24. Broken

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Y/N point of view:
"Oh you're finally up, me and Y/N are going to visit someone. We'll be back soon." My mom said as my sister woke up and kissed her on the forehead.
"Is it someone special?" My sister asked curiously. I smiled at my mom.
"Don't be so curious. I'll tell you later. We just really have to hurry." My mom answered. We said goodbye and we were on our way.
"Wait. It would be rude to come empty handed. What does Remus like? Vine? Rum?" My mom asked.
"Vine will be perfect." I said. We went to the closest store and my mom bough the vine. "Oh and I remember he really loves chocolate. He used to bring chocolate in his pocket everywhere we went. I should buy him some after everything I did..."
"You're a really nice person mom." I said and smiled. I found his favorite chocolate in the store and we bought it. We finally got on our way to his house.
"Mom?" I asked quietly.
"Yes darling?" My mom answered sweetly.
"Remus is the love of my life. I know we talked about him already... but I just can't stop thinking about him. He's done so much for me and what you said about the zing. It really made me realize we only meet one person in our life that makes us feel that way. And mine is Remus. I want you to know that." I said.
"Oh Y/N, I understand. I'm so happy for you. Everything will be okay from now on. And one day, maybe... you and Remus will have beautiful kids and I'll have beautiful grandchildren. You'll be the best mother and Remus the best father. I know it darling." My mom said and smiled at me.
"We were actually talking about that already." I laughed.
"Really? And what exactly." My mom asked curiously.
"He really wants a son named James..." I said and looked at my mom. I saw the sadness that has hit her.
"Mom?" I asked worryingly.
"James was... a great person. Harry is just like him." She said.
"Remus must really love him." I said.
"Oh he does. James was always there for him during full moon. And just all the time..." my mom said.
"Wait you know?" I asked surprisingly.
"Of course Y/N. Why do you think I was so scared for you. He is very dangerous but I know he would never hurt you." My mom said. I thought about that one time when he did. We walked trough the forest and talked. It was beautiful, finally. We could see his house already. The beautiful memories we had in there were played in my head.
"Mom, there's his house. Oh and I can see him actually, he's standing there." I said excitedly.
"But he is not alone. There's someone next to him." My mom said confusedly. I saw someone but I couldn't figure out who it is. We quickly walked towards them. It was Sirius. They were arguing loudly.
"You ruined everything for me." Sirius yelled.
"What everything? I didn't do nothing Sirius. But you, you did. You were so jealous! You hurt someone I love and I can never forgive you that." Remus yelled back.
"Oh come on. You don't love her. You can't love, you're just a werewolf and they can't feel anything." Sirius shouted.
"You're an evil person Sirius. I'm sorry for you. Or you know what, I'm not. You deserve this. You deserve hate." Remus noticed me standing there with my mom.
"I never want to see you again Sirius. We're done, forever. I have someone special waiting for me and maybe one day you'll have someone too. But I won't know that and I don't want to." Remus said and I ran to him. I hugged him tightly. Sirius turned around and started to walk away.
"I missed you love." Remus said and smiled at me while I were in his arms. Suddenly I noticed I couldn't hear Sirius' footsteps.
"If I can't have her you won't as well." Sirius shouted. I looked up to see the fear in Remus eyes.
"Avada Kedavra" Sirius yelled pointing at me. I was facing Remus so I couldn't see him. Remus quickly turned around with me in his arms. He switched the place with me so the spell would hit him not me. Everything got quite. He gasped for breath and fell down.
"No no no no Remus what have I done." Tears started running down my face. I was holding him in my arms.
"You've done nothing wrong my love." He said slowly dying.
"Please don't go. Stay here with me." I continued crying and holding him.
"I will always be with you. Here." He said pointing at my heart. "I love you my flower. Thank you for making my life worth living." He smiled.
"Remus please- this can't be happening. I can do something. Just wait. Please just stay with me.."
"No Remus I won't let you die." I sobbed.
"Y/N you are my zing." He gasped for breath.
"You- You know what zing is?" I asked.
"Of course. You are." He said and smiled. "Now I'll go and watch you from..." He pointed at the sky. "And I'll take care of you from there. Okay?" He smiled. I looked at him. I couldn't breath. I pulled him closer and laid my head on him. "I love you." He whispered as his last words. "I love you Remus." I whispered back. I felt his soul leave his body.  I couldn't stop crying. My mom ran to me and hugged me.
"He's in better place now darling." She said. My mom looked up but Sirius was no longer there. I couldn't leave. I was still holding him in my arms tightly. After a while people from hospital were coming towards us. We didn't know who sent them or how they knew we were there. I looked at him one more time before they took him. I was still sitting on the ground in front of his house crying and I couldn't stop....he was no longer with me.

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