4. Anger

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Hi my friend! <3 I'm glad you're still joining me on this journey. Love you and I wish you great reading.

You wake up calmly looking at Remus. He is beautiful when he's sleeping. You look at the time and it's 7 in the morning!!! You get dressed in stress but your shirt is torn apart from yesterday.

Y/N point of view:
"What are you doing angel? Come here..." Remus said tiredly.
"It's 7 in the morning, I've been here the whole night and my shirt is ruined. Everyone is probably so scared by now. This was such a mistake. I have to go." I took Lupins shirt and left.

Lupins point of view:
I wake up to the most beautiful girl. I could look at her for hours. Last night was the best thing that's ever happened to me.
"...This was such a mistake..." she said. I stopped smiling. Did she mean it? I, I didn't know what to say. I yelled her name as she was leaving but she didn't turn around. What did i do wrong?

Y/N point of view:
I ran to my room and saw Ginny sleeping. I needed to take a shower and I tried to grab my thing as quietly as possible but unfortunately I woke her up.
"Y/N! Where the heck were you? I was scared to death!"she said madly.
"Ginny I'm so so sorry. I'll explain everything to you but now I have to use the shower. Try to sleep for a little longer okay?"I tried to calm her down.
The only thing I could think about in the shower was Ginny. What do I tell her? I can't tell her I was with Remus. There is no possible excuse I could use. Only if...
"So Y/N I'm waiting for the explanation. Where were you the whole night?"
"Okay I will tell you what happened but you can't tell anyone else. After visiting Lupin I bumped into one boy. We started talking and he was really nice. He said he would show me a secret spot of his. We slowly fell asleep there. I woke up and realized it's the morning already so I ran to my room. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. The last thing i wanted to do was to make you scared. Will you forgive me?"
"OMG! Of course don't worry I'm not mad now I'm just curious! You have to tell me everything. Is he cute? Do I know him?"Ginny started to ask many questions excitedly. I felt bad about lying to her but I simply couldn't tell her the truth.
"I will tell you everything but now I'm very tired. I slept for max 2 hours so can we talk about it after school?"
"Ahhhhh okay but I'm so impatient you know it." Ginny giggled.
"Ginny please lets just go before we're late and I'll tell you every detail later."

The day was almost over except your last class. Defense against the Dark arts. You didn't want to go there but you had no other option. You sat down with some boy because Ginny was already sitting with Harry. You didn't know him but you also didn't care, you just didn't want to talk to Lupin.

Cedrics point of view:
The girl who sat next to me is beyond beautiful. Her hair look so soft and her beautiful eyes are shining. I should say something.

Y/N point of view:
"Hey, I believe we don't know each other but my name is Cedric. What's your name?"the boy said.
"Oh Hi, my name is Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
"Professor Lupin is pretty fun right?"he giggled.
My heart stopped. The last thing I wanted to hear was his name.
"Are you okay?" Cedric asked worryingly.
"Yeah I just... sorry."
"It's alright. So how was your summer?"

Cedric was very nice and funny. You didn't even notice that Lupin already entered the class. You kept talking even though the class had already started.

Lupins point of view:
Why hasn't she looked at me tho whole time? And who is the boy she's talking to? She's smiling and looking at him like she did with me...
"Ms. Y/N you've been talking the whole time. So tell me can you repeat what I just said?". I had to do something.

Y/N point of view:
I froze. I had no idea what he was talking about. "I can't. I'm sorry professor." I answered looking down.
"And was the talk between you and Mr. Diggory so important it couldn't wait until the end of class?"
"It's not her fault professor. It was me who was talking and interrupting her." Cedric stand up for me. I was surprised. I smiled at him and whispered thank you.
"Oh really? I don't think so. Ms. Y/N detention. I hope you won't be interrupting the class any longer." Lupin said.
The whole class was confused. I've never seen him this way. He was so sarcastic and mean. Everyone was looking at me and I felt so embarrassed. Cedric said: "Should I do something to be in detention with you? Like yell a swear word?" I smiled and looked at him: "Cedric I won't let you suffer with me." "You're too nice Y/N. Can we at least meet after? We can study or do whatever you want. I like talking to you." Cedric said with a smile. I whispered yes.

The class was over and while everyone was going out you stayed on your seat. You said bye to Cedric and turned your head down.

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