22. Secret

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The next morning
You couldn't sleep all night. The only thing that was on your mind was Sirius an your mom. You know you shouldn't be overreacting but you couldn't help yourself. It was still pretty early but you were getting hungry so you went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Y/N point of view:
I was still wearing my pajamas because I thought everybody was sleeping. I poured myself some water.
"And we meet again." I heard someone say. I got scared and turned around. It was Sirius. What the heck? Is he following me?
"I didn't know you were such an early bird." He said and winked at me.
"Why are you so quiet. I remember you screaming last night." He said. I didn't want to hear this anymore so I tried to leave but he grabbed my hand.
"Where where little princess?" He asked still holding my hand.
"What are you doing?" I asked finally. He laughed.
"Are you scared of me?" He asked. I didn't know what to say.
"You know, I have no problem with you dating Remus but I can't say the same thing about your mom." He said smilingly. I stared at him with fear in my eyes.
"Y/N I'm a great godfather and even better friend but when I want something I'll do anything to get it. And I won't care if it'll hurt anyone, even my best friend. You should know that." He said pushing me against the sink. I felt my breath getting heavier and my heart beating faster.
"Good morning Sirius, good morning sunshine." Sirius immediately pulled away when he heard Remus said that. He tried to kiss me but I pulled away.
"Relax, nobody's here and Sirius is the only person I would trust with this secret." I looked at Sirius and he was looking at me smilingly . I stood there still confused  from what's just happened.
"Is everything okay?" Remus asked. I nodded slowly.
"It feels so nice that you two finally got to know each other...." Remus smiled at me. I smiled back forcefully.
"You're right Remus. It feels so nice knowing Y/N. She's a great girl." Sirius said looking at me. Remus smiled and agreed.
"Anyone want eggs?" Remus asked.
"Me." Sirius said while making his coffee.
"Y/N?" Remus asked. I somehow couldn't hear him. I stood there not making a move. "Y/N!" Remus repeated. I finally pulled myself together.
"I, I'm not hungry." I answered.
"Well if you say so." Remus said.
The day went by pretty quickly. I hang out with Ginny, Harry and my sister and as it was getting late we were about to leave.
"Wait mom I left my gift from Ginny in my room." I said as we were already leaving. She didn't even notice since she was talking to Remus. I went to the room and saw Sirius standing there.
"Oh hello." He said sarcastically. "You're looking for this?" He said and I saw the gift from Ginny in his hand. "Or rather this?" He was holding the naked picture of me that Remus took a long time ago.
"How did you-" I said in shock.
"Remus left it here once. You certainly don't want anyone to see that it's really private isn't it?" He said jokingly.
"Give it to me." I said.
"Oh that won't be so easy. What would you do to get it back?" He asked evilly. I was too shy to say anything. He kept getting closer and closer to me. Suddenly someone opened the door.
"Y/N-" Remus tried to say something but then he saw Sirius standing close to me and looked at us confusedly.
"I was just thanking Sirius for having us over. And he also found the gift I went to look for so thank you again Sirius." I said and then passionately kissed Remus in front of him. I saw the anger in Sirius eyes. I said goodby to Remus and went down.
"I'll miss you Ginny, and you two Harry. We have to meet again." I said hugging them. We went home and had a Christmas dinner. It was a beautiful night but I couldn't stop thinking about why is Sirius doing that to me.

The next day I woke up and went to see Remus. I brought the gift I bought for him. To get to his house I had to walk trough this little forest but I wasn't scared because I went trough it many times. I heard someone bark. I saw a dog in front of me. I tried to pet him but suddenly he changed into a human. It was Sirius.
"Are you following me?" I asked worryingly.
"Does it turn you on?" He asked sarcastically. "Is Remus waiting for you? That's so nice. Unfortunately you'll be late." He said pushing me against the tree.
"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.
"You know you love Remus and you would do anything for him. You don't want to hurt him and your mother by not keeping the secret safe, right? You'll do as I say and if not... poor Remus and poor Victoria. You don't want to do that." He said. "So what do I do with you?" He asked looking at me.
"Please don't." I begged. He started kissing me and touching my body. "You know you want this." He whispered. I tried to get away but he was strong. But then I kicked him with all my strength. He fell down and I ran for my life. "You'll pay for this." I heard him yell. I stopped in front of Lupins house. I knocked on the door and tried to act like everything's okay.
"My princess. Come in." He said and kissed me. I handed him his present. He opened it and he saw a necklace with a little heart. When he opened the heart there was a moving picture of us.
"That's beautiful Y/N. Thank you." He said excitedly. We spent few hours talking and cuddling. He was my safe place but I couldn't tell him about Sirius. It was getting late so I had to go home.
"I'll see you tomorrow at work, beautiful." He said and opened the door. I hugged him tightly.
"I'll miss you so much." I said.
"It's only going to be a day sweetheart." He laughed.
"I know." I said and went home. This time I ran trough the forest and luckily Sirius wasn't there. I opened the door to my house and yelled hello. No one was answering. I went to my room and saw a huge mess. All my drawers were empty and the clothes were on the floor. I looked under my bed and my diary was missing with the photos and the shirt that belongs to Lupin. I immediately looked for the letters but they were missing too. I went to my mom's room and saw her there with Sirius and all of the stuff I was missing.
"Y/N! What the heck were you thinking?" My mom yelled. I saw her holding the letters and pictures of me and Remus.
"Mom-" I tried to say something.
"Don't say a word. I don't believe you anyway! You were lying to me all this time." She yelled again. I was trying to hold my tears back but when I looked at Sirius I lost it.
"That pedophile! I'm sick only thinking about him."
"Mom-" She interrupted me again.
"I said stop! You'll never see that man again. Never! What were you thinking dating someone my age?"
"But I love him!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.
"That is not love. That is use!" She tore apart the letters.
"No mom!" I tried to stop her but she slapped me.
"Mom please." I begged.
"You only got the job because you were sleeping with him is that right?" She yelled. "And I was so proud of you.."
"I'm 18! You won't tell me what to do!" I yelled.
"Oh I will! You won't leave this house till I say so!" She grabbed my hand but I pulled away and ran out.
"If you leave now you'll loose all my respect!" She yelled. I didn't care. I ran out. I ran with tears running down my face. I knew only one place where I'll be safe. It started raining and I almost fell. But nothing stopped me. I knocked hardly on the door and Remus opened them. I stared at him with tears.
"Y/N what's happened? You're so wet come in." He said worryingly. I fell into his arms and continued crying. I sat on the couch and he sat next to me. I continued crying.
"She knows." I sobbed.
"Who knows what?" Remus asked.
"My mom." I answered. "Remus I love you so much I can't loose you." I said.
"What are you talking about you'll never loose me. I'll never leave again." He said comforting me.
"Something horrible happened today." I continued. "On my way here I met Sirius in the woods and he- he-..." I couldn't say it.
"Y/N what happened?" Remus asked worryingly. "Did he hurt you?" He asked.
"He tried to."
"I don't understand Y/N." He said.
"Sirius kissed me and tried to touch me." I said finally. He looked at me in fear and froze.
"I'm so sorry. If I wasn't there this wouldn't have happened." I sobbed.
"Don't please, don't be sorry Y/N. I can't imagine Sirius would... I will kill him!" He said angrily.
"Please stay with me." I begged. "Please don't leave me now. I have no one but you."
"Did Sirius tell your mom?" He asked. I nodded. I could see the anger in his eyes.
"I can't go home. Ever. My mom hates me." I said quietly.
"She doesn't. She hates me Y/N. She loves you." Remus said. "I'm so sorry for what happened today Y/N I never wanted this to happen. It's all my fault." He said. I could see the hurt in his eyes. He was broken. "Once again I'm only a danger for you." He said to himself.
"No, no, no Remus please don't say that. You said that last time and left me. You can't do that again." I looked him in the eyes.
"I'll never do that." He whispered.

Lupins point of view:
As Y/N fell asleep I had to go find Sirius. He will pay for what he did. I went to his house and saw him sitting in the kitchen.
"How could you! You little shit!" I yelled and grabbed him by his throat.
"Why so aggressive." He said calmly.
"How dare you Sirius! What a monster you are." I shouted.
"I only did what was right."
"So from now on trying to rape someone is right? You dirty-"
"Okay you can relax with all those ugly words. You did this to yourself. You're dangerous for her. Remember the whole thing with the boy from Hogwarts? That was because of you too." Sirius said.
"I will kill you!" I yelled and punched him in the face.
"You can fight me but deep down you know Y/N is never safe when she's with you. You're the problem here." Sirius said. I punched him again.
"But I have to say you really have a good taste. She tasted so sweet and when I touched her she was so innocent. She tried to yell for help but no one could hear her." Sirius continued. I started choking him.
"You know you don't want to hurt me. We've been friends for so long." He said gasping for breath. After a while I let him go.
"Don't you lover her? You know she would be way happier without you Remus." Sirius said looking at me. I couldn't hear it anymore. Deep down I knew it was the truth but I just couldn't. I punched Sirius again and he fell down. I couldn't do it. I ran out and ran to Victoria's home. I opened the door and saw her.
"Victoria please don't say anything. I never wanted to fall in love with her but I did. She is the only one for me and I love her more than myself. I never wanted to hurt her or hurt you. I know I've lost all your respect but please don't blame this on her. She isn't responsible for anything. It's all my fault. She really loves you and she's broken from what's happened. I'm so sorry Victoria." I said and looked at her. She was looking at me disappointedly and in shock. She didn't say anything. I left and ran to my house. When I saw Y/N sleeping a tear ran down my face. That's my angel, my love, my princess...

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