21. Dinner

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It was a beautiful day in December. You looked out of the window and it was snowing! You noticed there was a letter on your window. You grab it and find out its from Harry.

Dear Y/N,
I haven't seen you in a while. Sirius, my godfather asked me to invite you and your family over for dinner. I invited Ron, Ginny and Hermione as well but unfortunately Ron and Hermione are busy doing something (definitely together). So it'll be just you me and Ginny if you don't mind. I suppose you know the address. Hopefully I'll see you on Friday!
Love, Harry.

Y/N point of view:
"Mom!" I shouted.
"Harry invited us all for dinner." I said.
"Even me?" My sister yelled from her room.
"Yes all of us." I yelled back.
"When?" My mom came to my room and asked.
"Friday night." I answered.
"Of course we'll come. We can't refuse such an offer." My mom said. I was so excited to see Ginny and Harry... because of my job and Remus I haven't really had time to meet them.
"Y/N!!!!" I heard my mom shouting.
"Yes?" I asked and came to the kitchen.
"Did you realize Friday is one day before Christmas. We have to go Christmas shopping. I mean we have to bring some gifts and you too. You make your own money now so you can go buy something nice for Harry, Ginny.. okay?" She asked. I nodded.
"I'll go today because I have a lot of work during weekdays. Actually I can go right now." I said and started to dress myself. "I'll be right back." I said and closed the door. "Should I bye Remus a gift or no?" I thought to myself. But then I saw a perfect gift for him. I had to buy it and I did. After I found a beautiful necklace for Ginny and bought it. Lastly I bought a present for Harry, a perfume. I went home happily and couldn't wait. Although I wanted to be with Remus to celebrate Christmas I couldn't say no. I wrote Harry a letter saying we would love to come. The next day I went to work with a good mood.

"Good morning my dear." Remus said.
"Good morning sir." I said and kissed him.
"I love to see you smile. Any special occasion?" He asked.
"Nothing I'm just happy to be with you." I didn't want to tell him about the dinner. I was too scared to hurt him..
"The things I would do to you know." He whispered.
"Remus we're in work." I was blushing. "And?" He asked and grabbed me by my waist. I couldn't resist him. We started kissing. Suddenly we hear someone knock on the door. I pulled away as fast as possible. We were lucky because someone almost saw us.

The rest of the week went by pretty fast. And then you got out of the work on Friday, said bye to Remus and went home. You were so excited. You packed the gifts and started to get ready.

Y/N point of view:
"Oh darling you look beautiful." My mom said. "Aww mom, you're gorgeous yourself! Now come on we're going to be late." And we went. I knocked on the door and Sirius opened the door. He was looking at me in shock. It was like he froze or something.
"Em, good evening?" I said nervously.
"Oh hey sorry." He said as he realized he's been staring at me for too long. I hugged him. As I went in I saw Harry sitting on the couch. I covered his eyes from behind.
"Emm Professor Snape is that you?" He asked. I started laughing. Then I hugged him.
"Y/N!!!!!!" I heard a girl voice. It was Ginny.
"Ginny. I missed you so much." I hugged her as tightly as possible. Sirius took our coats and we were all about to eat dinner. I forgot the presents in the hall and went to get them. Suddenly someone ringed the doorbell.
"What Hermione and Ron changed their mind?" I yell laughingly. I opened the door and it wasn't Ron. It wasn't Hermione either. It was LUPIN! I looked at him in shock. I could see he felt the same way.
"Oh I forgot to tell you my very good friend is also joining us. Come here Remus." Sirius yelled from the kitchen. We went to sit. Of course the only empty seats were next to each other.
"I believe you all know Remus because he was your teacher last year. But Victoria this is Remus. Remus this is Victoria." Sirius said smiling at me. We started eating. The tension between me and Remus was intense. Our legs kept touching and he even grabbed my thigh when my mom wasn't looking. I felt the butterflies because I was so nervous and it felt so forbidden and hot. Then he went a little lower, fondling my inner thighs.
"So Remus was Y/N a good student?" My mom asked all of a sudden. He froze in shock and immediately stopped. Ginny laughed out loud. Then she realized what she's done. Everyone looked at her confusedly.
"Tell us Remus." Sirius said smiling at me. I knew what was going on. He knew.
"Well Y/N....is definitely....ehm... a gr- great student. I- I mean she was because she obviously isn't anymore but... Harry and Ginny were amazing too. They were all amazing." Remus said very nervously. He almost choked on his food.
"Remus will you please pass me the salt." I said. My mom looked at me confusedly. I realized I shouldn't be calling him Remus but Lupin. Ginny read the room and realized that she has to do something.
"Em, Remus please pass me the salt after Y/N uses it." She said. I looked at her with "thank you" in my eyes.
"So you all call him Remus since he is not your teacher anymore?" My mom asked laughingly.
"Yes of course." Ginny said. I was so thankful. She really helped me. We finished eating and we were about to give each other presents. I sat next to Ginny in the living room and gave her my present.
"Awww Y/N it's beautiful. I love you. Thank you. Here this is from me." She said as she handed me the present. I opened it. It was a beautiful ring and it fitted me well. I thanked her and hugged her.
"Now your turn Harry." I said as I handed him his present. He opened it and looked genuinely happy.
"Y/N thank you so much I love how it smells. Here is yours." Harry said and hugged me. Then he gave me the gift. I opened it and it was a beautiful jumper.
"I don't know if you'll like it I just thought it would really fit you." Harry said. "I love it Harry. Thank you so much." I said genuinely. I was so happy I was there with them. I looked behind me and saw Lupin talking to my mom. It was so nice to see them talking. I was imagining that he is asking for her permission to marry me. Or that he is talking to her about where we're going to live together. He caught me staring. He smiled at me and continued talking to my mom. It was a nice evening. I mostly talked to Harry and Ginny but I felt like a third wheel. They were so lucky they could be with each other without anyone judging them.
"What if we all sleep here tonight? It's already too late for you to go home..." Sirius asked.
"But it's Christmas tomorrow." My mom said.
"Even better." He said. "Come on it'll be fun." He kept saying. My mom smiled at me. I knew she meant yes by that! It was a big house so each of us had a separate room. I talked to Harry and Ginny but then they kind of left.
"Are you sure we can go? I can sleep here with you if you want to.." Ginny asked.
"No it's okay just go. Good night. Love you." I said and smiled. I laid down and tried to sleep. I couldn't so I stood up and went to my mom's room. I opened the door slowly and saw something I absolutely didn't expect to see.
"I know you want to keep this a secret but I can't hide my emotions anymore." Sirius said.
"I really want you and I love you but we have to do for a little longer. I will tell my girls just give me a little bit more time." My mom said and kissed him.
"You want to have a sleepover?" He asked laughingly. My mom laughed and pulled him to the bed. I walked away quietly and in shock. Did I really just see that? My mom and Sirius? I went straight to my room and tried to figure out my feelings. That's why she knew his name before. Why didn't she tell me? I feel so lied to. A tear ran down my face. I didn't know why. I lied down and tried to sleep but I couldn't. Not after this. I got up and went to Lupins room. I opened the door and climbed into his bed so I was facing him.
"Can't sleep beautiful?" He asked. I started sobbing a little. "Y/N did something happen? What's wrong tell me." He asked worriedly.
"I, I just saw my mom with Sirius and, and I know I should be happy for her I don't even know why I'm crying it's just I ever imagined her with anyone else than my father...I'm sorry." I said cuddling him.
"No Y/N don't be sorry. Wait Sirius and Victoria? I didn't think that after so long time..." he stopped.
"What do you mean this long time?" I asked confusedly. He didn't say anything. "Remus?" I asked. "Tell me!" I said.
"Well. Okay this wasn't my first time meeting Victoria. We all went to school together. That's were we became friends and let's say... Sirius always had a thing for Victoria. They even dated. But then something happened and we never hang out with Victoria again. Sirius never wanted to tell me what happened between them so I just respected it." Remus said.
"You knew and you didn't tell me?" I asked sadly.
"I'm sorry I just didn't want to make things complicated. I didn't even know you were going to be here tonight. It's almost like Sirius did it on purpose." He said.
"Wait on purpose? You mean you told him?" I asked angrily.
"Oh shit. Yeah I did. I was so broken I had to talk to someone. I'm sorry but when I left you it was... indescribable." He said sadly. I looked at him and smiled. He touched my face and my hair. "You were more than beautiful tonight Y/N. I couldn't keep my hands of you during the dinner." He said and kissed me. "Actually I wanted to drop off at your house on my way back but since you're here I want to give you something." He said and got up. He gave me a present. I opened it and found a moving pictures in frames. Then there were 200 letters he wrote me when we were apart and lastly a little box. I opened it and saw a beautiful ring.
"It's a promise ring. I promise you to support you in your hardest times. I promise to love you and take care of you. I promise to always protect you and treat you right. I love you." He said and put the ring on my finger. I hugged him and started crying. That was the best gift I've ever received.
"Remus I don't have any words. I love you so much. This is the most beautiful gift I've ever received. I can't describe how much I love you and how thankful I'm for you." I kissed him with joy. We laid down and started making out. He slowly took of my pajamas and started kissing my whole body. I took off his shirt and his boxers. He kissed my neck and went lower and lower. Then he slowly put his cold fingers inside me and started pleasuring me. "Moan for me." He whispered. He kept going faster and faster with his fingers. I was so wet for him. Then he couldn't take my wetness anymore and put his dick inside me. I sighed loudly. He covered my mouth with his hand. "Everyone is going to hear us princess." He whispered. "I don't care." I kept moaning with his hand on my mouth. He kept going faster and faster and I could see he couldn't be quite anymore too. "Oh fuck." He was having trouble. "Fuck me daddy." I yelled. A side of me I didn't know just came alive. "Call me daddy agin." He demanded. "Yes daddy." I sighed. It felt so unreal and intense. "Oh Y/N." He sighed. "Daddy I-I." My whole body warmed. Suddenly I felt the feeling of my orgasm building up. "Oh don't stop." I yelled. He kept going. "Remus.." I moaned and came all over his dick. "Oh Y/N!" He yelled and pulled away, finishing on my belly. He looked at me and kissed me. "You made me cum so quick Y/N." He chuckled. I was proud, I mean it was a compliment. I dont know if it was the fact that we were in a house filled with people or I just wanted him so baldy. "So I'm your daddy?" He asked. I looked him in the eyes and whispered to his ear: "Yes." I got on top of him and laid on his chest. He kept fondling my back.
"You know if anyone finds us here like this it will be very bad." He said. "The worst." I said jokingly. "What would they think.." he continued. "That we are twisted." I said sarcastically. "And aren't we?" He asked laughingly. "I don't want to go." I said. "You don't have to." He whispered. "But I do." I said exhaustedly. He helped me put on my pajamas and I said goodbye to him.
"Don't go." He said and grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. " I have to." I said and laughed. "Goodnight." He said and let me go. I walked out of the room and saw Sirius in kitchen looking at me.
"So this is what you do when you should be sleeping." He said sarcastically.
"You were spying on us?" I asked nervously.
"Oh don't flatter yourself. You were just loud." This was the most awkward situation I've ever been in. "So when are you planning on telling your mother?" He asked jokingly. "What? You wouldn't.." I said. "Of course I'm just joking. Good night." He said. I was so so scared. I went up and laid in my room. What even was that. What is he trying to prove...Or maybe I'm just overreacting.

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