5. New suitor

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Hiiiiii!! Hope you're having fun. Love you!

It was silent in the classroom. You were looking down while Lupin was looking at you. When finally Lupin decided to say something.

Y/N point of view:
"Are we going to ignore each other and not talk at all?" he asked seriously.
"You were the one who embarrassed me in front of the class..." I answered.
"I, look I didn't want to embarrass you but you were so happy talking to the boy and seeing him with you was awful for me."he said, coming closer to me. He came to my desk and I was still looking down. He grabbed my chin and lifted it up.
"I want to talk to you but seeing you sad makes me weak."he said. "Oh god, please tell me what's wrong? Why are you acting like this? Please say something."
I looked him in his eyes and said: "Can't you see how wrong this is? You're my teacher and we can't hide forever. Imagine if my friends went looking for me or if they told anyone I was missing. They would find us. I could ruin your life... Today I had to lie to my friend because of you. I've never done that."
"I would risk it all for you. But sadly I can see you wouldn't."he said while sadly going away. "You don't even know me that well..." I said. "But I want to. You can't even imagine how badly I want to know everything about you. How I want to know your favorite movie, your favorite ice cream, your favorite childhood memory,your..." I stood up and walked to him. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed me back passionately. "I'm sorry." I said while hugging him. "Please never be sorry for anything. You're too precious for that."he answered while touching my hair.

You talked for the rest of the time. Then you went to see Hagrid with Harry, Ron and Hermione. He made you all tea and you had a great time. Hagrid showed you his new creature and you all played with it. Later you all studied together and hanged out. Just as you were about to sleep you remembered how you promised Cedric you'll meet him after your detention. "Oh shoot!"you thought to yourself.

You woke up with a smile. It was beautiful outside. "This day is going to be great. What do you think Ginny?" I asked and looked at Ginny. She was still sleeping so I had to wake her up, again. "Five more minutes please." Ginny said tiredly. "Okay Ginny but I'm going to look for Hermione. Maybe she is already in the common room. See ya!" I yelled while closing the door. "Hermione! Good morning sunshine!" I shouted. Hermione looked at me like I was mentally ill. "Oh come on don't be so serious. How did you sleep?" "You've never asked me that. Anyways why are you so happy all of a sudden?"she answered calmly. "I have no idea but I have a strange feeling that today will be awesome. Come on lets go eat." "Shouldn't we wait for the others?" Hermione asked. "But I'm so hungry." I answered. "Y/N I'm sorry but I promised the boys I'll wait for them." Hermione answered as she continued on reading her book. "Ahh okay I'll go alone but meet me in class!"

You went to breakfast alone feeling like you own the world. But your fantastic feeling went away just the second you saw Cedric.

Y/N point of view:
Should I go say Hi or will that be awkward? I should probably just eat and meet him in the class. As you were eating you heard a familiar voice say :
"Good morning Y/N. How was the detention yesterday?" Cedric asked.
"Hi Cedric. I'm so sorry i forgot about yesterday. I will totally make it up to you. I hope you're not mad..."
"Of course not Y/N. See you in class?" He winked at me.

Today you sat with Cedric in all of your classes. You were a bit scared to sit with him in Defense against the Dark Arts but you remembered you're just friends so there's no reason for Lupin to be jealous. You chatted for a while until Lupin came inside the classroom. Lupin was eye-fucking you the whole lesson and you definitely did the same. You started to miss his kisses all over your body, his strong hands holding your neck. Basically you were daydreaming the whole class. After class Dumbledore announced the greatest news of the year. The Yule Ball will be happening in just a week. You squeezed Ginnys hand and smiled at her. You love to dance and buy new dress. But then it hit you. You forgot that Remus is a teacher and you two can't go together. But at least you can spend time with your friends....After the everyday late hangout in the common room you all went to your rooms. You were just about to open your room when you noticed there was a letter on the ground.

Y/N point of view:
"Ginny? Do you know anything about this?" I asked confused. "Just open it." Ginny answered excitedly. "So you do...". We went inside of the room and sat on our beds. As I was reading I found out it was from Cedric. "Did you talk to him about me Ginny?" "Y/N he's such a romantic. He told me to put it there. So what does the letter say?" Ginny asked. I started to read:

Dear Y/N,
I would be honored if you accepted my request to meet you tonight in the courtyard at midnight. I have something important to tell you. And don't forget you said you will make it up to me. I hope I'll see you there. You looked beautiful today.

"Omg you have to go! I fully support you on this one." Ginny laughed. I was so curious about what he wants to tell me I absolutely forgot about the dementors. I said bye to Ginny,grabbed the letter and left. I saw him standing there waiting for me. He got so excited when he saw me.
"Y/N you came! I'm so happy" Cedric said and hugged me.
"So what is that important thing you want to tell me?" I laughed.
"Well as you know the Yule ball will be happening in a week and I was... I was just thinking. Would you want to go with me?" He asked nervously and gave me the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen.
"Cedric, you're so sweet. I would love to go with you."
Cedric went all the way to our painting just to make sure I was safe. I kissed him on the cheek and said goodnight.

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now