13. The truth

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You woke up and it was the first day of holiday. You've decided to stay at Hogwarts because you wanted to spend Christmas with your friends. You had no energy. The only thing you could do was to cry. You knew it was over. You'll never see him again...

Y/N point of view:
"Y/N? Is something wrong?" Ginny asked because she saw how quiet I am. She saw the sadness in my eyes. I couldn't hold it in no more. I started crying so much. She ran to my bed and hugged me. "Is it something with Cedric. You know you can tell me everything..." Ginny said comforting me.
"Ginny I, I have to tell you something. You're my best friend and I hope you won't judge me." I said.
"Of course Y/N I would never judge you." Ginny said sweetly.
"I never loved or dated Cedric. It was someone else."
"But, but I saw you with Cedric. What about the past few days..." ginny asked confused.
"It was all just a game. He blackmailed me. I love someone else but I will never see him again." I cried so much.
"I, Y/N who is it?"
"I can't tell you."
"Of course you can. Y/N I love you and nothing will change that." She said whipping off my tears.
"I'm in love with our professor."
"You're what? Which one?" Ginny said extremely shocked.
"Professor Lupin..."
"How, what? Can you please explain everything to me?" Ginny said worryingly. I explained her everything. How we met, how we got to know each other. How we fell in love... She was looking at me shocked as hell.
"I don't know what to say. I've never seen you with him. And why didn't you tell me?"
"I was too scared. I'm sorry Ginny."
"And what happens now?"
"He left. Forever. Someone saw us and..."
"Was that someone Cedric?"
"Yes it was. He tried to hurt me and then he blackmailed me into being his girlfriend." Those words hurt to say... I've never said them out loud.
"Hurt you how?" Ginny said worryingly. I couldn't say anything. The silence was too long. She figured it out by herself.
"I hope I'm not right." I nodded yes. "How could he? I always thought he was... I will kill him."
"No you can't tell anyone or he will tell about me and Lupin." She looked at me with sad eyes. "I won't tell anyone. I promise." She said holding my hand.
I read the letter for her. Well only few parts because some were a little inappropriate.
"He really loved you and that's why he left. He knew he couldn't keep you safe. He knew his presence was only bad for you. As he said, he sacrificed his love for you. Honestly he gained my respect..." I hugged her tightly.

We went to see how our other friends are doing. Sadly, Hermione went home but we could still hang out with Ron and Harry. We chatted and joked around. Then we went to see Hagrid and he made us all tea. It was so great to spend time with people I loved and get my mind off Lupin for at least some time. I still couldn't help but wonder how he is doing. Where could he be by now. After our visit me and Ginny had a great girly day. We painted our nails, talked about her and Harry. Some would say it was wrong from her but it really wasn't. At least I could be happy for someone else when I couldn't be happy myself. I enjoyed our little day. It was relaxing and I realized I really missed it.

I saw Cedric at dinner.
"It's over Cedric. You've ruined everything. I hope you're happy." I whispered in his ear.
"What do you mean?" He asked confused.
"You'll find out in about two weeks. Never talk to me again." I said and walked away. I knew I did the right thing. I finally stood up to him. It felt so good. But after a moment I thought about Remus again.

Lupins point of view:
I will spend the next few days with Sirius. I have to. I've already written 3 letters to Y/N but I know I can't send them. I can't stop thinking about her for a second. I keep telling myself I did the right thing but it's not enough...

Y/N point of view:
"Ginny you're asleep?" I asked.
"No. Can't sleep what about you?"
"I have an idea."
"What if we sneaked out to see if Harry and Ron are sleeping. If not we can have a sleepover. Or better go out. Almost no one is here right now so.."
"Ginny, you're a genius." I said as we stood up and went to see if the boys are still sleeping. Of course they weren't. They were so down for an adventure. We sneaked out in our pajamas and ran around Hogwarts. We felt so free. Everything felt so peaceful all of a sudden....

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now