1. Nice to meet you

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Hi again! I want to thank you one more time for reading this. I hope you'll like it. Enjoy!

It's the night before your departure. You're already packed and beyond excited to see your friends after summer holiday. Suddenly you see an owl bringing you a letter. As you read you find out its a letter from Harry.
Dear Y/N,
As you already know Hermione and I are stying at Ron's house. We're still very sad you couldn't come because you were sick. Sadly, I have to inform you about a problem we have. We can't come to Hogwarts tomorrow. Long story short we all ate a magic pumpkin! It sounds funny but it definitely doesn't feel like it. We'll join you a day later because tomorrow the poition we have to drink to get well will be ready. We are all very sorry that you have to go alone by train but don't worry. You won't even notice and the day will be over! We are all more than happy to see you. We love you!
You put down the letter with sad face. You were so excited to meet them at the station and sit with them in the compartment. Now you'll have to sit alone like a weirdo. But as you imagine them eating a magic pumpkin you start to laugh. It's getting pretty late and you have to wake up early tomorrow so you slowly fall asleep.

September 1st
Y/N point of view:
I said goodbye to my mom and my sister and hugged them tightly. I'll miss them so much, we're like best friends. I went through the wall to get to platform 9 3/4 when no one was around. Here I was alone looking at my favorite train feeling lonely but excited at the same time. I was a little bit late so I had to hurry. I entered the train and looked for an empty compartment. Every single one was full! I was desperate at this point... All of a sudden I found an empty one. I sat down happily and hoped that no one will join me. I started reading my favorite book when someone opened the door. "Good morning, may I sit here? All of the compartments are full and you're here alone I suppose?" he said. I didn't know who he was, he was older than me and I must say he was handsome. He looked like a teacher but I've never seen him before.. "Oh, I had the same problem. Of course you can sit here." i said with a smile. He smiled at me and sat down. I tried to continue reading but I couldn't concentrate. I knew he was looking at me. Do I say something? Do I introduce myself? I was confused with my thoughts... Suddenly I heard him say : "Well since we're going to be here for the next few hours I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Remus Lupin and I'm the new teacher of defense against the Dark Arts. And you are?" "My name is Y/N and I'm in the 6th year." i said while shaking his hand. "Oh really? I thought you were an assistant. You look so mature for your age..". I giggled but deep down I felt the butterflies in my stomach.
Lupin's point of view:
After minutes of finding a compartment I finally found one almost empty. As I was entering I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had beautiful hair and her eyes shined like diamonds. She was reading her book so calmly I didn't want interrupt her. Her lips looked so beautiful I could only think about how.... "Remus calm down you're not a teenager anymore." i thought to myself. She was so nice I couldn't stop looking at her. I had to say something I just didn't want to ruin it. She's a student but I just couldn't control myself...

You two talked for hours. You joked around, got to know each other. You two absolutely forgot about the fact that you were his student and he was your teacher. You talked about your favorite books and he insisted on borrowing you few of his favorites when you'll arrive at Hogwarts. When the train arrived at the destination you got kind of sad because you knew this little friendship couldn't continue but you didn't know what was waiting for you in the future....

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now