10. The fault in our stars

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Hi, I hope you'll like the way this story is going to end. It's not ending yet but... well you'll see. Have a good one!

You were still weak when you woke up. You couldn't talk to anyone. You looked like a ghost walking around the school. You didn't pay attention in any of your class. It was already really really late and as you where about to enter your room you felt someone grabbing your hand.

Y/N point of view:
"If you don't want the little secret between you and Lupin to be spread around the whole school follow me." Cedric whispered. I couldn't look him in the eyes but I did follow him. We went to the astronomy tower.
"So I suppose you really don't want the secret to spread around. Well you'll have to do something for me." He said and smiled evilly. "You'll either date me and never go see Lupin again or you will sent your lover to Azkaban for having a sexual affair with his student." I still couldn't look at him. I heard him say those evil words. How could I never notice what a bad person was hiding under the pretty face. My tears started to fall from my eyes. "I think you know how they treat people in Azkaban." He asked and laughed. "Okay. I will do it." That was the most I could say. I wanted to say more I just wasn't able to form words. "If I'll ever see you walking to his classroom or talking to him I will do what I have to do. Now you're my girlfriend and you'll be till i say so." He said and left me there. I was very emotional. I saw how beautiful the moon was tonight. It was a full moon. I wasn't thinking straight. I ran out of the tower straight to the forbidden forest. I didn't want to live if it was supposed to be this life. I ran as far as I could and waited for something to kill me. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. Suddenly I heard something growl. I looked behind me and saw a werewolf. He was huge and his teeth were scarier than death. I tried to run away but he was faster. I felt how he scratched me but after a moment I passed out.

Lupins point of view:
She looks so beautiful when she's sleeping. What a monster I am. I did that to her. I hurt my princess. I'm too dangerous for her...

You woke up in someone's bed . All of a sudden you feel an awful pain on your belly and your arms. You uncover the sheets and see that your belly and arms are wrapped up in white bondage. You're feeling dizzy and can't see properly. Suddenly you hear a voice.

Y/N point of view:
"Y/N, darling you're awake I'm so happy. How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?" Lupin said hugging you tightly.
"What happened?" I pulled away remembering my deal with Cedric.
"Well I don't know if you want to hear..."
"Tell me." I said.
"I really don't think-"
"Remus tell me." I said tiredly.
"Okay. You never asked about my scars. Do you want to know about them?" I nodded.
"Please promise me you won't change your opinion on me. I'm still the same person and I still love you more than anything." He grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand away as I felt my heart tearing up. I knew I will never be able to tell him I love you again.
"I'm different. I have a dark side in me. Every full moon I change into a monster. I can't control myself then, I'm someone different every full moon." I froze in shock. I started to move backwards slowly and I was already at the end of the bed. "I'm a werewolf. But that doesn't change anything about us. I'm still the same Remus you fell in love with." He said as he tried to hold my hand but I pulled away again. He looked at me worried. "Please Y/N." I was confused with my thoughts. "I, I have to go." I said as I tried to stand up but I couldn't because my scars hurt too much."You can't go in this condition. You have to rest."he said worryingly. I was scared, what is Cedric sees me here. I sat there looking at him knowing it's my last time with him. "Y/N I've hated myself so much since I was a child. I know I'm a monster and if i could i would do anything to be normal again. I never wanted to hurt you Y/N, but I can't live without you. You've made me love myself and without you I would probably..." he didn't finish that sentence but I slowly started to realize what he was trying to say. "Remus I love you and nothing will change that, never. I want you to know that." I said. I stared him in the eyes and held his hand. I pulled him closer and kissed him. "You cant even imagine how lucky i am to have you. You're the only light in my life." As he said that I realized how much I need him. How much I love him. And how much I'll miss him. "I want you." I said as laid on my back. He crawled to me and got on top of me. "As long as you're with me, I'll be the happiest man on this earth." Remus whispered in my ear. He slowly pressed his lips on mine and we started passionately making out. He took off his shirt as I started to caress the scars on his chest. "I want to make you feel good Remus." I said as I flipped us over so I could be on top. This was his night, not mine. I was basically already naked, only my arm and belly were wrapped up in bondage. I pulled my panties down and put them in his mouth. I lowered myself so I was now close to the tip of his dick and started stroking it. Slowly, passionately, gently.... I knew that drove him wild. I then slowly started to lick his tip to give him shivers which made him breath heavy and loudly. After the teasing, I put his cock in my mouth and started blowing him, once again slowly, but after few seconds I got faster and faster. "Fuck Y/N i love you so much." He groaned with lust in his eyes. I wouldn't stop. I could see he was close to his orgasm so I sat up and hop on him. His groan mixed with mine as we both felt the pleasure we were both needy for. I started to ride him slowly to adjust to his size. His hand fell on my hip and the other one held my breast. "You look so beautiful." He said with trouble controlling his orgasm. As I felt his orgasm approaching, I got off him and started to stroke his dick once again. "Cum for me Remus." I managed to say. "Only for you." He whispered as he closed his eyes and threw his head back. I stuck out my tongue and let him finish on it. He looked at me and admired me as I swallowed every bit of it. I crawled to him, kissed him on the lips and laid next to him, me being the little spoon. He held me closely to his body. "I love you. One day I'll marry you dear." When I heard him say that I immediately started to tear up. "I want to break up with you." I whispered with a crying voice, trying to hide it. "What? Y/N why are you crying?" He stopped fondling me. I couldn't talk. "Y/N what are you talking about?" He sounded so confused and worried. "When we wake up tomorrow we'll be strangers again. I don't want to be with you anymore." I completely lost it. I couldn't stop the tears. I was too scared to tell him about Cedric. "Y/N-" I interrupted him. "Please lets enjoy our last night." I said as I held his hand and pushed myself as close to him as possible. "You can't just say something like that and expect me to not ask anything Y/N." Remus sounded way more serious than before. "Remus I beg you." I wasn't able to talk at this point from the unstoppable crying. He held me tightly and listened to my words. We fell asleep in each other's arms.I sneaked out from his room in the middle of the night. I couldn't stop crying. I wanted him but our love was forbidden. The fault in our starts...

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