18. Goodbye

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It's the last week of school.

Y/N point of view:
"I can't believe we'll be leaving Hogwarts in a week... it's impossible." I said.
"It feels like yesterday was our first day and now... now we're almost done here." Harry said.
"I don't want to leave..." Ginny said sadly.
"Have you thought about what you want to do when we'll get out of school?" Hermione asked.
"I'll definitely want to become an auror. It's always been my dream.." Harry said excitedly.
"Is it too bad to say I still don't know?" Ron asked.
"Haha Ron you'll figure it out." I said laughingly.
"Well I was thinking about opening my own little shop. I'm still not sure but it seems so cute." Ginny said cutely.
"What about you Hermione?" I asked.
"I want to be a teacher, I really do." Hermione said.
"And you Y/N?" Harry asked.
"I'm still not sure but working at Ministry of magic is kind of my dream. I don't know if they'll hire me though...." I said.
"Of course they will. You're too good for them to not hire you." Hermione said and smiled. We talked about our future jobs and how fun it would be if we all worked together. After that we all studied together because we only had 3 days for our final exams.

It's the morning of the final exams. You hurry to your classroom and bump into Draco.
Y/N point of view:
"I wish you good luck. It's not like you'll need it but... you'll do great." Draco said kindly.
"Thank you Draco. I wish you good luck as well. We'll meet later okay?" I said and ran to my class.
"Today you'll take the last test of your life here at Hogwarts. I still can't believe it's been 7 years. I remember how little you were when you came here.. We all wish you good luck. You can start now." Professor McGonagall said and smiled.
"Good luck Ginny." I whispered. She smiled and we started.

"Last few minutes..."Professor McGonagall said. I finished my tests and left it on my desk as everyone else did. We went out and we had a short break. After few minutes we had an another test. It was like this the whole day.

"Guys we did it." I said when we finished our last test.
"We actually did, yeah." Ginny continued.
"I still can't believe it." Harry giggled. We celebrated that night with a great party in the great hall. It was amazing. We all danced together and had lots of fun. The only strange thing was I didn't see Draco. He wasn't there.

After the party you see a letter in front of your painting. It says from Draco to Y/N. You pick it up but you're too tired to read it. You all say goodnight and went to your rooms. The next morning you wake up and the nostalgia hits you hard. It's the last day in Hogwarts.

Y/N point of view:
I got ready and packed my stuff. It was unbelievable. I read the letter from Draco and it said he had to leave a day early because of his father. He wishes to meet with me sometime and I don't refuse. I like him. We all gather in the great hall.
"Dear students, this is your last day here in Hogwarts. You all are now adults and it's up to you to choose a way your life will go but I can hope it will be the best way possible....." Dumbledore said his long speech and said goodbye to all of us. It was hard. I hated some of these teachers and now I'm said that I'll never see them again. It was so hard to say goodbye to Hagrid. I cried when I hugged him for the last time. We promised we'll see each other in the future. We arrived at the station and got in the train. It didn't feel right... I wanted to stay there. In the train it was very fun until we arrived at our final destination. Home.

"I guess this is it guys." Ron said as we got off the train. We all started hugging. It was harder that I expected.
"Guys don't worry we'll see each other as soon as possible. We'll still be friends." Harry said. I saw George and went to him.
"So George... I feel bad saying this but.."
"No. Me first. I decided to go to America and that means I'll live far away. I had a lovely time but.."
"No George don't even feel bad. I wanted to tell you the same and I'm happy you said it first!" I said and hugged him. We all said goodbye but we weren't that sad because we knew our friendship will continue. I ran to my mom and sister an hugged them. We went home together and a new chapter of my life can begin...

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