17. New friend

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Hiii so this was is going to be so so so short but it had to be a single chapter.

It's been a few days and you haven't received any letter from Lupin.

Y/N point of view:
I was crazy when I thought he would write me back. Oh god what is going on with me. I'm dating George. What was I thinking? I hate myself for that. But I'm mad at him too. Why didn't he at least say something. He makes me fall in love with him, then disappears and then doesn't even write me back. I'm actually glad he didn't write me back. He gave me a sing he doesn't want to do nothing with me. I have to act normal again and live my life like before. "I'm over him." I kept repeating myself. I wanted to go hang out with my friends but I had to change. As I opened the closet and looked for a casual T-shirt I saw Lupins shirt. I touched it but put it back right away. I changed into something comfortable and went to find Ginny. As I was walking I bumped into someone and his books fell.
"I'm so sorry." I said as I tried to help him pick them up.
"It's alright. It was my fault actually." He said. I looked up and noticed it was Draco Malfoy. Well... Me and Draco we never really talked. I always knew Harry didn't like him but I never really asked why. First few years I wasn't even talking to Harry, Ron and Hermione often, we became friends just two years ago.
"You're Y/N right?" He asked as we stood up.
"Yes and you're Malfoy."
"Well those are pretty good informations we know about each other since we're classmates for more than 6 years." He said laughingly. I laughed. We walked together and got along pretty well. He was way nicer than I expected.
"It's been nice talking to you but I have to go now. I hope we'll see each other again. Well we'll have to, this school isn't that big." Draco said and walked away. I saw my friends and ran to them.
"Y/N? Am I blind or you were talking to "wait till my father hears about this"?" Harry asked and everyone laughed.
"What? You mean Draco? Yeah he was kinda nice." I said.
"Well then Draco has to have an evil twin because that's surely not Draco I know." Ron said.
"Oh come on. He can't be that bad." I said.
"If you say so..." Harry said started talking about everything that Draco did. Yeah he sounded evil but he why was he so nice to me...

The weeks flew by very fast. You spend most of the time with your friends or studying. You started to hang out with Draco but you couldn't tell anything to your friends. He was really nice and from time to time he opened up to you and told you things he hasn't said to anybody before. You've found out how cruel his father is and that he's the reasons Draco is acting this way. You supported him in every way and slowly he became a really good friend of yours. You really forgot about George but that was obvious. He didn't write you a single letter so honestly what was he expecting? You're just really bad at confronting people so you wished he would break up with you.

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