25. Together forever

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70 years later:
Y/N point of view:
"Grandma tell us was grandpa your first love?" My granddaughter Elizabeth asked me. I looked at George sitting next to me and smiling at me.
"Oh grandma please." My grandson Hugh yelled. I smiled at them.
"Of course he was and he is my one and only love." I answered.
"Aw that's so cute grandma. I hope one day I'll find a prince too and we'll be together forever." Elizabeth said sweetly.
"Of course you will." I answered.
"And what about you grandpa. Did you fell in love at first sight with grandma?" Hugh asked curiously. George laughed.
"Your grandma was and is still my sunshine kids. When I saw her for the first time I immediately fell in love for her." He looked at me.
"Oh George ." I blushed.
"I'm telling the truth. I always knew we'll end up together." He said smilingly.
"Kids leave your grandparents alone, they need to rest for a little." My son Remus said.
"Oh don't worry Remus I'm as fresh as daisy." George laughed.
"I'll go rest for a little okay?" I said and went to my room. I lied down and closed my eyes. I heard someone open the door.
"Grandma?" Elizabeth said quietly.
"Come here darling." I said. She sat next to me.
"Was grandpa really your first love?" She asked. I smiled at her and looked away. "I knew it!" Elizabeth laughed. "Then who was?" She asked curiously.
"I told you it was grandpa." I said.
"The truth grandma." She demanded. I smiled at her and look at my hands.
"There was a man named R.J. Lupin. And he saved me, in every way a person can be saved." I smiled at her with a tear running down my face. I remembered all of our memories. How we met in the compartment, how I ended up in his room, our little date, our sleepovers, the way he held my hand, the way he kissed me and the way he said i love you.
"What was his full name?" She asked.
"Remus." I whispered.
"But that's dad's..."
"I know." I smiled
"Do you still love him?" She asked.
"Lizzy, it's been 70 years." I smiled but I knew my answer.
"What happened to him?" She asked.
"He sacrificed himself for me..." another tear ran down my face. I remembered the look on his face when he said his last words. I remembered the look on his face when the spell hit him. The way he gasped for breath. The way I hugged him. The way he smelled.
"Darling I don't feel well. Go play with you brother okay?" I said and laid down again. She closed the door. I started crying a little. I looked out of the window that was next to my bed and saw a heart made of stars that were shining brightly. "I love you. Always have and forever will." I whispered. I felt a hand touching me. I wasn't scared. It felt so... genuine. It felt like him. I closed my eyes and dreamed of him.
"Mom are you sleeping." My son Remus asked. I didn't answer. "Mom?" He asked loudly. He shook my body. "Mom!" He yelled. I wasn't moving. It was my time to go. I saw someone offering me his hand. I pulled it and it was my love, Remus. We were finally together. He hugged me and we went away together.
"We're flying Remus." I yelled happily.
"We are my love." He answered. "I waited for you my flower. No one can separate us now. We're free." He yelled.
"I love you." I whispered.
"And I love you." He kissed me. We were there. After 70 years we were together. As souls, souls who found each other too soon. Souls who are tied together and after all this time they are still meant to be. And since then, two beautiful stars were shining next to each other on the sky.

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