11. Disguast

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I'm literally crying right now :(. Anyways enjoy :).

You fell asleep crying. When you woke up you had no energy at all. You had to push your emotions aside. You acted like everything was perfect but deep down you knew you heart will never be healed again.

Y/N point of view:
I saw Cedric standing next to the door of our classroom. He grabbed my hand and whispered: "Now act. The better you act the smaller is the chance I will tell anyone." I walked with him holding his hand. Everybody was looking at you two. "So it's official? Oh man." Yelled one of Cedrics friend.I sat down with all of his friends in the courtyard and acted as everything was great. Then I felt his head coming closer to you. He kissed me. It was disgusting for me. I wanted to cry  and push him away but I knew I couldn't. After a while we had to go to the class. We stood up still holding hands but I couldn't smile anymore. As we were walking I was looking down the whole time and looked up just for a second. There he was. Lupin leaning against the wall. Looking in my eyes. Broken, confused, sad, trying to hide his emotions. I couldn't think about anything else than running to him and hugging him. How beautiful that would be... I felt Cedric walking towards Lupin. I was confused what is he going to do? He made sure no one could hear him.
"Hello professor, don't you think Y/N looks great today? We're finally officially together and there is so much passion in a new fresh relationship. You might know about it...." Cedric said smilingly. Lupin looked at me but I was still looking at the ground. I was too weak to say anything and too embarrassed to look at him.
"Well I'm happy for you. Now if you may excuse me the class is about to began so take a seat." As I was walking past him he grabbed my hand softly.

The next day
Lupins point of view:
In the morning I went to see Dumbledore.
"Hello Albus. I have to ask you for something.."
"Oh Hello Remus. Go on."
"My family friend is in a lot of trouble and he really needs me right now. I was wondering can I get a day off today? You know if it wasn't important I wouldn't ask you for this."
"Of course. I hope it will end well. Have a good day."
"Thank you Albus."
I went to see my best friend Sirius. I had to ask him for help. He would always understand me and he would never judge me.

Y/N point of view:
Today was no different from yesterday. I had to pretend I was happy the whole day. Even with my friends. I couldn't tell them the truth. One person knowing this secret is enough. The school went by pretty fast only I noticed Lupin was missing. I couldn't stop wondering why. I hope nothing happened to him, I wouldn't survive that. You and Cedric went to his room. He said he just wants to introduce you to his friend but no one was there.
"So Y/N... what are we going to do since we're here alone?" He asked sitting on the bed. I didn't answer him. "Don't be so quiet. Say something!" He yelled. I still didn't answer. He got up and pushed me to the wall chocking me. "I said say something!" He yelled as he continued chocking me. After few seconds he stopped and hit the wall next to my head. "If only I didn't still love you." He yelled. He loves me? I asked myself. This isn't love! This is abuse, violence. This is anything but love. He sat down and held his head in his hands looking down. I looked in the mirror and I noticed I had huge bruises all over my neck.

Lupins point of view:
I arrived to my friends Sirius house.
"Sirius Hi. It's so good to see you my friend." I said as I hugged him.
"You've finally came. I missed you." He said still hugging me. We sat down together and drank some alcohol. We talked about the old times because I was scared to talk about the news. But the reason I came her was her. I had to say something.
"Sirius, I, the reason why I came to visit you was.. well to see you but there's more."
"And I naively thought you just missed me." Sirius said jokingly.
"You know how we always tell each other everything... and I have no one to talk about this with."
"Well I would be offended if you did have someone else."Sirius said jokingly again.
"This is serious."
"I'm sorry, go on."
"It will be very hard to explain and I hope you won't judge me. We've been friends for so long and I don't want you to think something bad about me. It just I can't control this feeling..."
"You're either in love with me our your student." Sirius interrupted me.
"How did you- wait what. No I'm not in love with you. Why would you think that. But how did you know about the..."
"Student? Well obviously. I know you have a good heart and you're a good man so obviously someone had to fall in love with you."
"I, it's been very difficult. Someone saw us and he's blackmailing us. And now she has to date him to keep it secret. But one night. One night I saw how he almost. How he almost raped her. He is abusive but I can't do anything and..."
"Remus. I'm sorry to tell you that but you fucked up. How old is she?"
"She's in 6th year.."
"Are you nuts? You could go to jail for that. Remus you have to stop this. Do you realize how you could fucked her whole life up? You already had. She has to date someone abusive in order to keep you safe? Imagine if he said something. Imagine her thinking for the rest of her life she's the reason why you went to jail." Sirius said seriously. "Look I know you're a good person and you had no bad intentions with her but I can't help you. There's only one thing you can do and you know it." I realized what I've done. When he said it it sounded so evil, so wrong. It was.

Till death tears us apart ~ Professor Lupin x studentWhere stories live. Discover now