Chapter 1

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"Best friend squad, it's time for ADVENTURE!". Bow shouts as he excitedly sits down in the pilot seat, the ship's interior lights up slowly as he presses several buttons in sequence.

"Good. Morning. Best. Friend. Crew", came Darla's disjointed voice, as the main console finally lights up.

Glimmer flicks his ear as she walks past and gets herself settled near the front console "I'm going to have to talk to Mermista about cutting down your bro time with Seahawk"

"Oh Ha. Ha.", Bow replied sarcastically.

Adora walks in, yawning and putting on her jacket,"Are we leaving now?"

"Yeah...",Bow's voice trails off as he starts typing on the pilot's console bringing up a map,"...There was an interesting signal that popped up last night, but it would seem these ship hasn't got the area mapped so I don't know exactly what the signal is"

Adora rubs her eyes and tries to focus on where Bow is pointing, a small blinking blue light up in a darkened area of the map she stares at it for a moment, her eyes widened as she realising what she's looking at,

"That's a first ones signal",

Bow's face becomes serious as she sits forward on the seat,"Can you decipher what it's saying?

Adora steps closer to the map and studies the flashing "31.5 degrees....." she waves a hand at Bow "they're coordinates, here put these in 31.5 degrees and minus 12.8 degrees" Bow types in the coordinates and the map zooms in on the closest planet,"There! Prison Moon!"

"Prison Moon, that doesn't sound ominous at all", Catra says as she leans around the door frame, Adora looks through the map at her, looking her up and down and then gives her a dorky smile,"Is that my old horde shirt?",

Catra tries not to blush,"Well I didn't exactly have any other clothes to bring on this impromptu mission so....", Catra's ears twitch as she watches the others trying not to laugh, she frowns and stiffens her tail as she walks over to stand beside Adora,

"SO! What is happening near Prison Moon?",

"There's a first ones ship sending out a distress signal",

"How is that possible, I thought this ship was the only one",

"Well it was the only one on Etheria" Bow added "Out here though, there could be hundreds or even thousands!".

"We seem pretty far away, how long do you think it will take us to get there?", Adora asked, still studying the blinking light.

Bow types for a second and then the ship slowly turns left and starts to gain speed.

"Well after some tinkering from myself and Entrapta...well to be honest mainly shouldn't take too long...", the ship was gaining even more speed,

"..Although you may want to hold onto something",

Catra looks at Bow,"What?! Why?!".

Outside the ship the universe looked like it was expanding and contracting against the ship, the stars started to become a blur as and a bright flash of light accompanied by a loud thunderous bang.

Everyone except Bow landed on the floor, Catra hissed because Adora landed her on her tail,

"I'm sorry!", she squealed apologetically.

Catra growled as she got to her feet,"It's fine", she glared at Bow,

"Could you maybe give us a better warning next time!", she shouted.

Glimmer got to her feet and looked out the window,"Oh we definitely found the ship, you might wanna come and see this".

Outside was the distressed ship with a giant hole blasted out of the side of it, the engines and other ship bits were floating past the surround horde ships as they kept firing, green lasers kept hitting the ship shooting out more debris into space. Adora noticed there were red lasers returning fire from the ship.

Adora pointed "There! There must be people inside, I have to go help!".

"Wait! I'm coming with you", Catra calls out after her, Adora nods, "Ok let's go".

As they leave and the door closes behind them Bow and Glimmer hear "For the honour of Grayskull!".

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