12. Maybe in another life

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Hiii, I don't really know what to say so... love and enjoy.

Y/N point of view:
It was getting really late. "You can go." Cedric said. I left and closed the door. I felt miserable, sick. As I was running trough the halls I saw Lupin in front of me. I looked around and saw no one was around. I looked at him and hugged him. He held me in his arms as I cried. I pulled away and he noticed my bruises. He touched them and I flinched. He looked worried. "Cedric" I said. "I will kill him." I heard him say as he was about to go look for him. "Please don't." I said and grabbed his hand. "Please let's just go eat some chocolate." I said. He smiled worryingly and we went to his room. He handed me the chocolate and we laid down on the bed together. "It's my fault. If I never seduced you you would never have to go through this. I'm so sorry Y/N. I never wanted this." He said. "It's not your fault. Please don't say that." I looked at him smiling trough my tears.
"I want to go back to the day we met. Remember how I entered the compartment? I thought to myself, that's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I couldn't stop looking at you and admiring your beauty. And then when we talked. You sounded so interesting and so intelligent. I knew it was love at first sight." He said with a tear running from his eye. No one has ever said something like that to me. He loved me the way I've always wanted to be loved. I looked at him the way I've never looked at anyone.
"And now we're here. Crying together. Not knowing what will happen. Y/N I must tell you. If anything happens.."
I interrupted. "Nothing is going to happen."
"If anything happens never forget I love you more than anyone else. You were the person who taught me how to love. You are the only one." He said and started crying. He held me tightly.
"Remus please don't leave me. Please don't give up on me like my father did."
"I promise. Y/N you're the only person I would die for."he whispered.
"One day everything will be great. I'll buy us a beautiful big house somewhere calm."
"Next to a lake." I said and giggled.
"Yes next to a lake. And we'll have beautiful children. One boy and one girl."
"What about Aurora and..."
"James. Aurora and James. And we'll love them as much as we will be able to."
"I will teach Aurora how to paint and you will teach James how to play football."
"And every Saturday we'll invite our friends over. I hope Sirius will have kids by that time so they could play with each other. Sirius is my best friend I forgot to tell you."
"Tell me about him."
"Haha well Sirius, he is. He is interesting. We went to Hogwarts together. He was always the troublemaker. But he is a good man. He would love you. As a friend of course." He laughed.
"And we'll read them every night."
"Of course my love." He said and kissed my forehead. Then my eyes, my nose, cheeks and my lips.
We fell asleep in each other's arms.

When you woke up and tried to touch Lupin you noticed no one was lying next to you.  You found and envelope instead. You opened it and found a letter. You started reading:

Dearest deeply loved Y/N,
The love of my life, my angel, my little princess. The light of my day. The happiness of my lost soul. The one and only for me.
It is indescribable to say how much I love and admire you. You've brought light and happiness into my cold and dark life. You've made me be someone I've always wanted to be. You taught me how to love, how to trust, sacrifice... without you I would never know how beautiful life can be. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Moments I've shared with you are the ones I appreciated the most. From the day we met I knew you were the star of my life. The way you looked at me that day made me feel special. I've never met someone so young yet so intelligent. Someone so sweet yet so fair. Someone so beautiful... Every time I looked at you I fell in love with you all over again. Some would say I'm crazy, some would say I'm lying but I spent every night thinking about you. I hope she's happy, I hope she's healthy, I hope she's laughing, I hope she's warm. I would repeat that to myself every night.
The day you gave me the chance to explore your body was like a dream to me. Your beautiful breast made me loose my mind. Your magnificent lips which tasted like strawberries and each of their kiss was sweet like chocolate. Your breathtaking bottom that made me go crazy. When I looked in your eyes I saw a diamond shining brightly. And when I touched your hair I felt like touching heaven. Last but not least when I tasted your beautiful neck. You gave me the opportunity to touch something so innocent yet so magnificent. Every laugh I've spent with you was genuine and every tear I've shed with you was honest.
But now I have to go. I can't stand in your way anymore. I'll think about you every morning and every night. Every time I eat, I shower, I walk, I simply am. But I know that me being here has only been bad for you. I will never stop loving you and I will never forget you. I will never find someone like you. Someone so sweet, kind, amazing, breathtaking... someone so you. These past months were a dream come true to me but I have to sacrifice my love. I can't no longer be at Hogwarts. I love you so much I decide to leave. Please don't try to find me, don't try to contact me. You're a young amazing talented girl and I will never be good enough for you. Our love is forbidden and that's why is so hard to let go. But I'll never let go. You'll always be in my heart and you'll always be the one. If our love is true and meant to be we'll find each other some day. Or maybe in another life. Maybe as flowers. As animals. Maybe as werewolves.
My love for you has always been and will forever be truthful. I now kiss your forehead, eyes, cheeks and your lips. Please forget about me.
Only yours
Remus Lupin.

You were crying the whole time you were reading. You put down the letter and started sobbing. You noticed there was something inside the envelope. You opened it again and found few polaroids you took with Remus that one night. You were looking at them and crying hard. You almost couldn't breath.

Y/N point of view:
"Why did you leave me when you promised you never would." I sobbed. "You said you will never give up on us. You said you loved me!" I continued crying. After a moment I noticed his shirt placed on the chair. I smelled it. It smelled just like him. Chocolate, cinnamon and tea. There was a note that said "a memory". I stayed in his room for a moment but I knew I had to go home. I admired the couch he first kissed me on, the bed we made love on, the table, the door... I grabbed all my stuff and sneaked in my room still broken and crying. But for some reason remembering our memories made me feel better.

Lupins point of view:
She is still sleeping. My sleeping beauty. I wrote the letter for her and admired her beauty for another 15 minutes. I couldn't let go. I closed the door so many times but I returned just to kiss her again or hold her one more time. I couldn't leave. She was my everything and loosing her was like the worst nightmare. But I had to do this for her. Only this way she will have a chance to be happy. In the morning I went to see Dumbledore and told him I have to leave. He understood everything and wished me well. I entered the train trying so hard not to cry but it was impossible. I wondered if she's still sleeping or if she has already read my letter. I kept looking at the polaroids I took when we were together. I kept replaying her voice in my head. I kept thinking only about her. My little angel, my little girl. My Y/N. I finally arrived at Sirius house. I hugged him and immediately started crying.
"Come here. I know it's hard but you did the right thing. You're a strong person..." he kept comforting me.

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