Swimming to Hell (Anna's POV) Part 1 Sweet Moments

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Inside the classroom (before recess):

I'm ready for monday to show anyone my special talent that all the sport they know I know how to play it all except "Okay class be ready for your P.E. class on monday Mrs. Amie also said bring your swim suit or swim trunks for your swimming lessons that day" Mrs. Annie said.

Inside the classroom (Recess time):

"Anna what's wrong Sakane" said "S....Sakane what outfit do we need wear on our swimming lesson again?" I asked "Anna it was swim suit if your a girl and swim trunks if you a. boy" she said "No why swim suit!!!" I shouted "What the hell was going on?" Leo asked "Anna don't like to wear swim suit on our P.E. lesson on monday" Sakane said "Why Anna?" Leo asked "Oh, It was nothing" I said then Leo looked at me closer "Oh, no Anna" he said "Why Leo?" I asked "Were you on your period today" he asked "No Leo I'm not" I replied "Okay I thought that was the reason" he said then Sakane looked at me and said "Were you flat-chested" she said I was shocked "Am I right?" she asked "Well no I'm not" I replied then my face turn red "Sorry but am I right?" she asked "No" I replied then when Sakane and Leo go away I said this on my own "Sakane was right I'm a flat-chested what could I do". Then go back to me again "Had you seen Asano?" Sakane asked "No but he told me that he couldn't go to school today because of (sighed) he didn't told me anything" Leo said "Even Erica didn't go to school today" I said "That means Akira didn't go too?" I asked "No Anna, his a pilot section right" Leo said "Oh, I forgot" I said.

Outside the school (Walking on my way home)

I saw Akira walked alone so I went up to him and asked "Do Asano had fever so that's why his absent today?"  "No he hadn't" he said while we're walking "Really" I asked "Yeah" he replied "You know Erica was absent too" I said "Really" he said. We're had a nice talk while walking then a few moment later I said "Akira"  "Hmmm" he replied "Do you know how to made a boob's poom?" I asked "Yes" he replied "Really" I asked "Oh, yes" he replied "Can you made me two" I asked "Sure why not" he replied "Thank you" I said "You're welcome" he said "Wait" I said then I stopped walking when he saw me stopped he stopped too "Why do you know I need those?" I asked "Because we're classmates in grade 7 remember" he replied then continue on walking "So you're the real reason why I transfered to this school" I said "Come on let's go home" he said "Okay" I said then we walked on our way home "When do you want those Sister Flat-Anna?" he asked "On monday so please made me two pooms and stop calling me liked you're the one who bullied me okay" I said "Fine" he said "Goodbye Akira I had to ride on a bus so Bye" I said then I stopped walking and he was still walking on his way home I'm really glad we had this talk.

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