20. Romantic

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The last few days have been wonderful. You work as Lupins assistant since you're too young and too inexperienced. It's been hard to resist him since he often flirts with you when you should be working but you're professional. One night Remus picked you up and took you for an adventure. You sat in his flying car.

Y/N point of view:
"When are you going to tell me where are we headed?" I asked impatiently
"Don't be so inpatient. Just a few more minutes my dear." He said. "Okay close your eyes."
"Why?" I asked.
"Just close them." I did as he told me. I felt the car landing. He opened the door for me and guided me with my eyes closed.
"Okay, you can open your eyes." He said kindly. I opened my eyes and looked at the beautiful view. Our first date was here. I looked at him as he was taking the blanket out of the car.
"Don't look." He said. I immediately looked away and kept looking at the beautiful view. I heard him preparing something behind me. Then he hugged me from behind and kissed me . I looked behind me and I saw a long blanket on the ground. He lit a few candles and placed them all around the blanket. On the blanket there were rose pedals and a basket with lots of food and vine. I looked at him excitedly.
"Remus this is so beautiful." I said in shock. "You deserve it my love." He said and we sat down. It was so romantic.
"It's been more than a year since we've been here can you believe it?" He asked.
"I must say I don't." I said looking into his eyes. I am really in love.
"So you're hungry?" He said excitedly. "Of course. Have some chocolate?" I asked jokingly. He put some of the chocolate in my mouth slowly. We talked for hours and hours.
"Y/N I want to ask you something. It's really important to me." He said seriously. I nodded. "We've been together for a while and I've been thinking... would you maybe want to meet Sirius? He's my best friend and you mean the world to me. I want him to meet you." I hugged him excitedly. "Of course I want to meet him. Yay." I kissed him. He was so happy I was excited. He probably didn't expect this reaction.
"So since we're here you know what we have to do." He said. I looked at him confused. He looked at the lake and I suddenly got it. I took of his shirt and he took of my dress. We ran naked to the lake and laughed. It was like the old times. It felt so peaceful and perfect. Almost too good to be true.
"Wait here." He said and ran to the car. I saw him grabbing a camera. He swam to me luckily the water wasn't deep at all. He aimed the camera at me.
"Nooo. I'm shy." I said covering my face. "You're so beautiful and ethereal. Y/N you're unreal." He said and took my hand off my face. He started taking pictures of me and then us. It was exactly like old times. We went out of the water and laid down on the blanket. I laid my head on his chest and played with his little chest hair.
"Where are your scars from Remus?" I asked. He looked like he didn't want to respond. "Remus you know you can tell me everything." I said playing with his hair.
"I'm someone different when I turn. I probably did it to myself or someone else did it to me trying to protect themselves. I hate that part of me." He said sadly.
"I love every part of you and that will never change." I kissed him and held his hand. We slowly fell asleep. It was the weekend so it was okay.

"Wake up sunshine." I heard someone whispering in my ear. He kissed me. "I would love to stay here but we have to go." He said. "Few more minutes." I said tiredly. After a while we got in the car and went back home. He dropped me off at my house and kissed me. "I love you." he said. "I love you too." I answered. I went inside and saw my mom doing breakfast. "We need to talk Y/N." She said seriously. I looked at her in fear. Of course she doesn't know about Remus. I was scared she found out. This whole time I've been telling her that I've been hanging out with Harry and sleeping in his godfathers house.
"So Y/N be honest with me. Are you dating Harry? You know you can tell me anything just don't lie to me." She said. I looked at her and laughed.
"Me and Harry? Oh come on." I laughed.
"What? You two would be cute. So you're not dating him. Then why do you spent so much time with him?" She asked.
"Mom we're just best friends. Don't worry." I answered.
"Well okay. We can invite Sirius over for diner some day. I mean he's been taking care of you when you sleep there. Its the least we can do." She said.
"Yeah okay." I answered. Wait, how does she know his name? I never said his name... or? Never mind. I ate the breakfast and hang out with my mom. I really wanted to tell her about Remus but I knew she would never approve of someone twice my age. Even better my ex professor. But he is such a good person... she would love him if she knew.

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now