16. Liar

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Harry has finally returned and gave you a letter from Remus.

Y/N point of view:
"Thank you Harry." I said as he gave me the letter when we were studying in the common room. I ran to my room and opened it. I read it quickly and decided to write him back.

Dear Remus,
Thank you for asking. The new professor is nice. He is a bit confused but that's okay. I still can't understand that this is my last year in Hogwarts. By the way, I'm doing well. I had a lovely summer filled with many sweet memories. I read lots of great books and watched lots of beautiful sunsets. We have to study so much. They give us enormous amount of homework... It's tiring. Thank you for writing back!
Wish you well!
Love, Y/N.

I noticed he wrote me his address. I immediately decided to give the latter to my owl and let her go. I wanted to tell him about George since we are just friends but for some reasons I couldn't.

Lupins point of view:
"Another letter Sirius!" I shouted as I was opening another letter from Y/N. I was smiling the whole time while reading it.
"She's so sweet. I have to write her back." I said but Sirius didn't respond. I started writing.

Dear Y/N,
I love to hear that your summer was great! I'm very curious what books did you read? You can recommend me some I would be honored. Oh and about the studying, I remember that. When I was in my last year we had so much homework too! But most of the time I was breaking the rules with Sirius and James. But you're an intelligent and smart girl. I know that. You don't have to worry about the exams because you'll do great! You were always one of the best student. Y/N I have to tell you I miss you and it's hard to act like I don't.... may I ask, do you feel the same?
Love, Remus.

I sent it immediately. Sirius sat next to me.
"Look Remus is this right? You know she's still a student. Don't you remember how sad and hopeless you were when you two broke up? I just don't think it's the best idea to talk again. You two had a great time but you should really move on." Sirius said.
"Sirius why are you saying this. I'll do what I think it's the best for me. Now if you excuse me I'll go sleep." I said angrily.
"Remus wait I didn't mean that in a bad way. It's just I don't want to see you sad again." He said. I walked to my room and packed my things. It was already time to go to my house again. I was there just for a few days. Tomorrow I should probably go.

Y/N point of view:
The letter from Remus has arrived! I had to hide it because I had to go to the class and I was late already. "Ms. Y/N, you're late again." Professor Snape said. "I'm so sorry professor. It won't happen again." I said and sat next to Harry. I could only think about the letter from Remus. I was so excited to open it! After school me and Ginny went to our room to relax for a second. I opened the letter and started reading. I completely forgot that Ginny was on the next bed.
"Who's that from?" She asked curiously. I knew I couldn't tell her it was from Lupin because I WAS DATING HER BROTHER. Oh, I completely forgot about George.
"Just from you brother." I lied.
"UUUU and what does it say?" Ginny asked even more curiously.
"That's between me and him Ginny." I laughed.
"Oh okay haha." Ginny giggled. I wanted to write him back but I had to wait for Ginny to get out.
"Y/N would you mind if I went to see Harry?"
"Of course not. I'll be here." I said happy because I knew I could write him back. As she left I started writing.

Dear Remus,
I would love to hear about that one day. I miss you too Remus. If I have to be honest every time you send me a letter it makes me really happy. Thank you for your sweet compliments. You're very nice Remus. Isn't it funny? We are acting like strangers or like old friends. When you said if our love is meant to be we'll find each other again.. I think this is the time. It's my last year at Hogwarts and I'll get out in few months. We can meet if you want to.. If you want to try I'll try. If not just give me a sign. We can't play this game any longer. I'm sorry but I can't hide my emotions. I thought I was over you but....
Love, Y/N.

I wrote this risky letter and sent it right away. I need to know my answers. Okay what now. Ginny is with Harry and Hermione is with Ron... I'll go see if Luna is free.

Lupins point of view:
I left Sirius this morning and went home. We low key forgot about yesterday and said goodbye. The whole day I was waiting for a letter from Y/N but I didn't get any. Oh right. After hours I realized it probably arrived at Sirius house. I walked to his house since we live pretty close to each other.

Sirius point of view:
Another letter from Y/N arrived. What do I do. I have to do something. I read it and realized what her intentions were... I can't let this happen. For god's sake she's still in school. I can't let Remus do the same mistake again and then regret it. I saw what it did to him last year and I won't let him go trough that again. I burned the letter. After few seconds I heard someone knocking at the door.
"Hi Sirius, long time no see right haha. I just wanted to ask you if you haven't received any letters from Y/N?"
"I'm sorry but no. I actually have to go I'm sorry but I'll see you around." I closed the door. I felt bad about lying to him but I did it for his own good.

Lupins point of view:
I went home and laid down. I guess she's just busy in school as she said... I'm sure she'll write me tomorrow.

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