9. Two faced

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And the drama begins...also I don't know if this will be okay for everyone. So TW sexual abuse.

You sneaked out and went to see Cedric. You were feeling nervous but you knew this was the right thing to do...

Y/N point of view:
I saw him there standing. It was time to tell the truth.
"Hi Cedric, how are you?" I asked sweetly.
"Since when do you care?" He asked angrily.
"I, I'm sorry?" I looked at him confused.
"Oh god don't act like you're so innocent and caring when you're just a liar." He looked at me in the eyes.
"What are you talking about Cedric?" I couldn't stand someone yelling at me. I immediately cry when someone does but I tried to hide my tears.
"I saw you with Lupin today. How could you? He is our professor!! Can't you see how wrong that is?" He yelled at me. I stood there like I was about to pass out. "Was I just a joke to you? All this time you were just pretending ? How stupid I was to think you were a nice person."he continued yelling.
"I'm so sorry." I started sobbing and fell to the ground. "Oh so you're sorry? That doesn't change anything Y/N! I was in love with you and you used me." I couldn't even look at him and I continued crying. "Did you sleep with him?" He asked still angry. "What?" I asked looking up. "Did you have sex with him?" I wanted to answer but I couldn't talk. "I knew it. You're such a fucking slut!" I felt my heart breaking as he said that. "I have an idea how you can make it up for me." He said lifting my chin up. "Since you let our professor hit you won't have trouble pleasuring me. Stand the fuck up!" I was so scared of him I had no other option than listen to him. I stood up and he pined me to the wall. He started rolling up my skirt and kissing my neck. "Please stop. Please don't." I had no energy to push him away. I stood there crying and begging him to stop. "You really taste sweet. What a pity it didn't work out between us. Well a slut is a slut."he laughed and continued to abuse me. "Please Cedric I beg you." "By saying that you will only turn me on."

Just as you were loosing hope you saw someone grabbing Cedric from behind and pushing him away. You saw how he grabbed him by his neck and almost hit him. You ran away. You couldn't stop crying. You just ran and ran far far away. You opened the door to girls toilet and fell to the ground.

Lupins point of view:
"Wait till I tell everyone about this specially Dumbledore! You're just a pedophile." Cedric yelled.
"Cedric, do you really think they will believe you? Do you think they'll believe a student that's failing my class and is trying to humiliate me because I didn't give him a good grade? Without any proof?" I said calmly. I saw him realizing that what I'm saying is true. "If not ,which is obvious ,they'll ask you why you were out at this hour in the first place. What will you say? Abusing an innocent girl that's younger than you?" I continued. "And if they believed you I'll tell them the truth about what you just did. You're gonna loose all of your friends... just think about it."
"I lost all of my respect for you. From now on you're no one to me!" He said and walked away. I wanted to punch him, yell at him for doing that to Y/N but I had to control myself. I have to find her.

Remus was looking for you the whole night. He couldn't find you. After crying in the bathroom you went to your room and accidentally woke Ginny up.

Y/N point of view:
"Y/N what happened? Why are you crying?" Ginny asked shockingly and got up to hug you.
"Ginny... I." I still couldn't talk.
"Come sit. You can tell me everything." She said as she sat next to me and wiped off my tears. What was I supposed to tell her? My best friend tried to rape me because I'm sleeping with my professor?
"It's just... me and Cedric broke up." It was the only thing that came to my mind.
"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry. Just let it all out." I cried in her arms the whole night. She held me till I fell asleep. I felt like a broken toy. I couldn't even look at myself. I thought it was all my fault. If I didn't date Lupin I would never make him do this...

Lupins point of view:
I couldn't help it, I cried that night . My little angel got hurt and I wasn't there to protect her. She must be broken and I can't hold her in my arms. I cant stop replying how Cedric was kissing her and how she was begging him to stop. The thought of it haunted me the whole night.

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now