14. See you

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Hey so I just watched prisoner of Azkaban and the amount of serotonin I have in my body is unhealthy haha.

Few months went by and you start to forget about Remus. Of course not absolutely because he was your first love and deep down you would do anything to get him back but you start to understand why he did it and how you have to move on. You spend more and more time with your friends and everything starts to feel so bright. Remus on the other hand is not doing well at all.

Lupins point of view:
I've written 146 letter for Y/N already. But I haven't sent none. I can't. I know it's not right. I've decided to stay with Sirius for a bit longer. It's torture to see him with different women every week. Of course he hasn't changed. The things I would do just to hug her one more time... But unfortunately Sirius is right. I have to move on and start seeing other people than just him. I have to start living normally. I wish it would be with her but I love her too much to not let her go. She is going to have a beautiful life. And if she's happy, I'm happy.

Y/N point of view:
"It's almost summer. Wow. This year has been... I don't know if I can find the right words to describe it. It's been my best yet the worst year. I don't want to forget Remus, never. He learned me a lot of things . He learned me how to love, how to trust, how beautiful love can be. He was a chapter in my life. A long one. And a part of my heart will always belong to him. But I know I have to let go. Knowing him, he's probably moved on already and I'm here dramatizing everything. As he said, if our love is meant to be we'll meet one day but if it was just to learn us something we'll never see each other again." I wrote in my diary. It was the day before the final exams. We all spent our day studying. Except Ron. He was distracting us the whole time. But after some time we literally forced him to study.

Lupins point of view:
As I was looking at the beautiful picture I have of Y/N Sirius sat next to me. He snatched the picture and looked at it.
"That's her? I can see why you're hurting. She really is beautiful." He said and smiled.
"Sirius that's private. But you're right." I said reaching for the picture because it was the naked one.
"Remus I can't look at you anymore. You've been doing nothing but talking about her. You have to get your life together. You know it would help you to see other people, preferably women. You can't just sit here. And yes I'm your best friend but honestly you have to get a new job. I just, I'm worried about you." Sirius said worryingly. He was right. I've been acting so immature. The next day I went to look for a job at British ministry of magic. And they hired me. I don't live far from Sirius but I eventually had to go home. I said goodbye to Sirius and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for everything my friend." I said. "Remus, if you ever need anything I'm always here. I thank you for keeping me company." He said laughingly. I went home and had to clean the whole house. I finally am on the right way to becoming myself again.

Y/N point of view:
"So guys what do you think?" Ron said sadly.
"Well I think it was really easy." Hermione answered casually.
"Hermione don't make us feel stupid." Ginny said jokingly.
"Guys let's be proud for a minute. We studied so much no matter how it ends." I said seriously.
"You're right we shouldn't worry so much. Well It's not like I really worry but you guys.." Harry said laughing. We all went to Hagrids and invited Luna for the first time. I was kinda jealous because she really got along with Hagrid. Like Luna I love you but Hagrid is my best friends so keep your distance. We kind of celebrated that evening. Hagrid told us a little bit about his experience at Hogwarts. It was so fun to hear all those funny stories. We all said goodbye to Hagrid and went to our common room. It was our last night at Hogwarts. We almost didn't sleep at all. We chatted all evening and enjoyed every little moment. I didn't even want to go home....

The next day we all had to leave and go home. We said goodbye to all professors and mostly Hagrid.
"Hagrid I'll miss you so much. You have to write me okay?" I said as I hugged him. "I'll write you as many letters as I can. Oh wait but I can't write." He said. I laughed so much because I totally forgot! We got on the train and sat in one compartment. We ate a lot of candies, talked, sang.... It was fun! When we arrived at the station it wasn't so fun anymore. I had to say goodbye to all of my friends.
"Ginny I'll miss you more than everything. You have to write me!" I said as I hugged her.
"Of course. I hope you'll stay at our house this summer and you won't be sick!" I giggled.
"Hermione, please take a break from all the studying okay? Just for me. I'll miss you so much." I hugged Hermione.
"Haha you know I won't. I love you and I'll write you." She said and smiled at me.
"Looks like we'll see each other soon so no need to be dramatic." Ron said jokingly.
"Oh come one." I said as I hugged him. "I'll miss you and your sarcasm."
"Harry I hope you're going to spend few weeks at Weasleys house too!" I said hugging him.
"Well yes but I was thinking about spending most of the summer with my godfather Sirius."
"Of course. I hope you'll have fun." Wait. Wasn't Sirius best friend of Lupin? Well I suppose there are lots of men with name Sirius...I've never met his godfather so I don't know.
"Aww Luna I'll miss you so much."
"I'll miss you more my dear." Luna said hugging me. We all said our final goodbyes and met with our parents. I hugged my mom and sister tightly and we went home. We talked about my year.
"So this year nothing really weird or special happened? I'm glad..." my mom said. Oh only if you knew....

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