7. Jealousy

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Hey! I love that you're still here. I hope you had/will have a great day. Love you!

It's been a few weeks. After your night with Remus you went to your room luckily before everyone else. When they asked you where you were you said you didn't feel good. Cedric is still trying to get your attention as much as possible but you're in love with Lupin so you don't really care. He sends you letters, flowers, books... but you love someone else. You really want to tell him but you can't. You hope he'll stop trying but the longer you push him away the more he wants you. Lupin often tells you that you shouldn't hang out with him so often but he's one of your best friends...One day you went to the courtyard and you saw Lupin. You were just about to approach him when you saw Cedric.

Y/N point of view:
Cedric was standing in front of me with flowers and a gift for me.
"Hi Y/N, little bird told me you already finished your book so I hope you'll like this one. It's one of my favorites and it's really good. And I also brought you flowers."
"Cedric, I don't know what to say. You really didn't have to..Thank you and the flowers are beautiful..I-" I said surprised.
"They aren't as beautiful as you are." He smiled. I looked at Lupin and saw the way he looked at me. He looked sad but jealous. He walked away. I didn't know what to do. When I think about it, Lupin has never done something so sweet for me. For some reason I ran after him. "I'm sorry Cedric I have to go." I said as I ran away. He stood there confused. I ran to Lupins class and closed the door.
"So what is it gong to be the next time? Engagement ring?" Remus said angrily.
"Why are you yelling at me. I didn't do anything."
"You're mine! Not his. Mine." He yelled. I looked at him with fear. "I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to yell at you. Come here." He hugged me tightly. "It's just it ruins me every time you're with him. I love you and I want to be able to do the same with you. Be in public with you. Kiss you in public..."he said looking in your eyes. "I'm fine with you kissing me now." I said boldly. He didn't hesitate and kissed me. As he started to undress me, I pulled away.  "We have to control ourselves. I have to go to class." I said trying to resist him. "Y/N I don't want to control myself," he said as he started to kiss my neck, "I want you now, I need you now. Get on your knees,now." I looked at him confused. "Just do as I say." I got on my knees as he started to unbuckle his belt. He pulled his already hard cock out and stared at me. "Just play with it princess." He said impatiently. I started by licking his tip slowly, teasing him to get him angry. Then I moved my tongue to the bottom of his dick, gently put his balls in my mouth and sucked them."Oh fuck" he started to loose control over his groans. As impatient as he was, he grabbed my head and started to move my head back and forth, leaving me with no air to breath. He made me take him whole in my mouth which made me gag. He loved it. "I'm gonna cum all over your pretty face." He roughly said as he continued thrusting in my mouth. His breaths became heavier and his moans louder. When he couldn't take it anymore he pulled it out of my mouth and yelled: "Stick your fucking tongue out". I did as he asked me to and looked him in the eyes. He threw his head back and came all over my tongue with few drops on my face. "Oh you're such a good girl."he said, catching his breath. "You know what daddy wants you to do." I swallowed it slowly. "Oh yeah, good girl." He praised me as he tugged the hair behind my ear. I stood up and tried to leave for my class but he wouldn't let me. "I want to spend more time with you. I want to go somewhere very far away with you where no one know us. Run away with me." He said excitedly. I looked at him surprised. "I'm sorry I don't know what has gotten into me." He regretted what he said immediately. "I would love to be somewhere alone with you." I whispered into his ear knowing it would turn him on. "Don't do this to me Y/N."he laughed. "What would you say if we did something different tomorrow's night? Meet me at the top of astronomy tower at midnight."he said. "I'll think about it..."I giggled. "Ahaha come here princess."he said as he grabbed me by my hand and kissed me. "I would never hurt you. You know that, right?"he said. "I know." I kissed him and ran to my class. Luckily I came in time. This time I sat next to Harry. I couldn't even look at Cedric... I didn't want to hurt him.
"So Harry. When will you finally tell Ginny you like her?"I asked jokingly.
"Y/N! What are you talking about..."he said nervously.
"Harry we're friends. You can tell me everything. And to be honest it's pretty obvious. But Ginny likes you!"
"I,I don't know... does she?"he asked surprisingly.
"You two are awesome haha. Of course Harry!"
Harry has always been like this. He couldn't see simple things as this. It was so obvious they liked each other but both of them were too scared to say something.

The next day you were supposed to meet with Remus. You wanted this night to be special. You couldn't wait for the day to end so your date with Lupin could start. You wore your nicest dress and did you makeup and hair beautifully.

"Are you meeting with Cedric again?" Ginny asked with smile.
"I- Yes with Cedric. Of course who else?" I laughed nervously.
"Well you look beautiful."
"Awww Ginny you're so sweet. Thank you. You'll be sleeping by the time I return so goodnight and sweet dreams." I kissed her cheek and smiled at her.
"Have fun!" Ginny yelled as I closed the door. I tried to sneak out as quietly as possible. I went to the astronomy tower and saw Lupin standing there with flowers.
"Y/N you look beautiful. I have no words." Lupin said while admiring my beauty. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss. "These are for you my love." He said as he gave me the flowers. "Thank you Remus, you're very sweet" I said. "I brought you here to watch these beautiful stars with you. But I realized none of them is as beautiful as you are. Not even all of them combined. You have an angelic beauty. Nothing can compare to you." I looked at him and felt a tear running down my face. "Hey what's wrong angel? Did I say something..." he asked. "Everything's amazing. I'm sorry it's just no one has ever said such beautiful words to me."I answered with tears running down my chin. He whipped off my tears and held my face. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will remind you how beautiful and amazing you are for the rest of my life." He hugged me tightly. "Now come on. We have a lot to do." "We're going somewhere?" I asked confusedly. "Follow me..."he said and we went down the stairs. When when left the tower I saw a car in front of me. "Come on."he said. He opened the door for me and sat on the driver's seat. "I want to show you something." He started up the car and we went to the air. I froze in shock. "Don't tell me you've never used a flying car?" "Never." I said still frozen. "It's not scary at all. Just look out of you window. Trust me." I looked out of the window scarily but what I saw was more than beautiful. It was like looking at stars but they were under me. I looked at Lupin with a big smile and he smiled at me back.

After few beautiful minutes Lupin started to land. "Close your eyes." He told me as we were landing. We got out of the car and he navigated me because I still had my eyes closed. "Okay, 3,2,1... open." Lupin said. We landed next to a beautiful lake. It was the prettiest view I've ever seen. I was the happiest I've ever been. Remus kissed me passionately. "You're the only one I'll ever love. That's why I got this for you." He said as he handed me a box. I opened it and found a beautiful bracelet inside. I put it on and admired it's beauty. "If you don't like it it's totally okay. I can..." he didn't get to finish his sentence because you interrupted him. "It's beautiful Remus. I love it. Thank you so much you've made me so happy. I love you." I kissed him and laid down with him. We watched the starts. Suddenly Remus asked: "Wanna go for a swim?". "You're not serious are you?" I giggled. "I'm. Let's go." He said as he started to undress. I helped him with his shirt. He started to unzip my dress and kiss my neck from behind. Here we were. Running naked to the lake. We jumped in the water and Remus held me in his arms. We started kissing. Then he continued to kiss my neck and parts of my body that weren't in water. I felt him put it inside me. It was so intimate. I felt every touch of his hands on my body. This time it was different. We were so close to each other. We made love in the lake. It was like our souls connected with each other.

After we went to lay on the grass to get dry. We laid next to each other. He was fondling me the whole time. "Your body is like art or even better a book. I want to look at it for hours and admire your beauty. I also want to explore every inch of your body and read you like a book." You looked at him blushing. "Can I take picture of you? I want to carry you everywhere I go with me. At least on a picture." He was so romantic you couldn't say no even though you were shy. We took a few pictures together and then he started taking naked pictures of me. It felt so wrong but right at the same time. I felt like a model. "You're breathtaking." He said as he put away the camera. It was already early and the sunrise was about to began. It was so beautiful. "You're the love of my life." I whispered into Lupins ear. He kissed me.

After few minutes you had to already dress and leave because it was pretty early already. You got in the car and arrived at Hogwarts. Lupin walked you to your room and kissed you one last time. "You're my little girl. I love you more than anything.". "I love you more." You said. "You can't."he answered. "Trust me. I can. Goodnight."you said as you entered your room.

Lupins point of view:
I couldn't stop thinking about her. One day I'll marry her...

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