on it. "Hey Osaka what's on with that letter" Asano asked "Oh, on that I just want to talk to him that all" I said "Okay I hope you and Akira had a great talk" he said and he walk away "Goodbye Asano" I said. Then Asano told that to Leo "Hey Onaga" Asano said and whispered something to Leo "What my Yuki wants to met Akira more!!" Leo shouted "Shhh, Yeah but I think she was only telling something to Akira " Asano said "Then what was it" Leo said "I don't know and I'm not a wizand" Asano said "Then let's investigate this" Leo said "What then will spy them" Asano said "Yes if that's the only thing we must do" Leo said. Then Akira checked his locker. In it he saw a letter from other girls then he saw my letter and started reading it

Inside it was:

Dear, Akira

Please, Let's met at the back of the library after class there was something I had to told you it was really important. So, Please I begged you to came and to talk to me.

You friend,


After class Akira came first "Oh I'm sorry did I wait you so long" I apologized "No, It was okay you don't to apologized" he said "What were you going to tell me?" he said "Thank you for writing my name and Leo's name too at your chemistry project even if we didn't participate to you" I said with a smile on my face "Oh about that it was okay to me because you protect me from Leo's cruel words and Leo's was been my friend after all" he said and then he came forward me "Oh, about that (laugh) it was nothing" I said "Really" he said it and then he came forward again "Yes and you why are you f****** moving forward" I said it as I was so mad at him "Sorry I thought you will like it, I'm so very sorry" he apologized and he was about to go away then I grabed his hand and pulled him back and hugged him "I'm sorry now I am also as cruel as Leo" I said it and then I kissed him in his lips as my eyes were closed while Akira's eyes were wide open then he closed it as he liked it. In the other side there was another building at the second floor where there Leo and Asano was. "Oh my gosh, I hope I wouldn't saw that Osaka kissed Akira and it was looked like Osaka fall inlove with him all this time" Asano said "Don't you think Onaga?" Asano asked and shocked in Leo face "Onaga don't tell me that were you also inloved with Osaka" Asano said "Me? fall inlove with Yuki (laughed) that's crazy talk" Leo said "It's obvious on your face and eyes that you were jealous in them were you" Asano said "Stop it" Leo said "And you were....." Asano said and stop when "I said stop the f*** up!!" Leo said "Sorry Onaga" Asano said.Sakane stop kissing Akira "Sorry I really didn't mean to kissed you" I said "I was just........" I said and I stop when Akira kissed me "You don't need to apologized Thank you Sakane" Akira said with a smile on his face and then he walked away. I was so happy that he kissed me after I kissed him then I sighed and looked up to the second building and "Do you guys seen anything get down from there" I said then Leo and Asano get down. "Do you two seen any of it" I said "How about all of it" Asano said. I sighed and looked at Leo "What wrong with Leo?" I asked "Huh? This is nothing don't worried about me I'm fine" Leo said "Are you sure?" I demanded "Yes and I had to go excuse me" Leo said and walked away "What wrong with him Asano?" I asked "Oh don't worried about Onaga he was just suprised on what just you did to Akira" Asano said "You mean the kissed I just did to Akira" I asked "Exactly" Asano said "I see" I said "Sorry I also had I go" he said "Will you excuse me" he asked "Ah sure who not" I said and Asano walked away. I've been thinking what the heck had happened to does two on there faces they were jealous do they also love me.

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