2. Saviour

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Hello ! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and you'll enjoy this one as well! Also I'm sorry but you'll have to be Gryffindor in this story so you can sit with Harry etc...

You arrived at the Hogwarts and the first thing you had to do was to gather in the Great Hall. Dumbledore said his long long speech and first years were separated into their houses. As you were sitting alone at the Gryffindor table Ginny came up to you and sat next to you.

Y/N point of view:
"I finally see a familiar face. Can you please explain to me how can someone eat a magic pumpkin and not notice?" I said with laugh. I was so happy Ginny was here with me. While I was talking to Ginny I heard Dumbledore say name Remus Lupin. I immediately looked towards him and listened. He introduced him as the professor of Defense against the Dark Arts. Lupin said a few words but he was shy so he slowly sat down. That was weird, only now I've noticed his scars on his face. Oops! He caught me staring. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. He wouldn't break the eye contact. All of a sudden I felt Ginny's kick. "Hello? Are you here?Earth to Y/N" Ginny shouted. "I'm sorry what were you saying?" I said nervously. "Ahaha what's up with you darling?" Ginny said before eating her first bite. "Ginny stop haha! Just tell me is there any boy you fancy? I'm very curious about what's changed over the summer!"

After the dinner you and Ginny talked for hours in the Gryffindor common room. You laughed out loud and the best thing that could happen that evening was you even shared the same room. You talked until you were so tired you couldn't anymore.

The next day you woke up earlier so you cloud do your makeup, have a shower... you really like to take care of yourself and always look your best! You even styled your uniform and made her look prettier. You like to stand out in the best way.

Y/N point of view:
"Ginny, darlin, wake up or we'll be late." I said softly. Ginny was very annoyed but I didn't really care because I knew she wasn't an early-bird. We headed to our first class this year which was Potions with Snape. To be honest I've always had a little crush on him and being me I had this complex that I had to fix everyone and help them. I wanted to be the one who will break his pride and show him love. I've never said that to anyone because they would make fun of me but I always thought about it. The day went by pretty boringly until the last class, Defense against the Dark Arts. I sat down with Ginny and we waited for our professor to walk in. He was so nice and funny. The class was so entertaining and we all learned a lot. Even though I didn't want to admit it to myself I was always looking at him and checking him out. He was very handsome and I would say hot as well. Every time he looked at me I wanted to smile and the butterflies in my stomach were so real! I had to do something with myself because this was so wrong.

After school you wanted to go see Hagrid but you saw Harry, Ron and Hermione on your way! You hugged them so tightly and was so happy you finally see them. You all talked and decided to go see Hagrid together. He was so happy you showed up. They told you about their experience with magic pumpkin and you and Hagrid laughed so hard. It was getting late and you still had to study so you decided to leave Harry,Ron,Hermione and Hagrid and headed to your room. On your way you accidentally bumped into someone. As you looked into his eyes you realized it was your professor Lupin. "I'm very sorry I didn't see you Miss Y/N. Are you hurt?" he said with a smile. "It was my fault professor." you said and tried to walk as fast as possible. You had mixed feeling about your professor so you had to get him out of your head. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't because he probably saw how you tried to run away.

Y/N point of view:
"Oh Ginny hi! Do you want to study together?"
"Honestly? Studying is probably the least thing I want to do now Y/N..."
"Oh come one! We'll study together and then we can do whatever we want. Okay what about bringing Luna? We haven't really talked to her."
"Okay Y/N, you always know what to say haha!"

You had so much fun in the library. You have to admit you didn't really study but you really missed this. You all met in the common room for a little but you all went sleep few minutes after. You said goodnight to Ginny and tried to sleep. After few hours you gave up.

Y/N point of view:
"I have to go for a walk." I thought to myself. I got dressed and brought my favorite book with you. Ginny was sleeping hard so I couldn't wake her up. It was not so dark anymore so it was fine. Everything felt so peaceful and calm. I went to the courtyard, sat down and started reading. Suddenly I felt a cold breeze. I felt something wasn't right. I saw a dementor. He was hurting me and I slowly passed out. The last words I heard were Expecto Patronum.

You woke up and your head was hurting. You didn't know where you were until you saw a familiar face walking towards you.

Y/N point of view:
"I'm so glad you're awake. You're probably not feeling your best and I've got the best medicine for you." Lupin said as he handed me the chocolate. "Now eat and listen. You were attacked by the dementor and I have no idea why. You're going to be okay but please never walk alone at night again. If I wouldn't be awake back then you could end up very hurt. It's very dangerous and I know you didn't have any bad intentions by sneaking out but you have to respect the rules. Understood?" Lupin said. "I'm sorry I just wanted to go for a fresh air and I didn't know about dementors. I won't do it again professor."I said with a sad face. "No need to be embarrassed beautiful. Now do you want hot tea to make you feel better?"he said sweetly. Did he just call me beautiful? I- Am I hearing right? That was probably just in my head. "Yes that would be perfect thank you." We chatted for so long. He made me feel so comfortable and safe. I haven't felt this way for so long. I wanted this to last forever. "Oh lord, it's almost 7 in the morning can you believe it? The time goes by so fast when I'm with you" he said beautifully. "I have to thank you again. You saved me and I owe you. You're my hero now." I giggled. "But i should probably go before any of my friends wake up. It would be hard to explain..." i said. "Yeah you're definitely right. But I insist on going with you because I'm too scared to let you go alone." Lupin said.

He walked you to your painting and you said: "Thank you for taking care of me. I appreciate it.". "Anything for you." he replied. You smiled and went to your room. You've never felt so safe. You felt so warm and happy. You didn't feel tired at all. You felt just like in a movie...

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now