8. Caught

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Hiiiiiiiii! I hope you like the story so far! Prepare for drama haha.

You and Remus are head over heals for each other. Everything's been great for the past days until one day that changed everything.

Y/N point of view:
Me and Remus have been writing love letters to each other. I have them all hidden but I keep reading them every night. He is such a romantic. He even wrote a little poem for me. I can't stop thinking about him, his lips, his kisses....
"Hello?? Are you even listening to me or have you been daydreaming again?" Ginny interrupted my thoughts.
"What? No. I'm totally listening to you." I answered nervously.
"Right so what was I saying?" Ginny asked smiling.
"Em.... well.."She was right. I really wasn't listening....
"Y/N.. you know I like him and you can't even be happy for me.."Ginny said as she looked down.
"No Ginny I'm more than happy for you! It's just I have a lot on my mind and.... I'm sorry I didn't sleep well."
"Oh it's okay. So Harry asked me out and we're supposed to go for a walk somewhere. And I don't know what to wear so I was wondering if I can borrow something from you?" Ginny asked.
"Ginny of course you can. What's mine is also yours. You know that..."
"Awwww thank you."
"And you'll look beautiful in everything so." I giggled.
"Stop Y/N you're the beautiful one." Ginny smiled at me. The class has been dismissed and Ginny asked me to go on a walk with her. I wanted to go see Lupin because we had a long break so I told Ginny I was meeting with Cedric. I went to his classroom.
"Sorry professor I wanted to ask you something." I said like we didn't know each other.
"Oh and what is that?" He said continuing my little show.
"Did you have any dream tonight?" I sat on his desk.
"Yes I did."
"And what was it about?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you that. It might be inappropriate." He said as he stood up facing you and rubbing your thigh.
"Well I had a dream too..."
"And can me do me the favor and tell me about it?"
"It was about you professor."
"About me? Now I'm even more curious... What were we doing?" He asked curiously.
"What if I show you instead of telling you?" I said as I started to kiss him. He pulled me closer and we started making out.

Cedrics point of view:
I went to see professor Lupin to ask him a few questions about the assignment. But as I opened the door I saw something I never wanted to see. I saw the love of my life kissing my professor. What's wrong with him? She's sixteen! I ran away as fast as possible. She broke my heart. She is such a slut!

Y/N point of view:
"Wait," I said as I pulled away, "I think I heard someone" . I looked at my watch and saw that I've been here for too long. "I've gotta go."I said as I tried to get off his desk. "Don't go..." he said as he pulled me closer again. "Professor I already asked you what I wanted to so I have no other reason to be here. See you in class." I said laughing. I went straight to the class and sat next to Ginny.
"Hey Y/N did something happen? Because I saw Cedric running to his room saying he doesn't feel well and he can't go to the class..."
"Oh.. well he was telling the truth. He told me he might be sick." What could have happened I asked myself. I wasn't into him but I still cared about him.

Our last class has just ended and I went to hang out with Hermione, Luna and Ginny to the library. It was sweet. We joked around and talked about boys, a lot!
Suddenly I felt someone touching my arm. "Hey Y/N. We don't really know each other but I'm Cedrics friend. He told me he doesn't feel well but he wanted me to tell you to meet him in the courtyard at 10 pm. See you.". "Oh Y/N he is such a romantic. He wants to see you even though he feels sick. You two are perfect for each other...." Luna said. I smiled knowing what I've been doing to him for such a long time. He is such a sweet boy and he doesn't deserve this. I'll tell him the truth tonight. Not about Lupin but about us. He has the right to know.

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