3. Beautiful

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Hi my loves! Well I assume you like the story so far if you're reading another chapter and I couldn't be happier. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter because we are getting closer and closer...

When you woke up from your little nap you still felt a bit dizzy and you decided to stay in your room. But honestly you didn't really care because the only thing that was on your mind was Lupin. You've never received so much validation from anyone, no one has ever showed so much interest in you.

Y/N point of view:
"Y/N, wake up or we'll be late for our class!" Ginny shouted.
"Ginny I'm sorry but today you'll have to go with Harry. He has his first class with us right?" I answered quietly.
"What happened ? Are you okay?" Ginny asked nervously.
I didn't know if i should tell her about the dementor. As I know Ginny she would ask so many questions and how possibly could I explain being in Lupins room at night. That's why I decided not to tell her.
"I'm not feeling very well. But it's nothing serious. You can tell the professors I won't be attending classes today but please don't worry. Love you."
"Aha okay Y/N I hope you'll feel better. I gotta go but I'll see you later. Love you!" She said while closing the door.
I was laying in my bed the whole day. After few hours I started to feel better but my head was full with questions. When I have no one to talk to I always write in my diary. So I did and I filled 10 pages with my theories. Suddenly Ginny interrupted me. She hugged me tightly as I was trying to hide my diary. She was asking me so many questions. I told her I was okay again and that it was just a headache.
"Oh I almost forgot. Professor Lupin asked me to tell you something."
I stopped smiling. What could it possibly be?
"He asked me to tell you that if you'll feel better you should go see him later. He gave as an assignment and he would like to explain it to you since you weren't in the class." Ginny said while brushing her hair.
"Okay sure. I just don't understand why can't you explain it to me..."
"Trust me I don't understand it at all so you better go haha. We can do it later together." Ginny giggled.
Is it a coincidence or... I should really stop making up theories in my head. He is probably just a good teacher and wants his student to understand.

It was getting late and you decided to go visit Lupin. You were nervous but you kept telling yourself it's obviously nothing serious. You knocked on his door and you heard him say: "Come in." As you opened the door you saw him sitting there drinking tea and your eyes met. He looked at you like he saw something he desired.

Lupins point of view:
She opened the door so calmly. She looks even more beautiful than last night. I have to control myself but I would do anything to have her in my arms right now. I know it's wrong but I've never seen such an innocent, clean and beautiful creature. After yesterday I've been thinking only about her. When I didn't see her in the class and her friend told me she is not feeling well I wanted to run to her room and make her feel better. The thought of her feeling bad haunted me the whole day. And now I have her here, standing in front of me with that beautiful smile. I want to kiss her, hold her...

Y/N point of view:
"What did I tell you about walking alone when it's dark outside? Listen Y/N you're still really weak and I can't even think about all the bad things that could happen to you. How are you? I will make you some hot chocolate."he said protectively.
"I'm feeling a lot better now thank you." I smiled but all I could think about was feeling his lips on mine. He's the first man that ever acted like this. He was scared of me getting hurt. I found it so... attractive.
"Yesterday when I was carrying you to my room I also brought the book you had in your hand before passing out. I noticed it was the same book you were reading in the train. I happen to know this book, it's one of my favorites. I wanted to read it and I couldn't not notice the little notes you have inside. You are so intelligent and I felt like I was reading something Dumbledore would write. I would love to give you few of my books. I have little notes in them too and we could discuss them later but only if you want..." Remus said but I interrupted him.
"I would love to. I have to tell you I feel so appreciated when I'm with you. You always compliment my insecurities. Thank you." I said even though I knew I risked a lot by saying that. But what's the worst that could happen.
He finished making the hot chocolate and sat on the couch next to me. He handed me the chocolate and said: "How could I not? You're so smart and unique. I've never seen such a beautiful girl like you. You make me feel something I can't describe. Your eyes..." he stopped talking and realized what he had said. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was saying..." he said embarrassed. I sat there in shock. I knew this was the right moment to say something but I couldn't. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes and my heart started beating fast. "I've never felt this way before. It's like I'm obsessed with your presence."he said, touching my hair. I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes. This felt so wrong but so right. "I can't do this anymore" he said and kissed me roughly. I pulled away from shock but I immediately kissed him back. He started kissing my neck passionately. It felt so good. He ripped my shirt off and put his hand under my skirt. His hand went to my thighs, slowly stroking them. After few seconds his hand moved to my panties as he started pleasing me through them. I let out a loud moan from the instant change. He then pulled away from my kiss and looked me in the eyes. "You're so beautiful." He said. I felt the butterflies in my stomach as he slowly pulled my panties down and threw them away. Once again he started to rub my clit with his cold fingers. I shivered and shivers started to appear on my whole body. I lied on my back and he got on top of me. Suddenly he pushed his two fingers inside me. I moaned from the pain and pleasure. He continued while kissing my upper body, mostly neck and collarbones. He then stopped and looked at me. "Please." I tried to beg for him to continue. "Patience little girl." He whispered as he unhooked my bra and threw it away like he did with my panties. My nipples were hard and he noticed that. He slowly started to kiss my chest and then he put one of my nipples in his mouth. He gently sucked on it which made me throw my head back. I couldn't take it anymore, i wanted him inside me. I started to unbutton his shirt and unbuckle his belt. "You can't even imagine what you're doing to me."he whispered in my ear. As I pulled down his pants I could see his hard dick covered in pre-cum almost shouting for attention. It was my first time seeing a man naked so I was little scared but I managed to put my shyness aside and started to stroke it through his boxers. He groaned loudly as he watched me play with it. After few seconds I pulled his boxers down and exposed his dick already as hard as it could be. He saw how surprised I was so he pulled down my skirt and kissed every inch of my lower belly to calm me down. "Professor, I..." I couldn't even finish my sentence from all the pleasure he was giving me. "Don't worry princess I'll be gentle."he said as he started to kiss my clit. I pulled his hair and threw my head back once again. He put my thighs on his shoulders and started to lick my pussy. He then put his fingers inside me again and started to curl them touching my g-spot. I was in heaven. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked teasingly. "No!" I shouted with my eyes still closed. "Beg for it." He yelled and started to go faster and faster with his fingers. "Please professor don't stop!" I tried to yell but it was very difficult. I started to feel something in my stomach. It felt like something was building up and it felt like i was about to explode. Remus noticed my legs were shaking. "Will you come for me?" He asked still continuing. I nodded. "Use your words or I'll stop." He threatened me. "Im gonna come for you." I answered in fear. "Profes-" I yelled and came all over his fingers. I tried to catch my breath as he slowly pulled his fingers out and licked them. He put those fingers in my mouth and I sucked on them too. "It's my first time professor" I let out still not able to speak properly. "Oh you're such a good girl."He said. He looked shocked at first but it didn't stop him. "Let's make it memorable." He said and got on top of me. He started to kiss my neck again as he put my hand on his hard cock. He showed me how to please him with his hand on mine and then let me do it myself. I started to stroke him slowly. "Please do not tease me." He begged. I felt powerful knowing i have power over him now. I started to go faster and faster with my hand and it really turned me on seeing him so powerless. He couldn't take it anymore, he pushed my hand away, spread my legs and thrusted inside me. I whined in pain. His dick was so large and my virgin self really couldn't take that. He tried to go as slow as possible. "I really can't control it Y/N. I want you so much." He groaned as I slowly started to adjust to his size and I started to feel pleasure rather than pain."You like that princess?"he whispered in my ear. I bit my lip and nodded. "I said use your fucking words." He yelled. "Yes sir." I let it out with a load moan, "Oh fuck you're so tight." He groaned. I dig my nails into his back. "You're mine now. Finally mine". He let his last words out as I felt his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier. I heard his final moans as he pulled out and finished on my stomach. Remus tried to catch his breath as he put his hands next to my head for a better balance. He caressed my cheek as he admired what a mess he made out of me. He grabbed a sheet and used it to clean me. He laid next to me and pulled me in his arms. Remus covered us both with a blanket and gently played with my hair. "You are magnificent love. The wait was worth it." He whispered in my ear gently kissing it. "You may call me Remus if you're comfortable with it. Of course only if we're alone." He chuckled and I turned so I could face him. "You are beautiful Remus." I looked him in the eyes. He was shocked by what I said. It almost looked like no one has ever said that to him. He laughed it off awkwardly. "I'm being serious. You are really pretty." I said peacefully. "No one has ever said that to me Y/N." He said quietly. I could see the hurt in his eyes but he tried to hide it. "Good night my love." He kissed me passionately and held me as close to him as possible. He continued to play with my hair as I fell asleep.

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now