6. Im sorry

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Hey guys! I hope you're excited to go to the Yule Ball! Love you. Also it will get spicy in this chapter so be prepared.

Day before the Yule ball
"Ginny wake up! Today it's the most important day! We can go to Hogsmade and buy our dress! Ginny!!" I shouted with enthusiasm.
"Calm down Cinderella." Ginny said sarcastically.

You had breakfast and went to Hogsmade with Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Harry. You separated into two groups. You,Ginny and Hermione went to look for dresses while Ron and Harry went to go buy candy. As you entered the shop you've found the most beautiful dress you've ever seen.

Y/N point of view:
"Girls, look!" I showed them the dress.
"I have to say those dress are going to look beautiful on you. Oh you really are going to be Cinderella." Ginny smiled.
"She's right. You'll look lovely." Hermione giggled.
When I tried them on I felt like a princess. They were made for me. I didn't think twice! Ginny bought beautiful dress too. Beautiful green dress. And Hermione as well, hers are purple. We all got what we wanted. To end this amazing day we all sat it Honeydukes and talked. It was a lovely day. As I laid sleeping I could think about two people. Cedric and Lupin....

I woke up even more happy than yesterday. I kissed Ginny as a morning kiss. She looked at me weirdly.
"Are you okay Cinderella?" She asked.
"Stop it Ginny haha! I just can't wait for the ball. I've never been on one!" We both laughed.
"Let's go, so school could be over and the fun may start!"

We got ready and went to our first class. I sat with Cedric.
"I'm very excited to see you in your dress tonight Y/N." He said sweetly.
"I hope you can dance." I laughed.

After class I met Harry sitting in the courtyard.
"Hi Harry, what are you doing here?"
"Hey, I'm just thinking.."
"Are you okay Harry?"
"I'm fine don't worry I just...okay you're my friend you'll understand. I want to ask this girl to the Yule Ball but I'm scared of rejection..."
"Oh Harry! Any girl would want to go with you. You're one of the best boys I know. I would say just go ask her."
"You're right. What's the worst that could happen."

In the last class you sat with Ginny.
"Y/N you won't believe what happened. Harry asked me to the ball and I said yes!"
"Omg Ginny! I'm so happy for you!".
"Oh and another news. Ron asked Hermione! Can you believe it? She said yes as well. So that means all of us got a date! I'm so so excited!"she yelled.

After school you, Ginny and Hermione started to get ready together. You were the prettiest girls in the Hogwarts! It was getting late and you were getting more and more nervous. It was finally time to go.

Y/N point of view:
"Girls don't we look beautiful?" I asked while we were looking in the mirror.
"Indeed!" Hermione giggled.
We went to the common room and we saw Harry and Ron waiting. Ron couldn't take his eyes off Hermione just as Harry off Ginny. I was so happy for them all. Cedric was waiting for me in front of the painting.
"You look absolutely gorgeous my lady." He said while kissing my hand.
"Thank you Sir, I can say the same about you." He grabbed my hand and we all went together.

Y/N point of view:
As I was walking down the stairs I saw Lupin. Our eyes met and I had a flashback of him kissing my neck. His moans were played in my head on repeat. I had to control myself. I'm here with my friends and anyways he hasn't been as nice to me past few days. Actually he hasn't said a word to me. I've been thinking about him everyday but it looks like hasn't. I was more than happy to spend time with my friends just to get him out of my head.

"Can I ask you for a dance?" Cedric asked.
"You may." We danced and talked all evening. It was so fun! I must admit we flirted a little. I got a little thirsty so I went to get a drink. Suddenly I felt someone grabbing me and pushing me into a room. I turned around as he closed the door and it was Lupin.
"What are you doing?!" I asked angrily.
"What am I doing? What are you doing! How could you? You've been torturing me this whole evening."
"You haven't said a word to me for past days. How do you think I feel?"
"I had a lot on my mind. But you! Did you forget about everything? Are my feelings so irrelevant to you?"
"Why are you so angry. We aren't dating and its not like you own me!"
"Oh I'm sorry your dad never cared or took care of you and now this feels weird to you!"
As I heard those words I ran away. He tried to stop me but I wouldn't let him. I ran out of the ballroom and just ran. He ran after me.
"Y/N wait please! I'm sorry." I ran into the courtyard and sat down crying. He sat next to me.
"Y/N I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. Please don't cry."
"How could you say something so cold. Why am I even crying you were right. I've never met my dad. He's never taken care of me so you were telling the truth. Congratulations." I continued crying.
"I, I'm so sorry I don't know what to say. Please forgive me. When I saw you with a boy your age all I could think about was that this is right. He's right for you. He's young, nice, handsome. And what am I? Your professor. Y/N you've made me feel love that I've never felt. I regret everything I did, everything I said." I still couldn't look him in his eyes. "About your dad. What an idiot honestly. If he knew what a great person you are he would love you so much. You know I've never met my dad too. I've always wanted to but he never showed any interest in meeting me so I gave up. But let me tell you, those people suck! Your dad is missing out on the best girl I've ever met and what that makes him? An idiot." I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "You're the most beautiful, talented, smartest and nicest girl to ever exist and I hope one day you'll see it too."he said and I fell into his arms. I couldn't stop crying. "Hey, angel, what do you say we ditch this ball and I'll make you some hot chocolate?" I smiled and whispered yes. He carried me to his room and put me on his bed. He handed me the hot chocolate and sat on the bed. I took a sip and put the chocolate down. "Don't put it down, you should drink mo-". I kissed him. "Are you sure you want this right now?"he pulled away and asked worryingly. "More than ever" I said. He put down his mug and kissed me. I started to unbutton his shirt as he tried to unzip my dress. His opened shirt exposed his scars on his upper body as my dress were thrown away by him, leaving me only in my underwear. Remus gently pushed me on my back and got on top. He came closer to my ear and whispered: "Love, you're the only one for me". Then he started to kiss my neck as I wrapped my legs around him but he pushed them away and spread them apart, stroking my inner thighs. He kissed my body all the way down to my inner thighs and my clothed pussy. My nipples were getting harder and by this time I had shivers all over my body. "Let's get rid of this." Remus said as he pulled down my panties and threw them away. His fingers found their way to my clit, slowly rubbing circles on it and his lips pressed on my neck. I couldn't help but moan in his ear which turned him more and I could already see his hard dick in his pants. I surprised him and started to stroke it through his pants which made him groan loudly in my ear. After few seconds I unbuckled his belt and my hand found it's way to his boxers. The touch of my cold hands made him flinch a little. I surprised him again and roughly pushed him on his back which made me now on top. He stayed in shock. I pulled his hand out of my walls and licked his fingers, looking directly in his eyes and then kissed him making him taste myself. I then moved lover so my head was now above his hard dick. My mouth opened and I started to tease him. Firstly I stuck out my tangue and licked his tip gently. He was looking at me the whole time with lust and hunger in his eyes. Then I started to lick his dick all the way from the tip to the bottom, still teasing him extremely. He tried to grab my head to finally make me put it inside my mouth but I quickly pushed it away. "Patience, sir." I chuckled. Then I finally started to blow him which released all the tension he had in his body from all the teasing. I sucked it faster and faster until I felt his legs shaking and his breath getting heavier. I stopped which made him extremely angry and sweating. He put his hand on my throat and flipped us over, which made him on top of me again. "So you want to play games huh? Let me remind you who you're messing with little one." He said quite teasingly as he whispered some words and suddenly a rope appeared above my head tying my hands together. He positioned his head in between my legs and started to lick my clit with his fingers inside me. "Remus-" I moaned. "No little girl, you may only call me professor." He said and continued pleasuring me. After a while I couldn't take it anymore, my legs started to shake and my nipples were about to explode. "Remus I'm about-" I felt my orgasm building up. I was just about to cum when he suddenly stopped everything he was doing. "What did you just call me." He put his hand on my throat again. "I'm sorry professor." I shyly answered begging him to continue. "You'll have to make up for it." He suggested. "I'll do anything for you professor." I answered. He smirked and put my legs on his shoulders. He started to thrust in me roughly without waiting for me to adjust which made me moan loudly. I could see his eyes roll to the back of his head as he groaned from the pleasure. "Oh fuck" he shouted. He continued to thrust in me rougher and harder, hitting my g-spot and making me build up my orgasm again. Without any control over it I released all over his cock which made him be almost on the edge of his own orgasm. "Are you a good girl?" He asked slightly choking me. "Yes sir." I whispered. "Then open your mouth." He demanded and I obeyed. He positioned himself with his dick above my head and his legs on each side of my arms. He roughly shoved his dick in my mouth and started to fuck my throat which made me gag and choke a little. After few seconds I could feel he was about to cum. "Stick your tongue out." He yelled. I did as he said so and he immediately finished on my tongue and the rest on my face. "Now eat it princess." I obeyed and swallowed it all. "Good girl."he said as he caressed my cheek and kissed me on my lips. He transfigured the pillow into a towel and cleaned my whole body. He threw it away and lied facing me and covered us both in a blanket. "Y/N you're breathtaking, literally." He chuckled still trying to breath normally. I smiled at him and snuggled into his arms, laying my head on his naked chest and holding his hand. "Thank you for saying those things before."I said looking up to see his face. "My angel, it was only the truth. I love you." I looked at him with a shock in my eyes. No man has ever said that to me. I got stressed, I did want to say it back but I was scared. "You won't leave me like my father did right?"I asked in fear. "I would never do such a thing to you."he said lovingly. "I love you Remus. I love you so much." I finally said. I felt so happy that I let it out. He looked at me with appreciation and happiness in his eyes. "I love you more, angel. More than anything in tis world." He said happily. I blushed and pressed my head against his chest as tightly as possible, feeling his heartbeat. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are gray..." he started to whisper the lyrics to the beautiful song as he gently played with my hair. I fell asleep in his arms. I didn't care about anything. I was laying next to my love.

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