Never Thought (Akira's POV)

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On sunday morning:

I suddenly saw Sakane on the street I when up to her and said "Hi! Sister Sakane" "How was your day?" I asked "Oh! It was zlinch, Hey! wait a minute You called me Sister? What was got in to you?" She said and asked something then I replied "Oh, It was nothing Sister Sakane" and I walked away from her.

On sunday afternoon (almost sunset):

It was started to get late and I was on my way home. I suddenly saw Leo at the playground he was sitting on a seesaw I when up to him and asked "Were you okay Brother Leo?" "No but please don't worried about me" he said and walked away then he suddenly stop and looked at me then he when up to me and hugged me liked we hadn't met in years "I thought you'll never called me Brother again because I was so cruel on you but I was wrong" he said and stop hugging me "Really? So, all the things you said so cruel on me was you didn't mean?" I asked "Exactly! So please, Will you forgave me?" he asked "Yes, why not you had been my friend after all" I said it with a smile on my face and Leo also smile at me liked were more than friends and he walked away.

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