23. Happy

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You are sleeping but you have an awful nightmare. You scream and cry from sleep.

Y/N point of view:
"Y/N everything's okay, I'm here." Remus woke me up from my nightmare.
"I had an awful dream Remus." I said.
"Don't worry it was just a dream." He hugged me tightly.
"It was about something bad happening to you.." I whispered
"What happened?" He asked.
"I saw you laying on the ground. You were saying your last words to me while I was holding you in my arms. I heard things like betrayal, lies... I can't really remember." I said. He looked at me and held my cheek.
"I'm okay my love and you are too. As long as we're together nothing will happen to either of us. It was just a bad dream." He comforted me. He tried to look like it doesn't mean anything to him but I could see the pain in his eyes. We slowly fell asleep together.

After that long night I woke up next to my sleeping prince.
"Y/N I know you're staring at me." He whispered.
"Good morning to you too." I kissed him. I tried to act like nothing happened but I could see he was hiding his pain.
"Remus is something wrong?" I asked worryingly. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Remus..."
"Everything's wrong Y/N. Everything." He said.
"What do you mean? Everything's okay you said it yourself." I answered.
"Nothing's okay Y/N. I almost killed my best friend yesterday. And... and you were almost raped in the woods. And, and, and your mom... and it's all because of me!" Remus yelled with tears in his eyes.
"What are you saying. It's not your fault Remus. Stop saying that." I held his head so he was facing me but he didn't want to look me in the eyes. "Look at me." I said but he still wouldn't. "Look at me." I repeated and he finally looked at me. "We're going to figure this out together okay?" I said.
"Can you hear what are you saying?" He said angrily and pushed my hands away. "The only possible way to figure this out is for me to let you go." He yelled.
"No,no,no,no Remus no. I love you don't say that." I said trying to hold his hand.
"You don't understand. You're just a kid, you know nothing about life." He said angrily and pushed my hand away again. He sat on the end of the bed so I couldn't see his face only his back.
"I'm just a kid?" I asked but he didn't respond. Tears were running down my face. "I've done nothing but protect you. I dated Cedric, someone who's hurt me the most just to protect you. I was blackmailed by Sirius and didn't say anything just to protect you. He even... he even... I would stay in the forest if it meant this would've never happened again just to protect you. And after all this you tell me I'm just a kid?" I was sobbing.
"Y/N I didn't mean that." He turned around to face me.
"Yeah like you never mean anything!" I yelled.
"Y/N I'm a danger for you can't you understand?! Your life without me would be..."
"Sad, terrible, not complete." I finished his sentence.
"I don't want to hurt you." He said. I held his head in my hands as tears were running down his face.
"I'm not afraid of that because I know you. And I love you for who you are." I whispered. We looked at each other and kissed.
"Y/N I love you. I'm so sorry."
" You make me feel safe, loved. You're my home Remus." I said. "I'll do whatever it takes just to be with you." I continued.
"Oh god I can't live without you Y/N." He whispered and kissed me. He then held me in his strong arms and whispered sweet things to my ear. We spent the whole day together, in bed, talking. This was my perfect idea of life. Just him and I.
"What about your mom Y/N?" He asked. I didn't know what to say since I didn't really want to think about it.
"I don't know." I said.
"You should go see her." He said.
"Why?" I asked confusedly.
"She's your mother and she loves you. Trust me if you talk to her everything will be better. I have an idea. You go talk to her and I'll wait for you here. You can come later and we'll have a special dinner. What do you say?" He said excitedly.
"I say that's a great idea. I'm just scared of her..." I said.
"Don't be scared. If anything happens I will be here waiting for you. You can return anytime you want. I would go with you but I think it's too soon. " I smiled at him and kissed him. He's so supportive... I got ready and went home. It was hard to open the door but I knew it was the right thing to do. I saw my mom sitting in the kitchen. I looked at her and she looked at me. I ran to her and hugged her. She hugged me back.
"Mom I'm so sorry." I said.
"No honey I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things." She said. It felt so great. Remus was right. She loves me.
"Honey  Remus stopped by yesterday. The whole night I couldn't stop thinking about what he said." My mom started. "And I realized he really really loves you and he would do anything for you. And this "zing" only happens once in your life. Is he your zing?" My mom asked. I looked at her and smiled.
"He is my everything mom. What's this zing?" I laughed.
"Oh honey, it's like love at first sight. It only happens when you meet your soulmate, the love of your life. It's a special feeling when you know you belong with this person." My mom said sweetly.
"Mom, he is my zing." I said. She looked at me and hugged me again.
"Remus was my really good friend, we had so much fun together. He is a very good man with a good heart. He's fair, kind and sweet. The things I said yesterday were... they were not true. You're old enough to know who you love and who you belong with sweetheart. And I believe you. I know you have the nicest heart and you won't love someone who doesn't treat you like a princess." My mom said.
"Mom, Remus told me you dated Sirius in school but something strange happened and you two never spoke again." I said.
"We were so in love. I thought he was my zing but when he found out I was pregnant he broke up with me. We were young and stupid. I wanted to keep the baby but I knew I couldn't give it a great life. A life filled with love and happiness. I had to give up the baby and I couldn't talk to him since." We both started crying.
"But the past months he reached out to me. We both realized we are meant for each other. I didn't expect to tell you this way but we are together. Please don't tell your sister yet." She said. I held her hand.
"Mom." A tear ran down my face. "He's not the one." I said quietly.
"What do you mean?" She asked confusedly.
"He is not a good person." I said.
"Y/N what are you talking about?" She asked even more confused.
"He's been blackmailing me about Remus. And one night..." I bursted in tears. "One night he tried to hurt me." I said. Mom looked at me worryingly and hugged me.
"He tried to hurt you sexually?" My mom asked. I looked at her. She knew I meant yes. She hugged me tightly.
"Oh darling I'm so so sorry. If I knew that I would never ever let him near you again. Come here." She started to comfort me. We spent hours talking about it and she was very kind and supportive. I explained how Remus was always there for me and how he's been treating me. She was apologizing for everything again. We finally had the talk we needed to have.
"I have to find Sirius. He won't get away with this." My mom said.
"Mom please no. If you said anything he would immediately tell my secret with Remus. He has proof and we don't. I'm scared how would it go. Can we please go visit Remus tonight? You two have a lot to talk about and I really want to forget about Sirius..." I told her. She smiled and nodded.
"Okay, we'll go. Let's just wait till you sister wakes up from her sleep and we'll tell her." She said.
"I love you mom." I whispered. I was so happy. Finally everything was going great..

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