15. Patronus

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The summer went by pretty quick. You spent your last weeks at Rons house with his siblings, his parents and Harry and Hermione joined you the last two weeks. You started to spend a lot of time with George and it is pretty obvious he likes you. Slowly you start to forget about Remus. You're finally moving on...

Y/N point of view:
It's the last day of summer. I wrote my mom a letter saying if I can go with Rons parents to the train station and meet her there. She agreed. As I laid sleeping I heard someone opening the door. It was George!
"Gorge what are you doing here?" I said in shock.
"I can't sleep. Up for an adventure?" He whispered and I nodded. We sneaked out and ran around. We went to the forest and played hide and seek. I was hiding this time and he was looking for me. I leaned against the tree so I was facing it. I was looking around for him but I couldn't see him. Suddenly I felt someone hugging me from behind. I looked and saw George. He smiled at me as he was coming closer and closer with this lips. He kissed me. I was shocked. I pulled away and looked at him.
"I'm sorry Y/N..." I kissed him back before he could finish his sentence. We started making out. He pushed me against the tree and kissed my neck. It was very passionate.
"As much as I don't want to say this we should really go home before anyone can notice." I said laughing.
"Ahh okay." George replied disappointedly. We went back and laid in bed together. We were making out but nothing more happened. We fell asleep together.

"George and Y/N?!!" I woke up to Ginny shouting. Everyone ran to the room and I didn't know what to do.
"Well this is so far the strangest thing I've ever seen." Fred said and we all started laughing. It felt so cute. We were basically all paired together. Me and George. Ginny and Harry and Ron and Hermione. Oh poor Fred... We all got ready and went to the train station. I saw my mom and ran to her.
"Mom, I'm so happy to see you." I hugged her.
"Darling this is going to be the last first day of school, are you ready?" Mom asked.
"No. Not really..." I said laughing. I said goodbye to her and went to say bye to Molly and the others. Fred and George were older so obviously they weren't going with us.
"Come back to me as quick as possible okay? I'll miss you." George said and kissed me.
"I'll miss you too." I said. We entered the train and found our compartment...
"So Harry how was your holiday with Sirius. I forgot to ask you." I asked him because others were already sleeping.
"Well it was amazing. We had so much fun. You won't believe who was with us like half of the time. Professor Lupin! Can you believe it. I found out they were best friends also with my dad. They told me so much about their childhood... it was amazing." He said excitedly. I haven't heard that name in a long time. I wasn't even sad I was happy to hear his name. I was no longer sad about him. I moved on but still I would really like to see how he is doing...

Few weeks later:
It was the last class of this day and it was the defense against the Dark Arts. We obviously had a new teacher and he was really nice. We were learning to do Patronus charm. It was supposed to protect us from the dementors. We were supposed to think about our happiest memory. I tried thinking about kissing George, didn't work. Then I tried thinking about my friends, my mom... nothing worked. It was my last attempt. I stood there with no happy memory left at all. As the dementor came out my brain stopped. I thought about my first kiss with Remus. I don't know why. It's like my heart was telling me to think about him. And suddenly it worked. I casted the charm and defeated the dementor.
"Very well Y/N." The professor said. I walked to my desk and sat there confused. Why didn't kissing George work but kissing Remus did. I'm dating George now, I'm over Remus, right?
"So Y/N what did you think about? I thought about my first kiss with Harry. Wait let me guess. You thought about my brother George. Am I right?" Ginny said confidently.
"Yeah haha how did you know." I laughed nervously.

It was already night and everybody was asleep. I couldn't stop thinking about Remus. I decided to write him a letter but just as friends. I grabbed a paper and my pen and started writing.

Dear Remus,
I can imagine you're unsure why I'm writing to you and don't worry I will explain you everything. Today something strange happened. I wanted to tell you this because you were supposed to teach us this charm if you didn't leave last year. We were learning to do the Patronus charm. I tried to think about everything and everyone but nothing worked. Then I somehow thought about our first kiss and it worked. I defeated the dementor. I had to tell you because I've been thinking about it for the whole day. It's funny isn't it? Anyways, I hope you're doing well and you're happy. Harry told me the summer was so fun with you. I'm glad.
Wish you all the best.
Love, Y/N.

I remember Harry was telling me earlier that he has to go visit Sirius in two days. Maybe Lupin will be there. The next day I talked to Harry and asked him to give this letter to Remus. I explained it by wanting to ask him a few questions about DADA because I didn't understand this theme. He looked at me weirdly but he agreed.

Lupins point of view:
"Oh Harry good morning. Sirius probably forgot to tell me you were coming. He isn't here yet. He left me here can you believe it. He had to go buy something but he'll be here in a minute." I said as I let Harry in.
"Remus I brought this letter for you. It's from Y/N I don't know if you remember her? Well she asked me to give you this." Harry said. I started at him in shock.
"Is everything okay?" He asked.
"Of course I'm sorry I just tried to em ...remember how she looked like but yeah I remember her." I couldn't believe what I just heard. Y/N sent me a letter? After all this time? I went to sit and opened it. I read it and felt a smile on my face. She used our memory. She thought about...me. I wanted to write her as fast as possible but Harry interrupted me.
"So what does it say?" Harry asked.
"Em... she is just asking about this new charm you learned last week." I said nervously.
"Oh Patronus. Yeah that was fun. I thought about my parents and the memory worked." Harry said excitedly.
"That's great Harry." I smiled at him. I heard Sirius coming in.
"Oh Harry here you are." Sirius said and hugged him.

It was already late and Harry went to bed. I immediately told Sirius about Y/N. I couldn't keep it in anymore. I was so so happy and excited but Sirius really didn't seem like he was happy for me. As I went to my room and said goodnight to Sirius I started to write her a letter back.

Dear Y/N,
I'm so happy to hear from you. This was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. I'm glad this memory helped you. Thank you for hoping I'm happy. I'm doing very well. I found a new job and I like it. I'm also glad Harry said he had fun with me. He is a very good boy. How are you doing Y/N? How is the new professor? I hope to hear from you!
Love, Remus.

I wanted to tell her more but I knew I couldn't. We're writing just as friends. I decided to give it to Harry and wrote the address on the letter so Y/N can write me back. I went to sleep happy.

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